Poll US Jews uninterested in shul (Schooling to become Jewish)
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Posted on 04/20/2006 4:10:00 PM PDT by avile

Poll: US Jews uninterested in shul By GEORGE CONGER

Jews in the US ranked second to last on the table of weekly worship attendance with less than one in six attending services, beating out only those who report no religious affiliation. 
Liberalism, Atheism and Humanism have all but swallowed up Judaism in the US when I was a Child I lived in the Larchmont Jewish Temple my father was the head custodian my community was predominantly Jewish and Roman Catholic many of my friends were Jewish and back in the 1969’s and early 1970’s so many of their parents were atheists and non-practicing Jews it was unbelievable 40 years later this scourge threatens to now swallow up synagogues nationwide. A lot of what I heard as a child had to do with the Holocaust and how so many came to lose faith in God all together with what occurred – they felt God had abandoned them or was dead. And the parents of the people I met and grew up were utterly disheartened. The fact is that they long abandoned their God and then the over passing scourge occurred there was none among they that could put the blood upon their doorposts to keep their household safe from Hitler

I have a deep burning love for the Jewish people I have had this it from my youth it pains me to see secularism so destroy these people.

This event is about to be played again in the EU and most of the world, Africa Asia and the Middle East the over passing scourge will occur when the EU falls to Muslimism. Then the hunt and the slaughter shall begin with candles in the night as the Muslims search for the leaven in the Jews and Christians and all the leaven shall be taken away and only the unleavened the few shall remain.  

The feast of the unleavened bread this is the interpretation thereof the seven days are the seven years of the antichrist when the church and the Jews shall fast and eat only unleavened bread until the Passover which is Armageddon when the lamb shall return for the redeemed

For the natural born seed of Abraham to survive they will have to place the blood of the Lamb of the cedar on their door posts as in the days of Moses

For the Nominal Christians that are in these places only to blood of Christ from the Cup shall protect their households

Moses sprinkled blood upon the children in exodus  so in the places of deep persecution should the blood of the lamb or the Cup be sprinkled upon your children and they should be told why this is being done.

All Rabbi’s in the nation of Israel should advise their congregants to do so because the blood of the Lamb shall protect Israel from any nuke from Iran. And God will honor his covenant with Abraham Isaac and Jacob  he will have a seed of the righteous and not allow Jacob to be utterly destroyed.





"This is a statistical cri de coeur from our people," Rabbi David Wolpe of Sinai Temple in Los Angeles told The Jerusalem Post. "If things continue as they are we will produce a generation of Jews who will be irretrievably lost."

In a series of interviews conducted from 2002 to 2005, Gallup interviewed 11,000 adult Americans and asked, "How often do you attend church or synagogue - at least once a week, almost every week, about once a month, seldom, or never?"

Approximately 44 percent reported attending worship services weekly or almost weekly, the April 14 report stated. The results varied among religious groups and denominations with almost two-thirds of Mormons, conservative Protestants and Pentecostal Protestants reporting they attended weekly services.

Roman Catholics and members of the mainline Protestant churches - Lutherans, Methodists and Presbyterians - varied in attendance between 43% and 45%. Episcopalians came last among Christian denominations, reporting only 32% weekly attendance, while Jews reported only 15%.

Rabbi Gary P. Zola, executive director of the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Cincinnati, told the Post the survey was "very accurate snapshot" of worship attendance, but it did not accurately gauge the vitality of the American Jewish community.

He noted the survey did not distinguish among the different strands of American Judaism and stated that "you could find a different statistic" among the Orthodox than those drawn from "the more liberal-leaning wing."

"All of us who are concerned with the spiritual and religious dimension of the American Jew ought to be concerned about these figures," he said, but to "jump from that statistic to say that American Jewry is ill" was false.

"There is great vitality in American Jewry, but it is not being expressed" solely by worship attendance, Zola argued. "There are many different ways that you can legitimately wish to express yourself as a Jew and be involved in various aspects of the Jewish civilization, the Jewish communal experience," he said. "It is not possible to say the only measure of your commitment is synagogue attendance."

Zola noted that what the survey highlighted was the historic problem that synagogues were "not functioning in a way that is bringing in increasing numbers of American Jews that belong to the synagogue on a regular basis."

Wolpe was less sanguine. "Judaism requires a countercultural commitment," he argued. "If Jews do not develop a major, unshakeable passion for Jewish life and learning, observance will dwindle, as this study demonstrates. The results are a spiritual and cultural tragedy for the Jewish people and for America."

However decline was not inevitable, Wolpe argued. "At Sinai Temple we have instituted services that draw 1,000 people on a Shabbat morning and once a month, over 1,000 young people to Friday Night Live. It is through a combination of education, music and passionate preaching and teaching. There is no single, successful formula, but the best Jewish minds of our generation need support and aid in reversing this crisis," he said.