Missionary to Tibet, China, and Formosa


The 12th Edition in English

Published by


4500 W. Broadway

Minneapolis, Minn. 55422. USA


This book has not and will not be copyrighted.” This is the uncopyright notice.


It is my intentions to republished this book, so that readers may see and understand the power of the Holy Spirit as it fell among the children of the Adullam Rescue Mission in early twentieth century China.


Thomas S. Gibson





Chapter I Mighty Outpouring of The Holy Spirit

Chapter II Supernatural Manifestations of the Holy Spirit

Chapter III Scriptural Results of the Outpouring

Chapter IV Visions of Heaven

Chapter V Paradise

Chapter VI Angels in our Midst

Chapter VII The Kingdom of the Devil

Chapter VIII End of this Age and Return of Christ

Chapter IX Chinese Beggar Boy Prophesies

Chapter X Some Light on Writing the Bible

Chapter XI The Homeland

Chapter Xll The Way



The children and young people upon whom came this outpouring of the Holy Spirit

and through whom came these visions and revelations were members of the Adullam

Rescue Mission in Yunnanfu, Yunnan Province, China. For the most part, these children

had been beggars in the streets of the city. In some cases they were poor children with

one or both parents dead and had been brought to the Home. There were also some

prodigals who had run away from their homes in more distant parts of this or

adjoining provinces.


But from whatever source they came, these children, mostly boys ranging in ages from

six to eighteen, had come to us without previous training in morals and without

education. Begging is a sort of "gang" system in which stealing is a profitable part. The

morals are what would be expected of a "gang" in a godless land.


The Bible is carefully and daily taught in the Adullam Home, and the gospel is

constantly preached. Since the children coming into the home have always been open

to the teachings given, before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit recorded below, some

of them were doubtless converted, while many had a very good knowledge of the

main themes of the Bible.


All who received the Holy Spirit knew enough to believe in one God and to trust in the

blood of Christ for salvation. They also prayed for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. They

sought Christ. We did not see any one seeking visions or any of the manifestations that

were received day by day as all single heartedly prayed and praised the Lord Jesus. He

alone was sought and magnified throughout all the weeks of the Spirit's outpouring.

In this visitation from the Lord all were treated impartially. The oldest and the

youngest, the first arrivals and the latest comers, the best and the worst, all sitting

together around their common Father's table were alike treated to His heavenly



This giving of the Promised Spirit was clearly a love gift of grace "apart from works" or

personal merit. It was not something that was worked up. It was something that came

down. It was not the result of character building by man from below. It was a blessing

of God that came from above.


The Experiences Herein Related are Unexplainable on Natural Ground

The experiences of these Adullam children that are herein related cannot be explained

on natural ground, because:


1. These wonders could not possibly have been the product of the natural minds of

these children. Such uneducated, mentally untrained, unimaginative boys as these

could not themselves have conceived of such things.

2. These spiritual experiences, visions, and revelations could not have been the working

of the subconscious mind. Many of these children were too young, too ignorant, or too

recently rescued from heathenism to know the Bible teaching on these subjects.

3. Then, again, these things cannot be explained by the psychology of mental

suggestion from others. We ourselves had never seen such visions, never been in

meetings where there were such, or read or heard of such visions as were given these

children. These experiences were new to all of us.

4. Furthermore, the children did not get these things from one another. When the

power of the Lord fell in our midst many children were filled with the Spirit at the same

time. Those who were in different rooms sometimes had simultaneous visions of the

same things. There was no possibility of comparing one with another.

5. The complete harmony of these visions covering numberless details is beyond any

natural explanation. Even the most ignorant children, who could easily be confused on

cross questioning, whether questioned singly or in groups, gave as clear and uniform

answers to questions covering great numbers of details as could possibly have been

given by eye witnesses of anything.

6. Neither can these experiences be explained as any sort of mental excitement, religious

frenzy, natural emotion, nervous state, nor any sort of self-produced condition. This

outpouring of the Holy Spirit came upon normal children in a normal state of mind free

from all the conditions just mentioned.


The Visions and Revelations Given Adullam are Consistent

Supernatural Experiences in the True Church

Supernatural visions and revelations are foundation rocks upon which the Church was

established and upon which it stands. The whole Bible, Old and New Testament, is a

supernatural revelation from God.


In the Old Testament, God revealed his will to men by speaking through prophets by

direct inspiration in which the mind of the prophet had no part. The Lord appeared to

men and spoke to them in a "voice" with "words." He thus spoke to Moses, as man

speaks to man face to face.1 In the Old Testament, God revealed himself to men in

dreams, in visions, and in various kinds of supernatural revelations. Angels brought

messages to men and were continually active as God's ambassadors in carrying out His

plan of redemption on earth.


The New Testament, likewise, claims to be a superhuman revelation. Paul said of the

gospel he preached: "Neither did I receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came

to me through revelation of Jesus Christ" (Gal. 1:12). What he wrote in all his epistles

was simply a part of this supernatural "revelation of Jesus Christ."


Without such working of the Holy Spirit and without such visions and revelations as

were given Adullam there would be no Christianity at all. The true Church, begun in

this manner, exists to the present day because just such supernatural manifestations

formed the cradle in which it was born and nursed into vigorous life. When Herod

would destroy the baby Jesus, the wise men were "warned of God in a dream.''2

1"Jehovah spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend." Ex. 33:11.

2"Being warned of God in a dream." Matt. 2:12.

"An angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream." Matt. 2:13.

"A vision appeared to Paul in the night. There was a man of Macedonia standing . . . " Acts 16:8-10.

"The Lord said unto Paul in the night by a vision." Acts 18:9.

"When I had returned to Jerusalem, and while I prayed in the temple, I fell into a trance." Acts 22:17.

"Peter went up upon the housetop to pray. And . . . he fell into a trance." Acts 10:9, 10.

"And there came a voice to him, Rise, Peter . . . and a voice came unto him again the second time." Acts


"Cornelius . . . saw in a vision openly . . . " Acts 10:1-3.

"I John . . . was in the Spirit . . . and I heard behind me a great voice . . . saying What thou seest, write

in a book." Rev. 1 9-11

"But I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord. I know a man in Christ, fourteen years ago

(whether in the body, I know not; or whether out of the body, I know not: God knoweth), such a one


An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream. One like a man of Macedonia appeared to Paul in a vision. At Corinth the Lord spoke to him "in the night by a vision." When he was

praying in the temple at Jerusalem he fell into "a trance" (Since the 1970’s the word trance has been redefined in certain Fundamentalist and Pentecostal circles to mean something evil and occult in nature. – The Greek and the Hebrew in the bible have not changed so I am not ashamed of the word trance in the bible or being used by Christians of times past in describing their spiritual experiences.) and saw Jesus, who spoke to him, giving him directions for his work. Peter also fell into "a trance" while praying on the house top. He saw a vision and heard the Lord speaking to him in a voice with words. An angel appeared to Cornelius in an open vision by day. The whole book of Revelation was given to John as a supernatural revelation when he was "in the Spirit."


It is a revelation from the Lord who spoke to him in "a great voice," and it is also a

record of visions given in the Spirit and through the ministry of angels. Paul either died

and went to heaven "out of the body" or was in vision caught up to heaven like our

Adullam children and there saw Paradise. He had such an abundance of these

supernatural revelations that the Lord had to send him a thorn in the flesh to keep him



Angels, also, had a large part in the work of the first church. The early disciples were

often protected and directed in their work by the angels. In this way they were

delivered from imminent danger from earthly powers. An angel spoke to Philip,

directing him to Gaza. An angel stood by Paul and talked with him, encouraging and

directing him. Cornelius, his household, and his friends were led unto the way of

salvation and into the baptism of the Holy Spirit through the words of an angel who

came to him. This angel, appearing in bright apparel, talked with him, directing him to

send for Peter and then departed. When Peter was in prison an angel rescued him. This

angel loosened the chains from Peter's hands, told him to put on his garments and

shoes, opened the prison door and the city gate that was locked, and led Peter into the



Greatest of all the supernatural manifestations in the early church were those of the

mighty Holy Spirit, who came to that Church just as the Lord had promised He would

come after Christ ascended to the Father.


That first church did not read prayers. Neither did that first church say prayers. That

first church prayed to God from the heart, and God directly and supernaturally

caught up even to the third heaven . . . He was caught up into Paradise." II Cor. 12:1-3.

"By reason of the exceeding greatness of the revelations, that I should not be exalted overmuch there

was given me a thorn in the flesh." II Cor. 12:7.


"An angel of the Lord spake unto Philip." Acts 8 :26. "There stood by me this night an angel of the Lord

whose I am, whom also I serve, saying, Fear not, Paul; thou must stand before Caesar." Acts 27:23,24.

"Cornelius . . . saw in a vision openly—an angel of God coming in unto him and saying to him . . . " Acts



"And behold an angel of the Lord stood by him, and a light shined in the cell and he smote Peter on the

side, and awoke him, saying, Rise up quickly: And the chains fell off from his hands. And the angel

said unto him, Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals." Acts 12:7,8.

"When they had prayed, the place was shaken wherein they were gathered; and they were all filled

with the Holy Spirit." Acts 4:31.


answered these heart cries. When the disciples were in danger they got together and

prayed to God. This was not formal praying; it was not a cringing, heartless, carefully

worded prayer meeting for men's ears. Everybody prayed at the same time;

everybody cried to God in a loud voice. This was a special prayer meeting for one

great need.


When God answered, everybody knew He answered. The Holy Spirit shook the house

in which these people were praying, and every one was "filled with the Holy Spirit,"

with a mighty superhuman power. They then went out spreading gospel fire in the

very face of death.


The early church had a living God. Through the Holy Spirit they had Christ in their

midst. He worked in them and through them supernaturally by gifts of the Holy Spirit:

"For to one is given through the Spirit the word of wisdom; and to another the word of

knowledge; to an other faith . . . ;to another workings of miracles...; to another gifts of

healings . . .; to another prophecy . . .; to another discernings of spirits . . .; to another

kinds of tongues . . .; and to another interpretation of tongues" (I Cor. 12 :7-10) .

Where is the Living God who brought our fathers up out of Egypt with a mighty hand

before the eyes of the heathen? Where is our God who once answered in a voice that

men could hear, yea, whose voice shook the whole earth? What has become of the God

who from the time the earth was created sent his angels to walk and to talk with his



What has become of the angels?


And the Christ of the Bible? Where is He? Have they taken away our Lord, so we

cannot find where they have laid Him?


What has become of His "Promise"? Christ said that if He should go away it would be

better than ever for His people, for God would walk with them more than in all the

ages past. His Promise was, "It is expedient for you that I go away, for if I do not go

away the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I go, I will send Him unto you." "He

that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also."3


Our Lord has gone. Where, oh, where is the Holy Spirit that was to come to take His

place; to carry on His uncompleted task; to work in the midst of His Church in signs

and wonders and gifts of the Holy Spirit? Has God died ? If so, when? Or has God

withdrawn so far away that He cannot hear? Can not God talk any more? Have the

angels deserted us for some other universe? If so, when did they forsake us? After all,

is the Holy Spirit, this great power of God, this great substitute for the miracle working

Christ, the Christ whose words the winds and waves obeyed, whose words burst the

3Jn. 16:7; 14:12.


tombs, is this Great Substitute just a gentle influence? Where is the Holy Spirit Who

shook and filled a whole house of praying disciples and through them shook a world?

If ever there was a Living God, if ever there were angels, if ever there was a wonder

working Christ, if the Holy Spirit was ever given, if the Bible is a supernatural

revelation from God, then such trances, visions, revelations, and workings of the Holy

Spirit as have been given Adullam are supernatural visitations from God such as we

should expect.


These trances, visions, revelations, and supernatural manifestations are normal

experiences in the supernaturally founded, supernaturally filled, and supernaturally

directed Church of the New Testament, the only Church the Bible tells or foretells

anything about.





Morning prayer meeting was lasting longer than usual. The older children left the room

one by one to begin their studies in the school-room, while a few of the smaller boys

remained on their knees, praying earnestly. The Lord was near; we all felt the presence

of the Holy Spirit in our midst. Some who had gone out returned to the room.


Such a mighty conviction of sin—a thing for which we had prayed so long—came to all,

that with tears streaming from their eyes and arms uplifted they cried unto the Lord for

forgiveness for their sins, which now seemed so black. One after another went down

under the mighty power of the Holy Spirit until more than twenty were prostrate on

the floor. When I saw that the Lord was doing a most unusual thing in our midst, I

slipped over to the school room and told the boys that if they felt led to come and pray

they might be excused from their school work. In a short time the Chinese teacher was

left sitting alone by the table. All his pupils having returned to the prayer room, they

were whole-heartedly praying and praising the Lord. When the teacher realized there

was nothing for him to do, he started for his home. I had not invited him in with the

children, for, although he has been with us a long time, he seemed utterly dead, rather,

not yet alive to any spiritual conception of the gospel. Having gone but a short distance

from the house, he returned. When he entered the prayer room nobody noticed him,

for every one was intent on his own business with the Lord. The teacher went to the

farthest corner of the room, where, for the first time in his life, he knelt down and tried

to pray.


As the Lord's power was so very manifest, I felt it best to leave the young man by

himself and not to intrude on what I knew must be the work of the Spirit and of the

Spirit alone. It was not long before I noticed the teacher with arms uplifted, tears on his

face, pleading with the Lord to forgive his sins, which I heard him say were so very,

very many. He being proud, for him to humble him self thus in the presence of his

pupils meant a real Holy Spirit conviction of sin.


The meeting went on hour after hour, the children showing no desire to leave. I had

nothing to do or say; the Lord seemed to have complete control; I just tried to keep out

of His way.


As the children in visions saw the awfulness of hell, the anguish of lost souls, and the

indescribable hellish power of the devil and his angels their agonized crying was

beyond anything I had ever heard or imagined. It was all real to them. Many saw

themselves bound and dragged to the very brink of hell, which to them was no myth

but an awful reality. Condemnation for sins and the power of the devil over them was

terrorizing in its reality. But freedom from this evil power through the grace of the

Lord Jesus was just as real. When they experienced this loosening power from the

clutch of the evil one their salvation was as real as had been their condemnation. Their

joy, laughter, and peace of soul in the knowledge of what they had been saved from

gave them an experience from which I am sure they will never be able to depart.

Since from early morning they had all been in the very presence of the Lord, by the

time their late afternoon meal was ready I thought surely the service for the day was

over. Not so. Some left the prayer room for a short time, but all were soon back, saying

they wanted to wait upon the Lord all night. This was something decidedly new to us,

for previously an hour service was too long for some of them. We had long wanted

them to pray more; now that they were willing, why refuse them? Not a child went to

sleep until a late hour that night; not until six o'clock the next morning were the last

voices stilled in the prayer and praise service that had lasted over twenty hours with

scarcely a pause. Josephine Baker.


Continuous Weeks of the Latter Rain (Note the Azusa street outpouring was originally called The Latter Rain) After the first two days of the mighty outpouring of the latter rain there was not the manifestation of the power of God there had been. We therefore went back to the regular order of work, expecting to spend more time in the evening, tarrying before the Lord. The boys went to their school work, and I went out to call on some people to talk to them about the gospel.


Our morning prayer meeting began at about half past seven. As usual, we all prayed at

the same time, and each went out when he pleased. Upon returning at twelve o'clock, I

heard some one praying in the prayer room. Going in to see who it was, I found our

quietest and most timid boy, Wang Gia Swen, a boy of about eight years of age, hidden

behind the organ praying in a loud voice and weeping as he confessed his sins to the

Lord. He had been praying continuously since the morning service without stopping

for breakfast.


As I came out of the prayer room the boys came out from their school. They were then

to go to the garden or to the other kinds of industrial work for the rest of the day, but

some of them wanted to know if they could stay to pray. Having been told that those

who wished to might remain and pray, a few went to work, and all the others went

into the prayer room and began praying. Almost at once there was another mighty

outpouring of the Holy Spirit. This outpouring was so continuous that for over a week

no more attempts were made to do regular work. We did only necessary things. Every

one spent the rest of the time taking in the great blessings from God.


In the first days no one paid much attention to eating or sleeping. Whenever the young

folks began to pray the power of God would fall, prostrating many to the floor. It was

impossible to have meals at regular hours without interfering with the work of the

Holy Spirit. After the power of God lifted from different ones they would go out for a

time to rest or to take some food and then return to the prayer rooms soon to be under the power of the Holy Spirit again. These manifestations of the Spirit were so continuous that nearly all day until late in the night some were under His power. When things became quieter at nine or ten in the evenings, we would suggest that all go to bed and rest until the next morning. Usually several would want to pray and wait on the Lord longer. As these continued in prayer nearly all who had gone to bed would get up and return to pray. During these nights there was not much sleeping. Some of the boys never left the prayer rooms all night.


They did not want to sleep. When they got sleepy they rested on the floor awhile and then got up to seek the Lord again. Soon they were lost once more in the things of God. One thing is certain. This was a Holy Spirit outpouring that demanded nothing on the part of us missionaries except our keeping out of the way taking care not to interfere with His

wonderful work. Our part was to open up our own hearts that we, too, might be taken deeper into the heavenly blessings that were falling in such mighty showers. Our presence or absence in the meetings made little difference. One of the first mornings we were delayed in getting downstairs.


Without any call to prayer meeting, one after another of the children had gone into the prayer rooms and begun praying and praising the Lord. When at last we were able to get past the many interruptions and go down to the prayer rooms we found several of the younger children prostrated under the power of the Holy Spirit and singing in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.


From the very beginning the manifestations of the Spirit, the visions, and the

revelations carried everything into the supernatural realm so far beyond our own

limited knowledge or experience of supernatural matters that Mrs. Baker and I

confessed to each other that these things had already passed to the place where the

only resource we had was to believe that God was bigger than the devil. We took

refuge behind the promise of God that we had before found safe, the promise that

those who sought the Father for bread would not get a stone; those who sought a fish

would not get a serpent; those who sought an egg would not get a scorpion; those who

with pure motives, like these children, sought the Holy Spirit would not get evil things

or demons, but would get exactly what they sought, the Holy Spirit (Lu. 11 :13).


In all the succeeding weeks God proved that promise true. Since He had proven that

promise to us before, it set us free from anxiety as we saw and heard the wonderful

things of God that took place in our midst, every day different, one wonder succeeded

by another, as our wonder working God took His Adullam refugees from stage to

stage and from glory to glory in His school of the Holy Spirit.





Many of the most marvelous manifestations of the Holy Spirit were given to those who

knew little of the Bible teaching on the subject, thus confirming the supernatural nature

of these visions and confirming the reality of the outpourings of the Holy Spirit

recorded in the New Testament.


Some children who had never heard us speak of the present day outpouring of the Holy

Spirit as "the latter rain" in this outpouring upon Adullam actually experienced it as

The Latter Rain


As we all prayed and praised the Lord together with closed eyes some of the children

seemed to feel water drop ping upon their heads. They were so busy seeking the Lord

they did not want to hinder the blessing by opening their eyes to look around. At the

same time, in their hearts they wondered how it could be sprinkling rain on them when

there was a roof and a floor between them and the sky. But with the sprinkling their

hearts were refreshed. As the dropping of water seemed to increase and the sprinkling

became a shower it all seemed so glorious that the wonder of how it could rain in a

downstairs room was forgotten. The sprinkling became a shower, the shower became a

great downpour, the downpour became a deluge filling the room and rising higher and

higher until the fortunate seeker was submerged in this wonderful life-giving flood

from heaven.


At different times several children experienced this sense of the downpouring of rain.

Six months after the great outpouring, and after a "dry spell," the flood gates of heaven

were opened again, and there was another down pouring of the Holy Spirit. Again two

of the small children experienced rain, "the latter rain," that seemed to fall upon their

heads, penetrating and flooding their whole beings.


Through Bible study and through direct revelation by the Holy Spirit, Adullam is now

coming to understand the meaning of this "rain." They understand that "this is that"

spoken of by Joel the prophet: "He hath given you the former rain moderately, and he

will cause to come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the latter rain in the first

month" (Joel 2 :23).


The "former rain" was upon the first church, the seed church, sown on the earth on the

day of Pentecost and the succeeding two or three hundred years. The "former rain" was

the rain in the autumn upon the grain that was sown in the ground. Then came "the

great falling way,"4 the long winter of the dark ages, the grain sown in the earth—the

Church in the world—apparently dead. Then came sprinklings of the "latter rain" in the

first month in the spring through Luther, Wesley, Fox, Finney, Moody, and other

servants of God. Salvation by faith, the born again experience, holy living, first the

blade and then the ear, began to come forth. Now the sprinkling is becoming a shower. Healing through faith in Jesus has come again. The Lord is again casting out devils, healing the sick, raising the dead, proving Himself the Almighty God in the midst of those who believe Him. The hope of the Coming King has revived. The Lord is again baptizing believers with the Holy Spirit as in the beginning, the former rain, so that they speak with other languages and prophesy as the Holy Spirit gives utterance (Acts 2 :4).


The harvest is near. "The former rain," "the seed rain" (Rotherham), came moderately; "the latter rain." "the harvest rain" (Rotherham) will come abundantly to ripen the grain, to perfect the Church. There will be deluges of rain, the latter rain of the Holy Spirit. The greatest revival the world has ever seen is just ahead. The greatest miracles, the most wonderful wonderworking Church the world has ever seen is near. The downpouring of latter rain is at hand; the clouds are now filling the sky. According to promise the Lord will soon pour out his "Spirit upon all flesh." The church that was sown in the time of the

"former rain" and fell into the earth and died has come forth. It will soon be the full corn in the ear. Beyond anything Pentecostal days ever saw, "Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,


Your young men shall see visions," "and also upon the servants and upon the  handmaidens in these days will I pour out of my spirit" (Joel 2 :28, 29; Acts 2:17-21).


Because of this final and greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the church in the full ear will have restored to it the years eaten by the locust, the canker-worm, the caterpiller, and the palmer worm (Joel 2:25). The fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit will all be restored to the true church of bloodwashed believers. In its supernatural life and supernatural ministry, multitudes will be converted: "The floors shall be full of wheat and the vats shall over flow" (Joel 2:24); multitudes which no man can number will come into the garner "from all nations and kindreds and peoples and tongues" (Rev. 7:9).

4"Now we beseech you brethren, touching the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering

together unto him . . . it will not be, except the falling away come first." II Thess. 2:1,3.


If you read Acts 2 you will see that this outpouring upon "all flesh" is for to-day. Our

Adullam people, at any rate, are sure of this. Many times has the Lord stood in their

midst, made to them the same promises He made to first believers, and commissioned

them with the same commission to carry the same gospel in the same power with

which He sent forth the first disciples in the days of the "former rain." We know that

"the latter rain" that fell on Adullam is like the former rain, but it is the last rain that will

bring the wheat and tares to full harvest and separation and will usher in the return of

the Lord of the harvest to gather the wheat into his barns and burn the tares in the

furnace of fire.


The Holy Spirit has on different occasions and by different Adullam people been seen as a Tongue of Fire 5 upon the head of each one in the room. In some instances more than one person has seen this vision at the same time. Of course, all who are familiar with the Bible know that the things of God are not equally revealed to all.


When the Spirit has fallen in our meetings many have felt The Holy Spirit as a Wind6 blowing upon them, flooding their souls with peace and power. These breezes from heaven have sometimes been in such power that we have no difficulty in believing the record that when the first disciples met together and "lifted up their voices to God with one accord, when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled

together, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost.''7


Many times have older and younger children seen The Holy Spirit As Seven Lamps.

5"There came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind . . . and there appeared unto them

tongues parting asunder, like as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with

the Holy Spirit." Acts 2 :3, 4.

6Acts 2:1,2.

7Acts 4:21,31.


At times of special outpouring of the Holy Spirit these seven lamps of fire were seen let

down from heaven into the room in our very midst. At other times in the visions of the

throne of Christ in heaven, children saw the "seven lamps of fire burning before the

throne, which are the seven Spirits of God" (Rev. 4:5). We all knew that the seven lamps

meant the Holy Spirit in our midst.


In the first days of the outpouring of the Spirit one small boy spoke in pure prophecy

when in the Spirit he seemed to be in heaven at the feet of Jesus. The Lord spoke

through him in the first person clearing up many things the children did not understand

and telling them how to tarry and how to seek the Spirit. At that time the Lord said,

"When the Spirit is in your midst do not open your eyes, for that will hinder; the Holy

Spirit will descend to give you power to preach the gospel, to cast out demons, and to

heal the sick; the Holy Spirit is in seven colors, red, blue, and other colors." One of the

older boys then said that when the Spirit had been upon him he had seen a great, red

light and other colors. The word from the Lord explained this to him and others who

had seen different colors. Of course I know light is made up of seven colors but I had

never thought of the seven lamps before the throne of God, the Holy Spirit, as seven

colors. All light comes from God, and God is light.


These Adullam people have also seen The Holy Spirit Brighter Than the Noon-Day Sun This manifestation of the Holy Spirit as a great light has been very common. Some children, having opened their eyes to see if it was something about the electric light, could scarcely discern the lights in the room because of the exceeding glory of the light of heaven which seemed to fill the place. These children know what Paul meant when he said that on the Damascus road the light that shone about him was "a light from

heaven" that was "brighter than the noon-day sun" (Acts 26:13). After their visions of

heaven and this great light brighter and clearer than any they had seen on earth

Adullam people know why in heaven "there shall be no night; and they need no candle,

neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light." Through these

manifestations and revelations these one-time-beggar children in this dark land on this

dark earth know beyond a doubt that in the New Jerusalem in heaven "the city has no

need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it; for the glory of God lightens it and

the lamb is the light thereof" (Rev. 21:23).





That this outpouring of the Holy Spirit is from God can be clearly seen in that it exactly

fulfils the prophecies in the Bible that foretell what results will follow outpourings of the

Holy Spirit. We mention some of these results. One of these that was to accompany the

work of the Holy Spirit and that was first manifest among us was a Clear Assurance of Salvation.


Through visions or other workings of the Holy Spirit, sin and the lost condition of each

one was made so real that every ground of hope was banished unless the Lord in

undeserved mercy would answer prayer for the lost and save him. Then the Holy Spirit

made the wonderful salvation and grace of God as real as had been the lost condition.

One after another soon came through to a clear "I know" experience of salvation. This

made such a transformation in the lives and testimony of the Adullam family that there

was no mistaking that the Home was made up of many who were Born Again.8


The whole atmosphere of the place was changed. The joy unspeakable and full of glory

came in until it bubbled over. As the boys were at their work in opening ground for a

garden they praised the Lord so much that some of the boys in the neighborhood,

mocking them said, "Praise the Lord," whenever they met our boys. When one boy

went into a store to buy nails, before he realized it he said, "Hallelujah! I want some

nails." The tribes boy has had a wonderful experience from the start. One day on his

way to work he danced down the street in the joy of the Holy Spirit, praising the Lord

somewhat like the style of Billy Bray. Being cleansed from sin and born again of the

Holy Spirit and still seeking more and more of the Lord, the children were carried into

8"Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except one be born anew, he cannot

see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3

"Ye received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit himself beareth witness

with our spirit, that we are the children of God." Rom. 8:15, 16. "Hereby we know that we abide in him

and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit." I John 4:13. "He that believeth on the Son of God

hath the witness in him." Gal. 4:6.


these deeper things of God until over twenty of the Adullam people Spoke in Other Tongues as people did on the day of Pentecost; as they did when the Holy Spirit was poured forth at the House of Cornelius; as they did when they received the fulness of the Spirit at Ephesus; as the apostle Paul did; and as the Samaritan Christians undoubtedly did when they received the Holy Spirit in mysterious power and manifestation, so striking

and wonderful that Simon wanted to buy it.


Although most of these Adullam people had never seen any such demonstrations,

having been taught to seek the Lord for the Holy Spirit, they were not only rewarded

with a great "joy unspeakable and full of glory" in their own hearts, but they got the "I

know" satisfaction about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They know they received it the

same way the New Testament saints did in the beginning, as shown by the only five

recorded passages of scripture just mentioned which tell how the apostles and first

disciples received the Holy Spirit and what they did when they were fully immersed, or

baptized, in the supernatural Spirit.9 These Chinese boys and girls were saved by the

9"And they were ALL (the one hundred and twenty) filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to SPEAK

WITH OTHER TONGUES as the Spirit gave them utterance." Acts 2:4.

"While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Spirit fell on all them that heard the word, and they of

the circumcision were amazed, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was

poured out the gift of the Holy Spirit: For they heard them SPEAK WITH TONGUES and magnify

God." Acts 10:44-46.

"Paul having passed through the upper country came to Ephesus and found certain disciples and when

Paul had laid his hands upon them the Holy Spirit came on them; and they SPAKE WITH TONGUES

AND PROPHESIED. And they were in all about twelve men." Acts 19:1, 6, 7.

"Now when the apostles that were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God,

they sent unto them Peter and John. They laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit.

Now when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Spirit was given he

offered them money saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay my hands, he may

receive the Holy Spirit." Acts 8 :14, 17-19.

"And Ananias departed and entered into the house, and laying hands on him said, Brother Saul, the

Lord, even Jesus, who appeared unto thee in the way which thou camest, hath sent me, that thou

mayest receive thy sight, and be FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT." Acts 9:17, 18.

Having been "filled with the Holy Spirit" Paul said, "I thank God, I SPEAK WITH TONGUES MORE

THAN YOU ALL." I Cor 14:18.

"Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to the whole creation . . . and these signs shall

accompany them that believe . . . In my name they shall cast out demons: THEY SHALL SPEAK WITH


same Lord and baptized with the same Holy Spirit in the same way as the first disciples,

for like them, they not only spoke with other tongues but also Prophesied as the Spirit Gave Them Utterance.


No one present at the time has ever doubted that the Lord spoke to us by direct

inspiration in the first days of the outpouring of the Spirit when He spoke through one of the smallest and humblest of the children. There was something about the voice, the

penetrating power of those words, a heart-gripping power that cannot be described. We had never heard such a gripping voice from God in any sermon in all our days. We

all knew we were hearing directly from the Lord. Quite a number of the Adullam people later spoke in prophecy, insomuch that we marvelled more and more at the miracles that were taking place as the Lord spoke the wonderful things of God, revealing His plans and purposes in picking the outcast "nothings" of the earth, who were recent beggar boys, to make them the mouthpieces of the living God, speaking through them by direct inspiration, edifying and building up this little group of simple bloodwashed believers so recently saved out of hopeless physical and spiritual despair.


Another most striking result of the work of the Holy Spirit was the way in which, according to the Word, He fulfilled the promise that when He, the Comforter, came He would take of the things of Christ to show to His disciples and would show them "things to come."10 It seemed most wonderful how the Spirit revealed to these simple believers, who had only heard of the Bible for a few months, the things of Christ, His salvation, and the things of the future by Visions of the Unseen Worlds.

NEW TONGUES." Mark 16:17.

10"When he, the Spirit of truth is come, he shall guide you into all the truth . . . and he shall declare

unto you THINGS THAT ARE TO COME . . . He shall glorify me: for he shall TAKE OF MINE AND



Many of these visions were given to several at the same time. Nearly all of the visions

were seen by quite a number of persons. In many cases the children came to ask if the

Bible said anything about certain things they had seen in vision.11


The visions, seen by even some of the smallest children six years of age, as well as by

the older boys, were seen while they were under the Power of the Holy Spirit, not as a

dream but as real life.


Some of the visions seen were: Christ tied to a post and scourged; Christ bleeding on

the cross while scoffers looked on; the body of Christ taken from the cross, carried to

the tomb, placed in the tomb, and the tomb closed; an angel opening the tomb and

Christ's resurrection; His appearance to the women, to the disciples by the sea, and to

those in the upper room; the ascension of Christ and the descent of the two angels;

heaven; detailed visions inside the New Jerusalem in heaven; angels; the redeemed;

hell; the condition of the lost in hell; demons; the devil; the great tribulation and things

pertaining to saints and to the subjects of the beast during that time; the battle of

Armageddon; the binding and imprisonment of Satan in the pit; the binding of the Anti-

Christ; the devil cast out of heaven; the Great Supper of God and birds eating flesh of

kings and captains of the earth; the coming of Christ with his angels; the sun and moon

changed; heaven quake and earth quake and destruction that attended the coming of

Christ; the resurrection of the righteous; the marriage supper of the Lamb in Paradise;

detailed views of our mansions in heaven and other heavenly scenes.


This work of the Holy Spirit through visions, as well as in the heart, created such a great

interest in Bible Study that even the smaller children wanted to know if they could not stop studying "earthly books" and study the Bible only.


Since the unseen world became so real, it is no wonder that there was a change in the

life of Prayer and Praise.

11"And it shall be in the last days, saith God, I will pour forth of my Spirit upon all flesh: . . . and your

young men shall see visions." Acts 2:17.


While not all the Adullam people spoke in other tongues, all except those who were too

dull of mind to understand much of anything were anointed and filled with the Holy Spirit in a much greater measure than ever before, so that Adullam was often lifted up to heavenly places in Christ to joyfully praise and worship the King. Although there were times when a person almost wondered if these heavenly citizens would come "down to earth" again, there was no need to fear. This any one would have seen who could have been in one prayer meeting where boy after boy in real intercessory prayer pleaded with God for the lost, praying that God would use us all as real warriors for Him in this battle

of righteousness. The experiences already related have made prayer more than a formality. All know now that our foes are spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places. Preach in the Power of the Holy Spirit


After two or three weeks of the Lord's dealing with them, nearly all the children wanted to preach, even the younger ones. There was some real preaching in the power and

demonstration of the Holy Spirit. Some of both the younger and older boys hardly seemed like our boys when they preached under the real unction of the Holy Spirit, not timidly and apologetically as before, but as having authority. Hell and heaven, the devil and his power, Christ, His blood, and His salvation, were no myths to these boys. They knew the Lord told them to preach, and they were given the message, "Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand." As we listened to some of these messages preached with great assurance, warning people to flee from the wrath to come and showing them the wonderful salvation in the love of Christ, our hearts rejoiced within us. When the Power of God was especially great in our midst there was some unusually miraculous preaching.

At the Chinese New Year, when the streets were filled with all classes of people out for

a holiday, we Adullam people, having circulated thousands of tracts, formed a circle on

the street to preach the gospel.


One of the older boys had prepared a sermon on a New Year theme. But when the

preaching began, the power of God so fell that this boy suddenly began speaking in

other tongues, while another person interpreted. One small boy after another preached

as interpreter. As soon as the Lord was through with one interpreter he would step

back and another feel the unction to preach. As soon as this one stepped into the circle

he would get the interpretation. This went on for an hour or two while as many people

listened as could get near enough to hear. There were some people of the type that

seldom listen to the gospel who now listened most attentively as these boys spoke with

an earnestness that must have seemed strange and unusual. As we came away from

that service conducted by the Holy Spirit in such order and beauty, each preacher being

of the Lord's appointment, each one speaking the message from Him under direct

inspiration, we could but ponder in our hearts at these wonders of God. We seemed to

see something of what the preaching of the church was in the beginning and what it

seemed so clear the Lord wanted it to be in the end.


Not that preaching through other tongues and interpretation was in the beginning or

subsequently to be the regular order of preaching, but, as I Cor. chapter 14 clearly

shows, such preaching constitutes a part of the Lord's method of preaching the Gospel

in the power and demonstration of the Holy Spirit.


In such preaching the mind of the speaker is entirely inactive, and before utterance he

does not know what words the Spirit will speak through his lips. This is pure prophetic



In the preaching of the gospel to the nations of the earth and in the building up of

believers in the church the mind of the speaker may be active and know, at least

momentarily, before utterance what the Spirit will speak through him. The message

may be an exposition of the Scriptures, as in the sermon by Stephen, or otherwise.

Peter on various occasions "being filled with the Holy Spirit preached as the Spirit gave

him utterance."


Although preaching the gospel under the direct unction of the Holy Spirit is not exactly

pure prophecy, it is nevertheless, prophetic when definitely guided and directed by the

Holy Spirit.


There were a few other instances of preaching with tongues and interpretation in some

of the villages.


The Lord was the preacher on several occasions in our little street chapel. For two or

three nights the youthful preachers, under the real unction of the Spirit, preached the

most inspiring sermons I have ever heard from Chinese evangelists. It seemed as if

those sermons would stir any one to real repentance. God showed his love in still

greater power a few nights later. When a boy in his teens was preaching with real

power his eyes suddenly closed and he began to Prophesy like an Old Testament Prophet under direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit in pure prophecy. The manner of the

preacher suddenly changed; the form of the Chinese sentences became rhythmic and

perfect; the address changed to the first person, such as, "I am the Lord God Almighty,

the one true God, who made all things, who now speaks to you through this boy."

"Against me have you sinned." The penetrating words, the sense of having been

ushered into the presence of God, I cannot describe. The seats of our little chapel were

soon filled, while as many people as could see gathered about the door, listening in awe

and wonder. If there was the least commotion the Lord commanded order, speaking

through that boy and saying, "Make no mistake in this matter. Listen carefully and

understand. I the Lord God, have all the authority in heaven and on earth. To me every

man and every demon must give account. I know all about every one of you. I know

all your sins. I know how many hairs are on your head. There are fifty-six of you living

in sin here to-night. Repent to-night, and I'll forgive you." For half an hour or more we

verily were in the presence of a prophet, as the Lord in this way rebuked those people

for idolatry, ungodliness, and all their vices, until there was no ground for hope left

anywhere. Then, as in the case of the Old Testament prophets, God spake of the glories

He had prepared for His people. Like a loving father he pleaded with them to repent

that night. He spoke of the coming of distress upon the nations and of the destruction

of this ungodly race in the day of God's wrath. All these things were repeated several

times with exhortations to listen to every word as from a God who would hold every

person present accountable for his own soul after that night.


When the prophecy was finished the boy sat down. There was not a move or a

whisper. It seemed to me that every person must know that God was speaking. Nearly

all present had come in while the boy's eyes were shut. When the Lord spoke saying

there were fifty-six present bound by the devil and sin, one of the boys carefully

counted those not of our own Christian boys. There were just fifty-six.12

A striking instance was that of a man from whom Two Demons Were Cast Out.13

12"And it shall be in the last days, saith God, I will pour forth of my Spirit upon all flesh and your sons

and your daughters SHALL PROPHESY." Acts 22:17.

"Now there were at Antioch in the church that was there PROPHETS and teachers." Acts 13:1.

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of scripture is of private interpretation. For no PROPHECY ever


Peter 1:21, 22.

13"He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also." John 14:12.

"And these signs shall accompany them that believe. In my name shall they cast out demons." Mark


The Lord had told the boys through prophecy and direct revelation, "Demons must

obey me." They saw the Lord prove His word. Had we space to give details, we could

prove beyond any other possible explanation that actual living demons were cast out of

one devil-possessed man. It would take too long to give the history of this man. We

had known him a number of years, and he has since been with us six months. In short,

he had been, for many years, the victim of melancholy. Because he was so bound in

chains of darkness that he was ready to take his own life we had kept him with us to

prevent this. He was always sad. All effort to lead him to any knowledge of salvation

through Christ was of no avail. His mind was blind to everything pertaining to the



The Lord used three people in casting out the demons. One demon the size of a man

had an awful, black appearance. Several children saw him come out. While being

rebuked through the Lord's using one suddenly "filled with the Holy Spirit" for the

particular occasion, the demons put up a final fight for the man of their possession. The

man's hands clenched together; his eyes shut tight; his whole body became rigid and



Finally the Holy Spirit enlightened the man's heart; his body relaxed; his hands went up

to God in praise.


Angry Demon Grabs School Teacher

Several children saw the demon after he came out, rushing about in great anger,

seeking whom he might enter or tear.14 All the children having rushed in from where

they had just sat down to their meal, stood about with uplifted hands, thanking and

praising Jesus. Among these the demon saw no opportunity, for they were all looking

to Jesus whose blood covered them. The school teacher, who was not truly converted,

also came in and was looking on in curiosity but was not praying. The angry demon,


14"And one of the multitude answered him, Teacher, I brought unto thee my son, who hath a DUMB

SPIRIT, and whensoever it taketh him, it DASHETH HIM DOWN: and he foameth, and grindeth his

teeth, and pineth away; and he answered. .. Bring him up to me: And they brought him unto him: and

when he saw him straightway THE SPIRIT TARE HIM grievously, and HE FELL ON THE GROUND,

AND WALLOWED foaming . . . Ofttimes it hath cast him both into the fire and into the water to

destroy him. And when Jesus saw that a multitude came running together, he rebuked THE UNCLEAN

SPIRIT, saying unto him, Thou dumb and deaf SPIRIT. I command thee, come out of him, and enter no

more into him. And having cried out, and TORN HIM MUCH, he came out: and the boy became as one

dead- insomuch that the more part said, He is dead. But Jesus took him by the hand, and raised him up;

and he arose." Mark 9:17-27.


seeing his opportunity, seized this man and threw him to the floor with a thud. There

the second demon sat upon him, so that the teacher could not rise. Several children saw

this. Our gardener, who was some years ago miraculously delivered from opium, saw

this too. He was suddenly filled with the Holy Spirit and cast the demon out of the



I saw only the two men, the one unbound and set free, the other suddenly fall beside

him. I supposed the school teacher was prostrated by the Holy Spirit of God that was

present in great power. I questioned him when he was able to arise as to why he wept

and why he fell. He said, "I wept from sheer terror. Something awful happened. Every

thing became black; I saw myself about to go into a black pit at the base of a terrible

mountain." When on the floor, he saw himself being bound by demon chains and about

to be carried off into terrorizing darkness, but he was set free again.


The physical appearance of the man from whom demons were cast out changed at

once. He testified that he had peace and joy in his heart. He was given a vision of

heaven at the time he was delivered from demons. When he lay in bed in the evening

thinking about the Lord he got so happy that he wondered if it was right for him to

have such great joy.





The Bible tells us the heaven of the redeemed is "the third heaven."15 The future home

of the people of the Lord is a place in the third heaven. This place is a city. The name of

this city is "The New Jerusalem." This New Jerusalem is not "a figure of speech." It is not

a combination of ideas skillfully clothed in earthly words of the Lord to give man a false

conception of something it is not. The Bible says this New Jerusalem is a real city with a

real foundation which God himself laid.


This celestial city is foursquare, one thousand five hundred miles on every side,

surrounded by a wall two hundred feet high with foundations of twelve kinds of

precious stones, the most beautiful precious stones known to man. The wall itself is

jasper, which sends forth a brilliant jasper light. Twelve gates lead into the city, the

streets of which are like burnished gold.16

15"I know a man in Christ . . . such a one caught up even to the third heaven." II Cor. 12:2.

"I go to prepare a place for you." John 14:2.

"But ye are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem . . . and to

the spirits of just men made perfect." Heb. 12 :22, 23. "For we have not here an abiding city, but we seek

after the city which is to come." Heb. 13:14.

"By faith Abraham . . . looked for the city which hath the foundations whose builder and maker is

God." Heb. 11:10.

All the saints of old died desiring "a better country, that is, a heavenly: Wherefore God is not ashamed

of them, to be called their God; for he hath prepared for them a city." Heb. 11:16.

16"And he carried me away in the Spirit. . . and showed me the holy city Jerusalem coming down out of

heaven from God . . . her light was like unto a stone most precious, as it was a jasper stone, clear as

crystal, having a wall great and high; having twelve gates . . . and the wall of the city had twelve

foundations . . . and the city lieth foursquare, and the length thereof is as great as the breadth: and he

measured the city with the reed, twelve thousand furlongs (1,500 miles): the length and the breadth

and the height thereof are equal . . . The wall thereof a hundred and forty-four cubits (216 feet). And

the building of the wall thereof was jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto pure glass; the

foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all manner of precious stones. The first

foundation was jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, chalcedony; the fourth, emerald; the fifth,

sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl, the ninth, topaz; the tenth

chrysoprase; the eleventh, jacinth; and the twelfth, amethyst. . . The city hath no need of the sun,

neither of the moon to shine upon it for the glory of God did lighten it." Rev. 21:10-23.


In this city are the homes of the redeemed, the abode of angels, Paradise, and the

throne of God.


Why should not the New Jerusalem be a real city with streets of real gold and with

jasper walls and with foundation stones of precious jewels? Did God so exhaust his

material when he made the universe that he had no gold or jewels left for heaven? If

God could make a world, could he not suspend a city in the sky beyond the stars? Here

and there a little impure gold in a fissure of a distorted rock of this cursed and

perverted earth or here and there the discovery of a precious jewel hidden in the debris

of earthly ruins are only lingering reminders of the reality of which these are merely

shadows. The real, the imperishable are in the city whose builder and maker is God.


What we see on this perverted, degenerated earth are only shadows. "The creation fell

into subjection to failure and unreality" (Rom. 8 :20) . The gold we cherish, the jewels

we adore, the cities and mansions we build are only copies of the real in the city that is

soon coming down.


The Adullam children were caught up in vision to this city of God. How they could see

the city I do not know. How Abraham saw it I do not know. How Paul could be caught

up to Paradise, either in the body or out of the body, I do not know. These things are

beyond natural order. We need not, at present, know the How. We know the Fact.

John was shown the city. He was told by the Lord to write the things he had seen and

send them to the Churches.


In the Spirit Adullam children were caught up to this city time after time, not as in a

dream but as a living reality. Their visits were so real, in fact, that the children supposed

their souls actually left their bodies to go to heaven and return, or that in some

unaccountable way they had gone to heaven soul and body just as they might in daily

life visit some distant place. Frequently when in Paradise the children were plucking

and partaking of the heavenly fruit they gathered some extra to tuck in their garments

to bring back to earth for "Muh Si and Si Mu" (Pastor and Mrs. Baker).

They knew they were only on a visit to heaven and soon to return. Upon returning,

when the Spirit lifted from them, finding themselves in our Adullam rooms they

proceeded at once to search in their garments for the delicious fruit they had brought

back to please us. Not finding this fruit in their garments, a look of great surprise,

confusion, and disappointment came over their faces. They could not, for the time,

believe they had not bodily gone to heaven and come back with the fruit tucked in their



Walking on the streets of the New Jerusalem was to them as real as walking on the

streets of a Chinese city. One day, when walking down the street in bright sunshine, I

asked the boys if the visions were as real and as clear as what we then saw. "Just as

real," they said, "but much clearer due to the light in heaven and the white garments

and the cleanliness everywhere, all adding to the brightness."


When in the Spirit, the children were usually lost to their natural surroundings. In many

cases, although they supposed they were in heaven, they talked aloud, describing what

they saw, thus carrying on conversation that we all could hear. Often they acted out

before our eyes what they supposed they were doing in heaven.


Caught up to the Third Heaven

The Adullam children said they went to the third heaven. As they passed through the

first heaven they felt air on their faces. Having passed the second heaven, they looked

back upon the stars in their wonderful beauty, much as from a mountain height a

person might gaze down upon a beautiful, light-studded city below. From this starry

heaven they passed on into the third heaven until they


Came to the Heavenly Jerusalem.

As they approached this heavenly city they saw its light in the distance. Coming nearer,

they saw the beautiful wall radiating its wonderful jasper light. The foundations were of

indescribable beauty, sparkling with red, yellow, orange, purple, blue, green, violet,

and all the other colors of the twelve most beautiful jewels.

This city in the sky the children saw as three cities in one: one city suspended above

another, the largest city below, the smallest city on top, making a pyramid. Since this

city John saw is surrounded by a wall, and since the city is one thousand five hundred

miles high, Bible students have supposed the heavenly city is not a cube but a pyramid.

Our children, however, knew nothing of this, neither had I ever thought of the New

Jerusalem as three cities, one suspended above another. God who suspends the worlds

in space can suspend these cities in space. The Bible does not tell us the internal order of

the city.17


One of our small boys spoke in prophecy when in vision at the feet of the Lord the

Lord was talking to him. In this prophecy the Lord said that he had made heaven big

enough for everybody, that he had made it in three cities one above another, and that

at present his throne is in the upper city.


Since time and distance are nothing in the heavenly realm, there is nothing impossible

in such an arrangement of this city of God. There are three heavens. There were three

stories in the ark, where God preserved the present creation. God is three in one. Why

should not the city of the Great King be three in one? Why should not the King reign

from the top of the pyramid of all the universe, since "the stone which the builders

rejected was made the head of the corner," the capstone of the pyramid of all creation?


By the Gates into the City

Adullam entered by its pearly gates into the city of golden streets. Angels in white

guarded the gates and welcomed those entering in. No beggarly reception this. Here

the one-time rejected off-scourings of the earth were welcomed as kings by these

angelic hosts. Had not the Savior promised the weakest and humblest of his children a

kingdom where they shall reign with the King of Kings for ages and ages?

Through the gates into the city! Out of earth into heaven! Out of the mortal into the

immortal! Out of death into life! All the old life behind and below! All the new life ahead

and above! Inside the gates! Angels, angels every where. Angels talking, angels singing,

angels rejoicing, angels playing harps and blowing trumpets, angels dancing and

praising the King. Such a scene no mortal ever saw; such floods of inner joy flooded the

whole being as no one ever knew except when filled with the Holy Spirit, the eternal

life, the heavenly life of God, "the earnest," "down payment" of heaven.

The children clapped their hands in rapture. They shouted for joy. They sometimes

rolled on the floor in unrestrained laughter and jumped and danced in great delight,

17From visions seen by other heavenly visitors it is evident that there are also arrangements of sevens

in the heavenly order. Apparently there are series of plains as well as series of arrangements on each

plain. No one need suppose that in vision anyone has seen more than a fraction of heaven.

See my book, "The Three Worlds" for further visions of the New Jerusalem.


while their faces were so transformed by this heavenly joy that the glory of the celestial

city seemed to shine upon us. There was no sorrow in this city; no mournful, long-faced

religion there; no funeral dirges in the hymns. This was a city of joy, "joy in the Holy

Spirit," "joy unspeakable and full of glory."18


With Innumerable Hosts of Angels

Inside the city, the children knew the meaning of the Scripture which says, "Ye are come

into the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to innumerable hosts of

angels" (Heb. 12 :22) . Not only about the gates of the city were these happy angels, but

also throughout the city everywhere were these heavenly hosts. Angels were always

ready to escort the children from place to place throughout the city; angels walked with

them and talked with them; angels explained to them the meaning of things they did

not understand, even as they talked with John and revealed to him the things of God.

Often in these experiences with the angels our children were given harps and taught to

play them and sing as the angels did. They were also taught to blow the trumpets and

were taught


The Music and Language of Heaven.19

When we saw the children, with closed eyes, all dancing about the room in rhythm, we

found that in vision they were dancing with the angels in heaven and keeping time to

the heavenly music. When we saw them apparently blowing a trumpet or going

through the motions of playing a harp, we found that in vision they were joining the

heavenly orchestra in the praises of the King. We could not see the heavenly harps or

trumpets. We could not see the angels' joyful dance or hear their song. We could hear

only the children singing heavenly songs. It. was a daily sight to find some child off in a

corner by himself, lying comfortably on the pine needles, going through the motions of

playing a harp. Upon going near, we could hear him singing a new song we had never

taught him. Approaching still nearer, we would discover that the words were as

strange to us as the tune. The singer was singing in the heavenly choir. His song was

the song the angels taught him. The words of the song must have been in the language

of angels.20 Seeing the children singing in this heavenly angelic choir was a sight not to

be forgotten. Sometimes several of them in some place in the heavenly city or its

wonderful Paradise would decide to play and sing together. With closed eyes, while

18"The kingdom of God is . . . peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Rom. 14:17.

19"Ye rejoice greatly with joy unspeakable and full of glory." I Peter 1:8.

20"If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels." I Cor. 13:1.


fully under the power of the Holy Spirit, three or four of them would get off by

themselves. If we were near, we would hear a consultation as to who would play the

trumpet and who would sing. After all was decided and everybody was ready, the

heavenly hymns began. The trumpeters held their hands up before them and blew as

though blowing trumpets. The harpists both played and sang, while those without

instruments joined in the singing. In these cases they always sang in languages we did

not understand, unless by mutual agreement they decided to sing one of those hymns

they "used to sing down on earth." In that case they sang in Chinese.


Seeing and Worshipping Jesus

The climax of all heavenly joy and wonder was "seeing Jesus" and worshipping Him

who had saved them by His blood.

Soon after entering the gates of the city the children were escorted by the angels to "go

and see Jesus." We could hear these children talking about "going to see Jesus" and see

them as in vision they were approaching the throne of Christ. When they came into the

wonderful presence they stood reverently gazing with love and devotion upon the

Lord of all creation, who was also their Savior. First of all they thanked Him, and

adoringly worshipping Him they joined their hands before them, bowing in true

obeisance. Then they knelt and bowed their faces to the floor in true worship "in spirit

and truth,"21 which few if any know on earth who have not the baptism of God's Holy



The Throne of God and the Throne of Christ

The throne of Christ the children saw as did John when he was "in the Spirit": "And

behold there was a throne set in heaven, and one sitting upon the throne; and he that

sat was to look upon like a jasper stone and a sardius: and there was a rainbow round

about the throne, like an emerald to look upon. And round about the throne were four

and twenty thrones: and upon the thrones I saw four and twenty elders sitting arrayed

in white garments: and on their heads crowns of gold,—and there were seven lamps of

fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God." Rev. 4:3-6.

Jesus Preeminent in all Things in Heaven

No matter how amazed were the children at the wonders of the golden city, no matter

21"The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and

truth: for such doth the Father seek to be his worshippers." John 4:23.


how happy in the pleasures of Paradise, no matter how joyful in the presence of the

angels, Jesus was never forgotten. His name was mentioned in all the conversation; his

praise was mingled in all the enjoyments; he was always magnified everywhere, in

everything, and in everybody there.


Houses by the Golden Street22

On either side of the beautiful golden streets were buildings side by side, a room for

each person, every room opening onto the street. Upon the door and about the front

were precious jewels so resplendently brilliant that the building shone with light and

glory. The name of each occupant was above the door. Angels led the children into the

rooms. Within all the rooms were the same kinds of furnishings: a beautiful golden

table upon which was a Bible, a flower vase, a pen, and a book; by the table was a

golden chair; there was also a wonderful golden chest and a golden bed. In each room

was a jewelled crown, a golden harp, and a trumpet. The walls were gold. From the

Bible, made of such paper as had never been seen on earth and bound with gold, light

and such brilliant glory shone forth that the whole room needed no other light. The

visitors were told that when they came to stay after death they could go out into

Paradise and pick any flowers of their choice to place in the beautiful vase on the golden


22“Your minds must not be troubled, . . . There are many rooms in my Father's house.” John 14:1, 2.


23Since the first edition of this booklet, a letter from a woman in England has been received, saying

that ten years previously both she and her son had visions of this street and of these dwellings both

confirmed the visions of this street and of these dwellings- both confirmed the visions of the Adullam

children regarding the external appearance and interior furnishings of these rooms by the golden street.

In a distant part of the Province of Yunnan a tribes boy who did not know of these other visions also saw

this street.

These rooms by this golden street may be the thrones which John mentions; "I saw thrones and they sat

upon them." (Rev. 20:4)

Adullam children have had visions of other parts of the New Jerusalem with its spacious parks and

elaborate mansions. Tribes people have also seen this part of the city.

An account of these visions with others of the New Jerusalem and the teaching of the Scriptures

regarding this city and the New Heaven and the New Earth is given in detail in a book entitled "The

Three Worlds." You will want to read of these other wonderful revelations that cannot be given in the

limits of "The Visions Beyond the Veil." You will be more than repaid by the reading of this book. 420

pages, 200 illustrations.


In these visits to heaven the children could go to their rooms at pleasure to read their

Bibles or to play their harps and trumpets. Sometimes they took their trumpets or

harps out into the streets or out into Paradise to play and sing with the angels and the

redeemed who are now in heaven.


In these excursions through heaven the children, though lost to their real surroundings

on earth, were always conscious that their visit to heaven was temporary. They knew

they were there only to see what was prepared for them after death, so they might go

back to earth again to tell others. Angels and the Lord told these heavenly visitors that,

if they believed and obeyed, all these things would be theirs. They not only knew they

must come back to earth again, but they sometimes knew when they were coming.

One boy, after enjoying the glories of heaven, hung his crown and trumpet up in his

room so he could have them again after he died and went to heaven to remain. He then

came back to earth. The power of the Holy Spirit left him. When he opened his eyes he

was in our Adullam room telling the wonders of his trip to heaven.


Can we suppose the Lord saved these boys, baptized them with the Holy Spirit, and

then fooled them by showing them a figurative and mythical heaven? Impossible!!! An

earthly father may deceive his children with false hopes and false promises. Our

Heavenly Father shows his children what he has for them (I Cor. 2:10), promises he will

give these things (Rev. 3:21), and then gives the very things which He has promised

(Lu. 11:9, 13).


When these children saw the heavenly rooms of their Adullam friends they clapped

their hands, laughed, and shouted with great joy, calling each one by name to come and

see his room. The one in the Spirit was passing along the streets of the New Jerusalem,

reading the names above each door.


In Heaven Meet Adullam Boys Who Died

The first day when the Holy Spirit fell upon the children, and one of the boys was

caught up to heaven, with angels who came to welcome him came also the two

Adullam boys who were undoubtedly saved and who died the year before. These two,

"Hsi Dien Fu" and "Djang Hsing," had with them in heaven a little girl who died in

Kotchiu four years previous, whom our children had forgotten.

These who had died and gone on before led those who were caught up in the joys and

wonders of heaven. They led them to see Jesus, first of all, and to worship and thank

Him. After this they were shown their dwellings and escorted around the city or led out

into Paradise to play.


All who went to heaven were given white garments. The angels, also dressed in

seamless garments of spotless white, had wings, but the redeemed did not have wings.

There was a clear distinction between the two.


Later on many more of the children saw these Adullam boys who are in heaven. Heaven did not seem far away as, caught away in the Spirit, they acted out heavenly visions before our eyes. With closed eyes and radiant faces they clapped their hands and shouted for joy to these boys who died that year, calling them to hurry over to see some dwelling, some golden street, some new scene among the angels, some new discovery in the

garden of Paradise, or to come and play the harp and sing with them the praises of Jesus. These boys who had died were so constantly seen in heaven and their names were so frequently shouted in our midst with ecstasy and joy that they did not seem far away— just out of sight.


Heaven was so real, so near, so wonderful, so certain, that if one of our children had died in those days the others would have envied him his privilege. The step to heaven after death or at the coming of the Lord seemed so small and the coming of the Lord so near that it removed from our minds all mystery as to why the first disciples could sell their possessions and face persecution and death without wavering. Our kingdom is not of this world. Our citizenship is in heaven, whence also we wait for our Savior. Our life, our work, our service, our hardships here are only brief and passing incidents on the way to the true life, the true city, in the true kingdom that cannot be shaken.





Scripture Teaches the Regeneration of Natural Creation

Before telling about the visions of Paradise we wish to show that such a Paradise as

these children saw is in accord with the Father's plans for his children, as revealed in his

written word. When the Lord created the first perfect man and his perfect bride he

"planted a garden eastward" in Eden, in which he put the man whom he had formed.

"And out of the ground made Jehovah God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the

sight, and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden" (Gen. 2:9).

Hence, in the beginning, the Lord planned for man to dwell in the midst of all the

beauties of nature. He was given a home in the garden in the eastern part of Eden, the

wonder "park" that God himself planned and planted. In that order there was no sin.

There was no sickness or death. There was no thorn or thistle. There was no curse. That

was a different world from this. That world was a heaven on earth with man enjoying

what might have been eternal life, in dominion over a whole world of trees and flowers

"pleasant to the sight," a whole world of beauty and glory such as the present earth has

never seen. God planned all these things for man's eternal happiness.


When sin entered, man's enjoyment of this creation became a limited, temporal

enjoyment. The first Creation of birds, and flowers, and trees, and animals, that were in

the first world and its Eden in an eternal state, fell into a lower order that is not eternal.

"For the creation fell into subjection to failure and unreality." Sin lost to man his Eden

"park" and his Eden God.


Restored from sin, man will be restored to his Eden God and his Eden "park." But man will be restored to more than the primal order. He will be born again into the new

spiritual order. The first order was earthly; the last is spiritual but real. It is similar to the earthly, even as Christ after his resurrection was real and similar but still spiritual and different from the earthly order. He still could eat and drink with his disciples.24 He still had flesh and bones that could be felt25 and hands that could serve fish and bread to His hungry disciples.26 But in the resurrected order the Lord was not subject to the limitations of the material world of time, and space, and physical bounds. Even so the world with its

natural order of animal, bird, and plant creation is to be born again into a All creation was included in the work of the cross. When Christ died all creation died. When Christ arose all creation arose. When Christ bore the crown of thorns he bore all the curse that brought the thorn and the thistle. He is “The Firstborn of all Creation.”

higher, spiritual order similar to the first creation but also different from it. It will be the real order not again subject to corruption and unreality (Rom. 8:20, Weymouth).


The natural creation is to be born again through the resurrection of Christ. Christ saves more than man. He saves the whole creation that fell into unreality in the fall of man. For "all creation, gazing eagerly as if with outstretched neck, is waiting and longing to see the manifestation of the sons of God . . . There was always the hope that, at last, the

creation itself would also be set free from the thraldom of decay, so as to enjoy the

liberty that will attend the glory of the children of God" (Rom. 8 :19-21 Weymouth). If

24"Him God raised up the third day, and gave him to be made manifest . . . unto witnesses . . . who ate

and drank with him after he rose from the dead." Acts 10:40-41.

25"See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and

bones, as ye behold me having." Lu. 24:39.

"And they gave him a piece of broiled fish. And he took it and ate before them." Lu. 24:42.

26"So when they got out upon the land they see a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread . . .

Jesus cometh and taketh the bread, and giveth them, and the fish likewise. This is now the third time

that Jesus was manifested to the disciples, after that he was risen from the dead." John 21:9, 31.


this does not mean that the present natural order of plant, animal, and all natural life

looks forward to being set free in the same resurrected order and the same liberty the

saved are to enjoy in a new estate, what does it mean? All nature looks forward to the

new spiritual regeneration that belongs to the redeemed, for Christ ''brought us forth

by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of His creatures.''27

Christ himself "is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation.''28 How is

Christ "the first-born of all creation" unless it be that in his resurrection into the new

order animal and plant creation will eventually follow in this order as the full harvest of

which Christ was but the "first-fruits"? Even the earth itself is to be a regenerated in the

new order, since "according to his promise we look for new heavens and a new earth,

wherein dwelleth righteousness" (II Pet 3:13). Will not that new earth have trees and

flowers and animals and birds and all the beauties of glorified nature in a higher

incorruptible order that shall abide forever?


"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid;

and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead

them" (Isa. 11:6).


These things are as certain as the word of God, for "he that sitteth on the throne said,

Behold I make all things new," and he said, "write for these words are faithful and

TRUE" (Rev. 21 :5) .


John "saw a new heaven and a new earth," and he also "saw the holy city, New

Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven" to the New Earth.


As there was an Eden park of pleasure and fruits on the first earth so, also, in a higher,

regenerated, resurrected order, the New Jerusalem will contain an Eden park on the

New Earth in the new order. This Eden "park" is already in heaven in the New

Jerusalem that has not yet descended, but is soon coming down.


Paradise is a "Park'' of Plant, Animal, and Regenerated Nature

Perhaps the revelation of such a Paradise in heaven as Adullam saw will be as new to

most of the readers as it was to us. This is because we are so dull of mind and slow of

heart to "believe all that is written in the scriptures."


We did not teach these children about this Paradise. The children taught us. Some of the

27"Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first-fruits of

his creatures." Jas. 1:18.

28"Who is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation." Col. 1:15.


smallest children, who were naturally most ignorant of these matters, were our best

teachers. That they got these things from the Lord is clearly evident, as you will see by

a comparison with the teaching of the Bible. It teaches there is just such a Paradise in

heaven as these children saw. Paul said he knew a man who was "caught up even to the

third heaven" and that this person "was caught up into Paradise."29 In the messages of

Revelation "the Spirit saith to the Churches, to him that overcometh, to him will I give

to eat of the tree of life, which is in the Paradise of God" (Rev. 2:7). Of the heavenly

scene we are also told that "on this side of the river and on that was the tree of life

bearing twelve manner of fruits.''30 Hence there is a Paradise in heaven with flowing

water and trees of fruit.


This Paradise is a great "park" of surpassing wonder; that is just what the word

"Paradise" means. "Paradise" means "Eden." "Eden" means "Paradise." "Eden" is a "park ;"


"Paradise" is therefore a "park." Peloubet's Bible Dictionary says of "Paradise," "This is a

word of Persian origin, and is used in the Septuagint as the translation of 'Eden.' It

means an orchard of pleasure and fruits, a garden, or pleasure ground something like

an English park." But this "park" in heaven is only "some thing like" a park on earth,

because it is as much greater than earthly parks, in extent and beauty, as God's

thoughts are greater than man's thoughts. Man's most beautiful parks, with their

picturesque landscapes, their flowing streams, their crystal pools, the wooded nooks,

29"I know a man . . . caught up even to the third heaven . . . how that he was caught up into Paradise."

II Cor. 12:2, 3.

30"And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and

of the Lamb, in the midst of the street thereof: and on this side of the river and on that was the tree of

life, bearing twelve manner of fruits." Rev. 22:1, 2.


the verdant greens, the fragrant, variegated flowers, the carolling birds, and animal

pets, are only imperfect imitations on the part of man to reproduce the Eden that was

"in the beginning."


If God did not put into the heart of man this love for nature and this desire for natural

parks of pleasure and fruit, whence came this universal love of nature, that has been in

the heart of man from the days of his earliest history? Is all man's efforts to preserve a

little of the vanishing natural beauties of this cursed and perishing earth only a vain

fancy to be followed for only a few fleeting years? Is a love for the birds, and animals,

and flowers, and trees, and mountains, and valleys, and lakes, and streams, and all this

handiwork of God just a passing amusement given by the Lord to cheer us a little on

this pilgrim journey? Are not the finest combinations of all that is beautiful in nature

just mere fore-shadows of the unperverted and unlimited realities in the Paradise of

God in heaven?


These natural beauties are not just scenes passed on a pilgrim journey. They are guide

ways of God, pointing to the Eden of beauty at the end of the way. Love of nature may

become an eternal love, enlarged beyond all natural limits for all who overcome by the

blood of the Lamb, who, by faith in him, enter by the gates into the city with its

Paradise of God, the Eden park in heaven whose beauty sin will never mar.


Adullam Children See Paradise, the Heaven Park

You will be interested, as we were, in what our Adullam children saw in the Paradise,

the Eden, in the city beyond the sky. One of the young men was in Paradise almost as

soon as he entered the heavenly city. There he was met by the two Adullam boys who

had died in Hokow. These boys, taking him through Paradise and the other parts of the

Holy City, soon came to a great, lawn like, grassy, open plot surrounded by

magnificent trees, golden and sparkling.


The whole scene was so entrancing the young man said to his two glorified friends,

"This is good enough for me. There cannot be anything more beautiful. I will stay right

here." The boys who had preceded him to heaven said, "No, do not wait here, for there

are much greater marvels." Going on a little farther they came to still more wonderful

trees, some of them bearing fruit. The whole park-like surrounding and the grassy

lawn beneath the trees were enticing beyond any earthly understanding. The young

man said, "I must stay here, I cannot go on and leave this great beauty. I am so happy."

"Come on," said the others, "there are many things in heaven exceeding this." "You go,"

he replied, "but I shall remain right here for awhile." The others left him on the grass

under the trees with the great, open, velvet-like grassy space before him. Floods of joy

and happiness he had never known on earth flooded his whole being. He was in the

land of joy, "joy unspeakable and full of glory," "the land that is fairer than day."


Frequently an angel came walking by, playing a harp and singing. The angel smiled,

offered him the harp. "I cannot play," he said. The angel passed by. Soon other angels

came, smiling to him as they played and sang.


The angels were dressed in seamless garments of white; their faces were perfect; one

was not more beautiful than another. "When they smiled—Oh, I can't describe that," the

boy said, "there is no way on earth to describe the angels' smile."


Similar and surpassing beautiful scenes in Paradise were seen, repeatedly seen, by a

large number of Adullam children. In Paradise they saw trees bearing the most

delicious fruit, and vistas of most beautiful flowers of every color and hue, sending

forth an aroma of surpassing fragrance. There were birds of glorious plumage singing

their carols of joy and praise. In this park were also animals of every size and

description: large deer, small deer, large lions, great elephants, lovely rabbits, and all

sorts of little friendly pets such as they had never seen before.

The lion and the lamb will lie down together. Fierce and ferocious nature will be regenreated to a higher plain than it was even in the beginning when all was “very good.”


Playing with the Lion and Other Animals in the Heaven Paradise Park

The children held the little pets in their arms and passed them from one to another. Or

perhaps they found the lion peacefully Iying beneath a tree. In that case they climbed

on his back, ran their fingers through his shaggy mane, brushed his face, and put their

hands in his mouth. If they so desired they curled down beside him to enjoy together

the love of their common Maker. Why not? Some where "the wolf also shall dwell with

the lamb and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion

and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. Their young ones shall lie

down together" (Isa. 11 :6-8).


Little children rode the small deer, while older children rode the larger deer or the

friendly elephant. All was perfect love. All was great harmony. Such shouts of joy! Such

happy childish laughter! Who but our Father in Heaven ever thought of or planned

such a Paradise?


Eating and Drinking in the Heaven "Park of Pleasure and Fruits"

When hungry, the children ate of the wonderful fruit or gathered freely the sweet

tasting, refreshing manna that was scattered all about. Were they thirsty? Here and

there trickled little brooks of the stimulating and refreshing water of life.31


Adullam Sees the Bible Saints in Heaven

In the open, lawn-like vistas amidst the trees and flowers and birds of Paradise Adullam

saw companies of the redeemed dancing and playing trumpets with the angels.

Sometimes they joined this happy festival group, in which were small children, larger

31The scriptures teach that there will be eating and drinking in the kingdom of God in the resurrected

state, and hence there is such eating and drinking in heaven as seen in vision by these children.

Jesus said, "I appoint unto you a kingdom . . . that ye may eat and drink at my table in my kingdom." Lu.


"But I say unto you, I shall not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it

new with you in my Father's kingdom." Matt. 26:29. Thus Jesus said he would drink the fruit of the vine

with his disciples in the ressurrected state. Jesus himself ate and drank after he rose from the dead.

"Him God raised up the third day, and gave him to be made manifest—unto witnesses that were chosen

before of God even to us, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead." Acts 10:40, 41.

The Bible distinctly says there will be eating in this heavenly Paradise of God, for "He that hath an

ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. To him that overcometh, to him will I give to

eat of the tree of life, which is the Paradise of God." Rev. 2:7. "To him that overcometh, to him will I

give of the hidden manna." Rev. 2:17.

The "tree of life" is a general term that covers a variety of fruit-bearing trees in unstated number, the

fruit having a "life giving quality particularly adapted to man in his sinless state. The "tree of life" is

not just a single tree with a single kind of fruit, for the scripture clearly states that in this "park" in the

New Jerusalem in heaven John was shown "a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of

the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the midst of the street thereof. And on this side of the river and

on that was the tree of life, bearing twelve manner of fruits." Rev. 22:1, 2.


children, and adults, but where no one was old. What heavenly scenes! What heavenly

singers! What joy among the angels and the redeemed! The angels pointed out

Abraham, David, Daniel, the prophets, the saints, and the martyrs of old. They saw

Peter, James, Paul, and others of whom the world was not worthy. Our boy from the

poor Miao tribe saw his aunt and his own little sister who had gone ahead to the land

"over there." Taking our boys by the hand our little Chinese Mary, who died in Kotchiu,

now joined them in heaven.


One Boy Was Given a Vision of The Death of a Christian

As relatives and friends gathered about the dying one an angel stood by the bed, awaiting

the liberating of the Christian's soul. When the man was set free from his bodily encumbrance, the angel took him by the arm and ascended with him into heaven. The principalities and powers of evil hosts in mid-heaven in their attempts to hinder the passage of the angel and his charge were overcome by the angel's faith and praise as the ascent continued toward the heavenly city.


Having been welcomed at the gate, this new arrival was received by hosts of angels, singing, dancing, rejoicing, all uniting in giving him a royal welcome into the eternal city of the redeemed.





Outpourings of the Holy Spirit upon Adullam children and young folks have always

been attended with visions of angels in our midst.


In this connection it is well to remember some scriptural teaching about angels. The

Scriptures teach that angels have a part in the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Since "the

spirits (or angels) of the prophets are subject to the prophets" (I Cor. 14:32), angels have

some part in prophetic utterance when a prophet speaks under the inspiration of the

Holy Spirit. The visions John saw on Patmos and the revelations he had there when he

was "in the Spirit" were given him through an angel (Rev. 1:1, 10). Angels therefore

have something to do with being in a trance, seeing visions through the Holy Spirit,

and getting revelations through the Holy Spirit.


Each true church has, perhaps, a special angel to minister to that particular church (Rev.

1:20). Every saved person has an angel to minister to him (Heb. 1:14, Acts 12 :15) .

Every child has the ministry of angels, for the angels of children have constant access to

the throne of God in heaven (Matt. 18 :10).32 Angels always see us,33 though we seldom

see angels. Angels differ in rank (I Cor. 4 :9) .


Both The Old and New Testament furnish sufficient proof for the reality of angelic

ministry in the Adullam Home. We have already told of the visions of angels rescuing

children whom demons had bound with awful chains and were dragging to hell.

Angels, then, apparently have a part in saving the lost. Since angels led these children to

heaven and escorted them through the golden streets and the glories of Paradise, it

seems that angels have something to do with the visions given Adullam. As most of the

children who spoke in other languages did so when they were dancing and singing

with the angels it may be that angels have something to do with speaking in other

languages, for it is possible to speak with "the tongues of angels" (I Cor. 1:13) at times of

32"Are they (the angels) not all ministering spirits, sent forth to do service for the sake of them that

shall inherit salvation?" Heb. 1:14.

The disciples believed not that it was Peter knocking at the gate. "They said, It is his angel." Acts


"See that ye despise not one of these little ones: for I say unto you, that in heaven their angels do

always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven." Matt. 18:10.

33"We are made a spectacle unto the world both to angels and men." I Cor. 4 :9.


mighty outpourings of the Spirit.


The children also had wonderful visions of multitudes of angels flying in the heavens,

and sometimes they saw them fly from heaven to earth.


Angels in the Midst of and about Adullam

At the times when the presence of the Holy Spirit was especially manifest many of the

children saw angels near by or in the room. When they were hindered by demon

power they saw angels come to their release. On occasions of the most blessed sense of the presence of the Lord in our midst and of the sweetest harmony and love in the

meeting, just above the room was a large angel, while the room was entirely surrounded by smaller angels standing side by side, each touching the other to the right and left,

so there was not a space in the whole circle for the entrance of any demon. On these occasions, when one or more of the children saw our angel garrison about us,

there were never any visions of demons in the room, as was very frequently the case. One evening when our angel guard was about us in such perfect rank children said they could hear demons outside the circle of angels “I say unto you, that in making an angry commotion heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.”

Adullam believes we have guardian angels, as the Bible declares. When anointed by

the Holy Spirit, so that their spiritual eyes were opened, Adullam children have

always seen angels about them.


because of their inability to hinder the blessed fellowship in the Holy Spirit that was

within the angels' circle. Boys in Kotchiu had also seen this circle of angels.

I shall never forget the blessed sense of the very presence of God that was in those meetings in which the children saw the angel just above our happy, Spirit-filled people.

This angel looking down upon us, smilingly turned from side to side to look at the angels that encircled us and to see that there was not an entrance for the powers of

darkness. I wondered if the angel above us was not the special angel of Adullam and if the smaller angels of lesser rank around us were not our individual guardians. At any rate, the children saw the angels. Their eyes were usually closed when they saw them, but sometimes they saw them with wide open eyes. We could believe, without question that we were indeed in the presence of angels.





No careful observer could have been with us during those weeks of the mighty

outpouring of the Holy Spirit and doubted that there are two Kingdoms in constant

conflict. As surely as angels minister and the Holy Spirit leads to a real Kingdom of

light, so surely do demons hinder, while the devil presides in a realm of evil spirits in a kingdom of real darkness. One kingdom was made as certain to us as the other. Man was

clearly revealed as the battle ground. The Bible teaches that there are "the lower ranks of evil spirits and the higher" (Rom. 8:38. Weymouth) and that our conflict is not "with mere flesh and blood but with the despotisms, the empires, the forces that control and govern this dark world" (Weymouth Eph. 6:12) . Both Old and New Testaments teach the reality of a Kingdom of darkness and the reality of demons.



We related how demons were cast out of one man and how the larger demon was seen to rush about the room in great A demon idol. Some demons look something like this, and worse.

anger, finally seizing upon an unguarded school teacher, who was looking on, and  throwing him to the floor. In this instance two boys saw this big, black, man-like demon enter the man of his possession. Several children saw the cast-out demon, chased out of the room by a Spirit filled young man, take temporary refuge behind some small trees in

our court. This demon and the accompanying one about half his size were seen by

children who were praying with closed eyes and by some whose eyes were open. But

all saw the same things at the same time. The appearance of the demons was the same

to each individual.


In the Adullam Rescue Home we had a young girl who very evidently was open to

demon activity. She said that before coming here she was subject to "fits," or spells of

unconsciousness. A short time after she came she and some of the other girls went for a

walk outside the city. On the way back one of the new girls who was half-blind and half

witted lingered behind and lost her way. The older girl, having gone to find the one

who was lost, was returning home with her when she saw three demons before her, a

few steps away. One was "as tall as a door" and was accompanied by two others about

the size of a boy twelve years old. All these demons were dark in appearance, with big

eyes and awful faces. The two smaller demons being apparently subject to the large

one, obeyed and followed him. The girl was frightened at what she saw. The large

demon, coming near, seized her by the head. She became dizzy and almost

unconscious. She could scarcely walk. She could hardly see the street and had to be led

home by the other girl whom she had gone to seek. Upon reaching home she was

better for a time. A little later, while we were at supper, some one came in saying that

the afflicted girl was in her room unconscious. We found her prostrate on the floor,

breathing as if in a peaceful sleep, but we could not awake her. After praying for her we

all assembled in the regular evening prayer meeting. Soon the girl came in perfectly



She said that she seemed to be bound by chains and dragged by demons farther and

farther down a great dark road, while all the time she was silently praying; then she

suddenly realized that the Lord had set her free and she was able to rise. At once she

became conscious, and her mind clear. As she sat on her bed alone in the room, she saw

the three demons whom she had met on the street now in the room. But now she felt

no fear, for she knew that the Lord was Conqueror. Accordingly, she drove the

demons out of the room in "the name of Jesus." As they reluctantly receded step by step

she followed in the name of Jesus until she drove them along the walk out of the large

Chinese door at the entrance of our compound. In the several succeeding months that

she was here she had no more "fits" or unconscious spells.


I have given these two instances somewhat in detail, because the effect of demon

activity in both cases was so evident that any kind of an observer could have told that

something supernatural had taken place. We might tell of many instances of demon

activity that have come under our observation the last few years, but these two are

sufficient in this connection; we want to tell something of the demon activity in

connection with the special outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


When there were manifestations we did not understand we kept praying and trusting

the Lord, but decided not to interfere unless we clearly saw something that was

harmful or sinful. After eight weeks of wonderful manifestations of the Holy Spirit we

were most thankful that we had allowed such liberty among the children. We saw how

marvellously the Lord had led them, and things we did not understand at first proved

to be part of the Lord's plan in giving us some of the most wonderful and precious



Among these unusual revelations were those of the Demons the Children Saw.

While some of the children were having a blessed time in the Holy Spirit, others went

to sleep when they tried to pray. Those under the anointing could often see demons by

those who were drowsy and could not pray through. They saw demons coming in

through the open window or the door. Sometimes they saw demons lazily reclining

under the table or upon a couch that was in the room. Under the anointing of the Holy

Spirit, the children, with closed eyes, in the Name of Jesus would rout the demons out

of their places and follow them until they went out of the door or window.


They frequently followed these demons out of the room, opened a front or back door

to the compound, and chased the demons off the premises. When demons appeared on

the scene they were often seen by several persons at the same time.


Some of the children had seen demons before. We found that in spite of all our teaching

about the Lord they were still so afraid of demons they dare not go to their rooms

alone at night, and they covered their heads when they slept. Through these

revelations, however, the children found that the largest and fiercest demons were

unavailing against the smallest child covered by Jesus' blood, so that, for the first time,

we had a happy lot of Chinese children who had lost their fear of demons, were not

afraid in the dark, and were not afraid to sleep with uncovered heads.


You may wonder What the Demons were Like. The demons seen are best described as resembling the demon idols in Chinese temples. According to the Bible34 and according to the Chinese much idolatry is demon worship.


Making idols of the demon type is an attempt to reproduce the likeness of demons that

have been seen. The children saw demons as "high as a door," with pointed chins and warty heads.


There were others of different appearance too, some half this size. There were smaller

ones two or three feet high and little ones a few inches high, following the larger

demons about.


The large, big-eyed, fierce-looking demons are the ones to be feared as having power

to bind and take captives to hell.


The Principalities and Powers of the Air

The hosts of the powers of the air and their works of darkness in co-operation with

34But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God: and I

would not that ye should have communion with demons." I Cor. 10 :20.


demons on earth were seen by various Adullam witnesses, whose testimony is as



The government of the hosts of evil is in mid-heaven. Here are thrones from which the

devil's angels exercise their Satanic government over the earth. These rulers of

darkness vary: some are larger in stature than others; there is variation in dress,

crowns, facial expression, disposition, and authority. In all respects they are as devilish

in appearance and acts as the hosts of Satan are expected to be.


These rulers of evil are in constant contention among themselves, each resenting the

authority of those higher in power, each jealous of the other and all covetous of the

seats of highest rank. Those in higher rank hold their positions, not by consent of the

lower orders, but solely through their own superior fierceness and power. Cliques and

individuals are in constant conflict and quarrels.


All have crowns that represent various orders and ranks. All desire to sit on the thrones

above and supervise the work of evil on earth, rather than descend on delegated duties

to further the demonical powers below.


Those of highest rank sit on thrones in the mid-heavens, ruling over innumerable hosts

of evil spirits, from whose number delegations are constantly dispatched to earth to

entice its inhabitants, to withstand the forces of righteousness, to strengthen weak

places in the demonical forces of earth, and to bind and to drag the souls of evil men to

hell when they die.


Although these wicked angels fly in high heaven to the very gates of the New

Jerusalem and although they descend to earth and fly in its air, the center where they

congregate in countless numbers is in the region of the thrones of authority in the midheavens.


Here evil hosts of wicked spirits of all sizes fly hither and thither or move

about more deliberately. A certain halo surrounds the wicked angels of higher rank.

All are similar in some respects: All have wings, all have crowns, all belong in the

heavens. The delegated messengers go to earth only temporarily. Their evil errand

finished, they again return to the heavens.


The hosts of evil spirits on earth are very different from the devil's angels. These on

earth do not have wings; they can walk and run rapidly; and they move freely but

apparently do not leave the earth. They vary in size from a few inches to ten feet in

height, wear gaudy colored clothes of many stripes, and have fancy caps of various

shapes and colors; some, on the other hand, wear rags or filthy garments.


Some of these demons on earth have very little power and are of a rather harmless

order. Others, however, are large in stature, fierce in appearance, and have great

power. These on earth withstand the work of righteous men and the work of angels

among men. In one of their conflicts with an angel, earthly demons of highest rank,

assisted by others of lower rank, gathered about the angel, trying to strike him with

clubs, swords, and other weapons. Through faith and praising the Lord, the angel so

with stood this onslaught that no blow fell upon him nor could an evil hand touch him.

The demons of less power, standing at a little distance and watching the conflict, upon

seeing their companions unsuccessful in their attack, besought the powers of evil in the

heavens to send a re-enforcement of the devil's angels from the air. In response to this

entreaty a detachment of ten angels were sent down. As these approached the earth the

demons below clapped their hands in joyous welcome. When the wicked angels from

above reached the scene of conflict these less powerful demons, receding a distance,

stood in respectful quietness in the presence of the Satanic delegation from above, who

now took up the conflict with the angel. These forces the angel also withstood with

praises and faith until suddenly the Glory of God descended and entirely routed all the

hosts of evil.


The boy who saw a Christian die also saw What Takes Place When the Unconverted Die.


When one man who did not know the Gospel died, his soul, after being liberated from

the body, wandered about unhindered from place to place on earth, until one of the

devil's angels, descending from the sky with chains, bound him and forced him down

to hell. The death of a professing Christian who had known the Lord, but had not truly

repented, was still more terrible. When this man was dying, demons by his deathbed

waited in fiendish delight for the liberation of the soul of this hypocritical, one-time

professing Christian. The demons began to bind him before he was entirely out of the

body and completed the binding of their captive the minute he drew his last ungodly

breath. The hypocrite did not enjoy one moment of freedom to wander about the

earth. An object of ridicule to his demon captors, in terror he was at once dragged and

pushed into hell.


One such ungodly man was the special sport of demons who, having bound him in

chains, dragged him along on the earth, again and again jerking him up on his feet only

again to drag him down and haul him along like a dead dog. After furnishing

amusement for his captor the man was dragged down the dark road to the infernal



There was A Boy Dragged from Adullam to Hell because he had been so bad he was discharged as errand boy by an officer in the army.


After seeing him begging on the street for several days we took him into the Adullam

Rescue Home. He promised to reform, made an outward showing of decency, heard

the Gospel for a considerable time, and professed repentance.


Different articles disappeared from the Home, but the thief was not found until this boy

was caught on his way to sell the stolen plunder. We then put him out of the Home.

After several months of beggar life, during which time this boy repeatedly promised to

reform if only we would allow him to return, we gave him another chance. The Lord

also gave him another chance, for there were manifestations of the Holy Spirit and

supernatural revelations sufficient to make the way of life clear to the most simple. This

boy himself had anointings of the Holy Spirit, when the Lord dealt directly with him

about his sins and showed him the better way. In spite of all this the boy ran away and

joined a street gang of beggar-thieves. A few months later he fell and broke his arm,

infection set in, and he was about to die when he was picked up by a hospital worker.

In the hospital he was so hopelessly disobedient that he was thrown out and was soon

in a dying condition on the street. Coming to us with promises of repentance, we pitied

him and took him in once more.


Day by day he neared the end of the way. The night before he died I was awakened by

unearthly shrieks that sounded like uncanny howls of some wild animal or of some

fiend. The next day when the boy died I was away from home. As he lay in death

throes, delighted, awful hellish demons gathered about him. When his soul was leaving

his body the boy seeing his captors, wept, yelled, shrieked, and cried at the top of his

voice in wildest terror; "Mr. Baker, help! help! help! O, Mr. Baker, come quickly ! Mr.

Baker, Mr. Baker, Mr. Baker! Help, they are all about me with chains! They have come

for me. Help, help, Mr. Baker, help! Oh, oh, oh, help! help! help! They are binding me

with chains. Help! help! Oh, oh, oh, help! Oh—h—e—l—"


Visions of Hell

Over and over again children had visions of hell and the lake of fire. The first time any

one was under the anointing of the Spirit he usually had a vision of hell. He was bound

in chains by demons and taken through a region of darkness. Some children could hear

demons all about them in this region. If taken far, they could see a dim light in the

distance which proved to be reflections from the lake of fire. Some children were forced

so near they could see the lake of fire ahead. All the time they were pleading the blood

of Christ, asserting that they would not obey and would not be subject to the slavery of

their captors. They believed Jesus would surely save. We have already told how at this

climax, before the lake of fire was reached, the Lord did intervene with His bloodbought



The Bible pictures hell as a place of blackness and darkness,35 and it teaches that part of

the devil's angels are now reserved in chains of darkness awaiting judgment.

The children saw not only darkness in hell, but also


The Lake of Fire

that was always approached through a region of stygian darkness.36 In vision they

were led to the edge of a great lake of molten fire in a semi-dark pit from which arose

clouds of smoke. When the smoke settled low the fire in the lake was less distinct.

When the smoke lifted a little, the burning lake with red and greenish flames and its

inmates could be distinctly seen.


When the children were peering down into this pit in hell we saw them taking a firm

hold on some piece of furniture or getting down on their hands and knees, cautiously

bending forward to peep into the infernal regions. They looked a moment and then

drew back, afraid lest they fall in. They were horrified at what they saw. Then very

cautiously they looked again and drew back. Sometimes the children lay flat on their

stomachs, lest they slip and fall while looking over the brink of the lake of fire.

The lost were seen going into hell. Some fell in, some walked over the brink, and some

were bound by demon chains and cast into hell by demons. One boy saw groups of the

35"Jesus said:—"And the rich man also died, and was buried. And in Hades he lifted up his eyes, being

in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father

Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool

my tongue; for I am in anguish in this flame. But Abraham said,—between us and you there is a great

gulf fixed, that they which would pass from hence to you may not be able, and that none may cross over

from thence to us." Lu. 16:22,26.

36"These are springs without water and mists driven by a storm; for whom the blackness of darkness

hath been reserved." II Peter 2:17.

"The king said to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness." Matt.


"God spared not angels when they sinned, but cast them down to hell, and committed them to pits of

darkness, to be reserved unto Judgment." II Peter 2:4.

"And angels that kept not their own principality, but left their proper habitation, he hath kept in

everlasting bonds under darkness unto the judgment of the great day." Jude 6.


wicked bound in bundles, ready to be cast into this furnace of fire.37

When the fire abated and the smoke settled down the moans of the miserable could be

heard. When the fire at intervals increased in intensity and the smoke lifted a little there

were shrieks and wails of agony.

One person was rolled on the floor and caused to cry out as would a suffering soul in



In the lake of fire were oceans of hands reaching up for help. Those below appealed to

those looking in upon them to come to their rescue. We could hear the children talking

to them just as you can hear some one talking over the telephone and get but one end

of the conversation. We could hear one end of a conversation like this: "I can't help

you." "No, I cannot do anything for you." "But when you were alive you would not

obey the gospel." "No, it is too late; before you got here I preached to you, but you

made fun of me and despised Jesus. Now you know I told you the truth." "No, I cannot

do anything; this is the judgment of God." "If you had obeyed, you would now be

enjoying heaven with us." After some such conversation the children were led away to

enjoy the presence of Jesus in heaven or the glories of the golden streets of the Paradise

of God.


Lazarus could see the rich man in hell tormented in flames, and the rich man could talk

with Lazarus, but he could not cross the gulf. When Christ reigns as King of Kings upon

the earth the redeemed nations will look upon the lost.38


One boy saw his grandmother in hell, whom he had tried to win to Christ. She was

once a sorceress and murderer who had withstood the gospel she heard in her village

and caused many to refuse the light. Other children also had visions of relatives in hell.

This tribal boy who saw his grandmother in hell was the boy who saw his little sister

and his believing aunt in heaven.

37"Again the kingdom of heaven is like a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind,

which when it was filled, they drew up on the beach . . . The bad they cast away. So shall it be in the

end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the righteous, and

shall cast them into the furnace of fire." Matt. 13:47-50.

"I will say to the reapers, Gather up first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them . .. As the

tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the world The Son of man shall

send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that cause stumbling, and

them that do iniquity and shall cast them into the furnace of fire." Matt. 13:30, 40-42.

38"All flesh shall come to worship before me, saith Jehovah. And they shall go forth, and look upon

the dead bodies of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither

shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh." Isa. 66: 23, 24.


There was no vision of any one in heaven or the name of any one on the mansions by

the golden streets who did not trust in Jesus. Those in hell were all unbelievers. One

night when the Lord spoke through a small boy in wonderful prophecy, among the

things he said was, "There will be no one in heaven except those who believe the



After the Lord had taken the boys and girls through most wonderful and systematic

lessons in the Holy Spirit they nearly all came at last to


The Parting of the Roads.

In this vision, repeated until it seemed the impression could never be forgotten, the one

in vision seemed to be standing by the cross at the parting of the two great roads. The

one was the narrow way of life that leads to heaven and glory; the other was the broad

way to hell and destruction.


Great, busy, hurrying multitudes—multitudes hustling with business, carrying great

loads of sin and rushing along with the affairs of life—were passing by in endless

streams and countless numbers. The child was the preacher at the cross roads. Again

we heard one side of the conversation: "Hello! my friend! Please wait a minute; I want

to speak to you. Say, do not go down that broad road; it leads to hell and ruin. I have

been down that way and have seen hell for myself. Stop here by the cross and let Jesus

wash all your sins away. From the Cross of Christ here you can start up this other road

that will lead you to heaven and everlasting life and joy. Oh! that fellow does not

believe it. There he goes on down the broad road. What a pity! I will stop this other

man and see if he will believe. Hey there! Just a minute! Say, do not follow that crowd.

They do not know where they are going. That road leads to destruction; that is the road

to the lake of fire. Please don't go on. I came out here to stop as many of you as

possible and give you fair warning. Better turn aside here, let Jesus wash your sins

away, and go with us up the road to heaven where God is. Oh, there he goes, too!

"Here is another. Wait a moment! Say, come out of that crowd. Cannot you see there is

no one traveling back this way? They all go down that road; no one ever comes back.

That is the broad road to hell. Stop here by the cross, believe the gospel of salvation

through Jesus' blood, and you will be safe. There is no other road further on. This is the

only road to heaven. Turn in here or you will be lost too.


"Oh, what a pity he does not believe me. There he goes with the others."

Sometimes the youthful preacher would decide that if no one believed him he would

follow the wilful crowd to see what happened. When he arrived with the crowd at the

brink of the lake of fire in hell, we heard him say, "Look at that crowd falling into hell!


Not one escapes. Everyone goes in." Slowly drawing near the edge of the pit and

leaning over and looking down into the lake with its suffering multitudes, the preacher

said: "I can not help you now. I told you all about this back there at 'the gospel cross

roads,' but you would not believe. No, you would not believe, even if I could help you

out. No, I am helpless now. If you had listened when I warned, the Lord would have

saved you; you came on and fell in because you would not take advice. No, I can't. I am

going back to the cross roads to see if I can find some one who will listen, and stop a

few at any cost."


He was occasionally successful in persuading one to listen. Then he would say, "Now,

you get down there at the foot of the cross of Jesus and pray. Oh, you don't know how

to pray? Well, you say what I tell you. 'Jesus, I am a sinner! I was on my road to hell. I

am only fit for hell. The big load I carry is only sin. Forgive my sins and teach me to live

only for your glory. Amen'." There was rejoicing then as the sinner was saved and

started up the narrow road, while the preacher went out to try to rescue another

deluded traveler.


These visions, with some variations, were repeated many times, making it clear that

salvation was only by repentance and belief in the blood of Christ, through the

preaching of the gospel; that the many were called; that few were saved; that the road

to destruction is broad and multitudes pass that way; that the way of life is narrow and

few there be that find it.39 It was made equally clear that the Christian is to stand in the

gap at the parting of the ways and persuade and warn to the limit of his ability.

We have told how the boys, even the small boys, went out at that time and preached

on the streets with unction of the Holy Spirit, sometimes under direct inspiration such

as we had never before witnessed. I will close this chapter with the story of


The University Student Who Went by the Cross Roads.

Opposite our front gate lived a university student who was to have graduated from the

university that year. After moving here I talked with him, asking him to come over and

discuss the Bible and Christianity in a friendly way. He came a few days, and I felt

certain he was convinced of the truth of what I said. The questions he raised seemed to

be answered to his full satisfaction.


Through him I managed to get a chance to talk with some of the other university

students during their vacation. I had been going to their rooms ten days, when there

39"Enter ye in by the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to

destruction, and many are they that enter in thereby. For narrow is the gate, and straightened the way,

that leadeth unto life, and few are they that find it." Matt. 7:13, 14.


came the mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon Adullam. The students were

friendly, and I felt that the student I have mentioned saw clearly the truth of the gospel.

I could see that, although he was polite, he was not disposed to accept the truth and did

not seem to like the friendly way the other students responded to the Bible discussions.

One morning when one of our girls was out at our front gate it happened that this

young university student was out there too. The girl began telling him he ought to be a

Christian, in a simple way urging him to believe in Jesus to save him from his sins,

make him a good man, save him from hell, and lead him to heaven.


"What's the use of my being a Christian ? I do not need to be saved."


"You might die suddenly in your sins, and you would go to hell."


"Who are you?" scoffed the student. "You are a little snip of an ignorant girl, just a sort

of useless beggar. What do you suppose you are trying to do? You are trying to teach

me something when you are not worthy to even talk to me. I am a university student. I

am wise. I have read many books. I have been many years in Peking. I can speak and

read English as well as Chinese." He then spat in her face and told her to mind her own



Two weeks later hearing a funeral commotion in the front alley, I was surprised to

learn that they were carrying this university student to his burial; I had seen him on the

street a few days before. One of the boys said that as we were going out to preach, a

few days previous, he had offered this young man a tract, but he would not take it.

I knew nothing of this conversation with the girl. About a month later this girl was in a

trance under the power of the Spirit. After seeing visions of heaven and the glories of

the redeemed she stood still and bent over as though looking into hell. This is what I

heard: "Ah! There is hell. No, I cannot; I have no power to help you now. You certainly

are in an awful plight. It is you who are worse than a beggar now, all dirty, all filthy,

and suffering in the lake of fire. In fact, you look worse now than any beggar I ever

saw. I thought you told me you were rich and that you had a great education. Where is

your education now? Well, I cannot help you now even if you do apologize. That may

be, but I have no power. No, only Jesus can save you, but when I told you about Him

you made fun of Him and cursed me.


"Look what we beggars who believe in Jesus have received in heaven: all is joy, all is

happiness; all is love in the city of golden streets with its wonderful Paradise of God."


The Righteous Scarcely Saved

Then the girl seemed to be crossing the lake of fire over a narrow bridge. We saw her

walking as though she were walking a rope, placing one foot carefully in front of the

other while extending her arm on either side until she recovered her balance. With a

sigh of relief she said, "My! this is dangerous! But the Lord will help me. I will get across

to the other side." Then she carefully brought the other foot forward and nearly lost her

balance again. She praised the Lord until she recovered her balance and proceeded as

before. In this way having crossed the room, she seemed to be safely in heaven, past

every danger of ever falling into the lake of fire.


Whatever the effect of relating these visions may have on others, these things have

taught us in Adullam to believe more assuredly than ever in the reality of heaven and

the Kingdom of God and the reality of hell and the Kingdom of the devil. More

positively than ever do we assert that the way through this life that leads over the

dangers of the lake of fire, the way that "over-comers" must travel, is like walking a

rope which must be traveled step by step with fear and trembling.40 Only the Lord

Jesus can sustain us in the balance so that we may not topple in to the right, or escaping

that, fall to the left. We are surer than ever that God means for us to stand by the cross

at the cross roads to point sinners to the narrow, little-traveled road that starts at the

cross and leads by it on up to heaven and the life the Lord has prepared for them who

love Him. How can any be saved without this salvation; how can any escape who

neglect this salvation? "For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and

every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward; how shall

we escape, if we neglect so great a salvation" (Heb. 2 :2, 3)?

40"For the time is come for judgment to begin at the house of God: and if it begin first at us, what shall be

the end of them that obey not the gospel of God? And if the righteous is scarcely saved, where shall

the ungodly and sinner appear?" I Peter 4:17, 18.





During the mighty out pouring of the Holy Spirit, by vision and prophecy we were repeatedly warned that the end of the present age and the return of our Lord is at hand.

The Holy Spirit made this great climax at the consummation of the present age so vivid and real that no doubt was left in any of our minds that the Lord God was bringing last and supremely important messages to his people. The Scripture teaches that the present age will end in the greatest tribulation the world has ever seen and that immediately after that tribulation the Lord will return to “Ye men of Galilee, why destroy the wicked and reward the righteous.41 stand ye looking into heaven? This Jesus, who was received up from you

into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye beheld him going into heaven.”


“Then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.”


The Scriptures also teach that this age will reach its climax at its "end" in the harvest when the tares will have reached full fruition and when the wheat will have passed from the leaf and the blade to the full grain in the ear. When both the wheat and the tares are ripe the angels will come with the Lord to gather the harvest and to separate the wheat from the tares. In other words, when the Kingdom of the devil is at its worst and the Kingdom of God on earth is at its best, in its purest form the evil ripe and the good ripe—then will come the harvest.42 The Bible further teaches that evil will

41"But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall

not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be

shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven, and then shall all the tribes of the

earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great

glory." Matt. 24 :30, 31.

42Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers,

Gather up first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn.

"And he answered and said, He that soweth the good seed is the Son of Man; and the field is the world;

and the good seed. these are the sons of the kingdom; and tares are the sons of the evil one; and the

enemy that soweth them is the devil: and the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are

angels. As therefore the tares are gathered up and burned with fire; so shall it be in the end of the

world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things


reach its climax in the incarnation of the devil in control of a demon-deceived and

tormented world and that this devil-possessed world ruler, the super-man, will be

destroyed by the Lord at his coming.43


There may be those who take exception to the above remarks, but, without detailed

discussion of these matters, I will relate, as best I can, the visions and revelations given

Adullam children, who knew little or nothing of the theology involved.


Pestilence and Wars

Time after time they spoke in prophecy, saying that a time of famine, pestilence, war,

and desolation is coming and that it will be attended with persecution of the people of

God, whom He will especially equip and protect in this crisis.


One boy saw our school teacher trying to buy a measure of rice. So great a crowd

surrounded the granary that the teacher could only hope for success in making his

purchase by pushing with the crowd. Only one measure of rice could be bought by

each man.44


In vision one ignorant, uneducated boy was transported to our civilized lands and saw

the peoples getting ready for war, making bombs, cannon, and implements of



The coming of the devil and his incarnation in the Antichrist was prophesied many

times, as well as seen in vision.

that cause stumbling and them that do iniquity, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall

be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of

their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear" Matt. 13:37-43.

43"Now we beseech you, brethren, touching the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering

together unto him . . . let no man beguile you in any wise: for it will not be except the falling away come

first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, he that opposeth and exalteth himself

against all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he sitteth in the temple of God, setting

himself forth as God . . . for the mystery of lawlessness doth already work: only there is one that

restraineth now, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall be revealed the lawless one, whom

the Lord Jesus shall slay with the breath of his mouth, and bring to nought by the manifestation of his

coming; even he, whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying

wonders, and with all deceit of unrighteousness for them that perish." II Thess. 2:1-10.

44"And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A measure of wheat

for a shilling, and three measures of barley for a shilling . . . " Rev. 6:6.


Visions of the Devil and Antichrist

The children saw the dragon, the devil with seven heads. One boy saw angels fighting

with him and seven of his angels. The devil and his angels were overcome and flung

out of heaven to earth.45


Adullam boys saw the super-man the world is wishing for, the great subject of worship

that Buddhism, Theosophy, Mohammedanism and other religions expect. In him they

saw the devil incarnated as a handsome, strong man in the beauty and strength of

young manhood.


They also had visions of the image that in due season this God-defying Antichrist will

erect according to prophecy as an object of worship, the image that will be able to

speak and to deceive the world.46 I asked how they knew this handsome man of power

was the Antichrist. They said that a host of demons followed him everywhere, obeyed

his every command, advanced at his word, and halted at his order.


This Antichrist was also seen upon a plain as a beast with seven heads. Again I asked

how they knew this was the Antichrist, and the children said the angels told them. I

have already explained that, as to John, these revelations were given through angels

when the children were "in the Spirit" in a trance and that, like him, they carried on

conversation with the angels and by these heavenly messengers were told the mystery

of many things they did not understand themselves.


The Saints Under Persecution

During the reign of this super-man in his God-defying power the saints of God were

standing true and bearing faithful testimony in spite of every hardship and every

45"And there was seen another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and

ten horns, and upon his head seven diadems. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels

going forth to war with the dragon; and the dragon warred and his angels; and they prevailed not,

neither was their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast down, the old serpent,

he that is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world; he was cast down to the earth,

and his angels were cast down with him . . . Woe for the earth and for the sea: because the devil is gone

down unto you, having great wrath, knowing that he hath but a short time." Rev. 12:3, 7-9, 12.

46"And he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by reason of the signs which it was given him to do

in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to

the beast who hath the stroke of the sword and lived. And it was given unto him to give breath to it.

even to the image of the beast that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as

should not worship the image of the beast should be killed." Rev. 13:14, 15.


danger. They saw the two witnesses in Jerusalem, and they saw the saints, as well as

these two, endued with mighty supernatural power to fight with and to resist the

power of darkness in that awful time, the like of which has never been upon the

earth—the time when the devil and all his angels and demons will be turned loose upon

the earth, having great wrath, knowing their time is short. During this time, when no

one but a true Spirit-filled saint could stand for a day against such Satanic power and

supernatural Satanic miracles and manifestations, the children saw the saints filled with

the still greater supernatural power of their God, the Spirit of him, who is greater than

"he that is in the world." They had visions of preaching the gospel in the midst of great

persecution; but they were given such power that by a word from them, enemies

smitten by plagues47 or death. This power seemed to issue from within and came out of

their mouths; with it they rebuked and slew their enemies. They were exercising the

power the Lord had promised his disciples, power to do the works He did and greater

works.48 In some cases, after giving a testimony in a town that rejected them and

having left it a distance, fire from heaven descended and destroyed the wicked place,

even as Sodom and Gommorah were swept away. When persecution was bitter they

were some times caught away bodily by the Holy Spirit as was Philip49 and as the

prophets supposed Elijah had been (II Kings 2:16). They were thus by the Spirit carried

away to a place of safety. In time of hunger and need food was miraculously

provided—manna, fruit, and other food. Angels ministered. Strength and boldness

were given to bear a fearless testimony. The Christians had power to speak with

tongues in the languages of strange and unevangelized tribes. When in vision the boys

or girls were thus preaching in the Spirit we ourselves could see how this might be true,

for while one speaker preached to the people of a strange language whom he saw

before him, another interpreted for him (I Cor. 14:28). Both spoke in other tongues.

One spoke a few sentences, then the other interpreted. They were preaching to some of

those of every tribe and language.


John saw an angel flying in heaven with the everlasting gospel to be preached to all

tribes and tongues, just before the fall of Babylon the Great.50 He also saw a great

multitude no man could number, people of every tribe and language, who had washed

47"And if any man desireth to hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their

enemies; and if any man shall desire to hurt them; in this manner must he be killed." Rev. 11:5.

48"He that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he

do; because I go unto the Father." John 14:12.

49"And when they came up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip; and the eunuch

saw him no more." Acts 8:39.

50"And I saw another angel flying in mid heaven, having eternal good tidings to proclaim unto them

that dwell on the earth and unto every nation and tribe and tongue and people; and he saith with a

great voice, Fear God, and give him glory; for the hour of his judgment is come." Rev. 14-6, 7.


their robes in the blood of the Lamb and had come out of Great Tribulation.51 Must it

not be in accord with the Scripture that, as the children saw in these visions, the gospel

will be preached again under angelic ministration in the miraculous power of the Holy

Spirit in a supernatural way, far exceeding that of the early Church in the days of its

persecution? May it not be that the harvest outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the latter

rain, will far exceed the seed-time outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the former rain, the

outpouring on the Day of Pentecost?


The Final World War

At the conclusion of the final testimony of the most perfect and supernatural church the

world has ever seen, in the midst of the greatest persecution by the greatest

concentration of Satanic demonical power and devil-controlled human power that any

age on earth has ever experienced, the Adullam children saw the Antichrist, the devilman,

the super-man world leader, marshalling his forces for the final world war of the



They also saw the war in the spirit realm. In this they saw a man on a white horse,

leading his army of angels dressed in white.52 They also saw a rider on a red horse, the

rider dressed in beautiful dark colored array and followed by his host of demons in



Some visions of the war on earth were also seen. Children saw battleships destroyed by

bombs thrown from airplanes, and they saw the ships with all aboard enter their

watery grave to be seen no more. Armies were seen gathered from all the earth,

engaged in the great and terrible struggle. The children watched the awful battle.

Poison gas and deadly instruments of war slew their victims in countless numbers. At

first the dead were buried, but later the slain, being so many they could not be taken

care of, were piled in heaps or left to decay as manure upon the face of the earth, as the

51"After these things I saw, and behold a great multitude, which no man could number, out of every

nation and of all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb,

arrayed in white robes, and palms in their hands. And one of the elders answered, saying unto me,

These that are arrayed in the white robes, who are they, and when came they? And I said unto him,

My Lord, thou knowst. And he said to me, These are they that came out of the Great tribulation, and

they washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb." Rev. 7:9, 13, 14.

52"And l saw the heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and he that sat thereon called Faithful

and True; and in righteousness he doth judge and make war . . . And the armies which are in heaven

followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and pure. And out of his mouth proceedeth

a sharp sword, that he should smite the nations . . . and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of

the wrath of God, the Almighty." Rev. 19:11, 14, 15.


prophet has foretold.53


In the midst of all these things everything was interrupted by The Sudden Return of Christ.


The sun became dark and the moon red like blood.54 The stars fell in showers. The

heavens shook and seemed to roll together as a scroll. There was a great earthquake

that rent the earth asunder. Great crevices opened and people were swallowed alive.

Buildings were shaken down, collapsing like children's toy houses, killing and burying

the inmates. While these things in heaven and earth were taking place the Lord

appeared in the heavens. Old and young, rich and poor were overcome with deadly

fear. They fled in every direction in wild confusion. Men fled from their shops empty

handed, without a thought of their valuables that a few moments before had seemed of

great importance. Families rushed from their homes without even a glance back upon

the luxuries that had been their life passion. In one moment all men became one in

purpose; they had only one desire; they sought only one thing. That one desire was to

flee from the face of the returning Judge; they sought only a place of refuge to hide

from the visible King of Kings. Some who were not killed by falling houses or who did

not tumble into the opened earth tried to flee to the mountains for safety; some leaped

into the rivers and perished; some slew themselves with their own weapons.

53"A noise shall come even to the end of the earth; for Jehovah hath a controversy with the nations; he

will enter into judgment with all flesh: as for the wicked, he will give them to the sword saith

Jehovah. Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great

tempest shall be raised up from the uttermost parts of the earth. And the slain of Jehovah shall be at

that day from one end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented

neither gathered, nor buried: they shall be dung upon the face of the ground." Jeremiah 25:31, 32, 33.

54"But immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall

not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken

. . . and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."

Matt. 24:29, 30.

"And I saw when he opened the sixth seal, and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black

as sackcloth of hair, and the whole moon became as blood; and the stars of the heaven fell unto the

earth, as a fig tree casteth her unripe figs when she is shaken of a great wind. And the heaven was

removed as a scroll when it is rolled up; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

And the kings of the earth, and the princes, and the chief captains and the rich, and the strong and

every bondman and freeman hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains; and they

say to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the

throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: for the great day of their wrath is come; and who is able to

stand?" Rev. 6:12-17.


Everywhere was wailing and shrieking. Everywhere was riot and terror. Anything to

escape from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of His wrath was come.

After this there were visions of


The Great Supper of God,

where the beasts and birds were bidden to eat the unburied dead that lay scattered

over the ruined earth. Dogs and wild animals were seen feeding on the carcasses of

men. Birds and scavengers of the air joined in this supper prepared by God.

“And it shall come to pass in that day that . . . All the men that are upon the face of the earth shall

shake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and

every wall shall fall to the ground.” Eze. 38:18-21. “Behold? THE DAY OF JOHOVAH cometh, cruel, with wrath and fierce anger; to make the land a desolation, and to destroy the sinners thereof out of it. For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light, the sun shall be darkened in its going forth and the moon will not cause light to shine. And I will punish the world for their evil and the wicked for their iniquity: and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease.” Isa. 63:9-11


While the boys were witnessing this great feast we could hear their remarks and see

their movements as the scene was described and acted out before us. One would say,

"Look at that eagle eating that rich fellow. See it picking his fancy clothes from his body.

Look at that! It has taken a piece of his flesh and flown away.''55

55"And I saw an angel standing in the sun, and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that

fly in mid heaven, Come and be gathered together unto the great supper of God, that ye may eat the

flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses and of

them that sit thereon, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, and small and great " Rev 19:17, 18



"Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great tempest

shall be raised up from uttermost parts of the earth. And the slain of Jehovah shall be at that day

from one end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung


upon the face of the ground.'' Jer 25:32, 33

"And I saw an angel,.. saying to all the birds that fly in mid-heaven, Come and be gathered together

unto the great supper of God, that ye may eat . . . the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit thereon, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, and small and great." Rev.



Another said, "O, look over there; a vulture and a crow both eating at that man. The

vulture has the most courage. He just picks and picks away, gorging himself, never

taking time to look up, but the crow is afraid; he takes a bit and looks around to see if

he is in danger. 'Ai ya,' do you see that? Look at the birds standing on that well dressed

fellow and digging into him." Then the boys suddenly with one accord wheeled around

with their backs toward the repellent scene, while their remarks, as well as their

motions, made it clear enough the sort of abhoring scenes that will characterize the final

feast of the earth. Here will be the rich and mighty, the captains of the earth, the

captains of industry, the captains of wealth, the captains of war, and the captains of all

Christ-rejecting enterprises and religions. They will not be there as honored guests, but

as the food for the scavengers of the earth over which they have lived in selfish luxury.

Thus the Adullam children have already seen and described in terrible reality the

culminating scenes of our boasted material civilization. They have seen the fruit of

godless sowing and the answer to the question of our Lord, "What shall it profit a man

if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?" The Word of God says, "All the

nations that forget God shall be turned into hell." These simple children believe without

a doubt, because they have been shown by God and the angels what is also written in

the Word of the Lord, that the climax and consummation of the present world with its

human systems of education and its boasted organization and wealth will be "the great

supper of God," where the flesh of the dead will be more of a prize than will be the

splendor and culture that is now the pride of the living.


The Antichrist Bound and the Devil Cast into the Pit

The children saw the Lord and his angels bind the Antichrist hand and foot, preparatory

to casting him alive into hell.56


There were visions also of the devil taken alive to the mouth of the pit; a box-like lid

was lifted up, and he was cast down into the black well-like shaft of the abyss; the lid

was shut down, and the Lord locked it with a great key.57


The Descent of the Lord and the Last Trumpet

We have written of the visions of the return of Christ as related to the wicked. There

were equally clear visions relating to the saints. Adullam saw the heavens open and the

Lord descend in glory attended by His angels. On either side and following the Lord

was this great army of attendants in white. Those in front blew beautiful trumpets as

with the blast of trumpets the Lord and His army descended in perfect order, every one

keeping in his proper place and rank. As the Lord thus descended toward the earth

there were wonderful visions of the


Resurrection and Rapture of the Saints. (Note here that the author’s use of the word Rapture is in conjunction with the first resurrection as recorded in the word of God. – These children did not witness Christians being flown out escaping persecution and the judgments of God falling on the earth. Before 1910 the doctrine that has become known as the Rapture of the church was virtually unknown to Fundamentalist and Pentecostals.)

Graves burst open as from an explosion. Bodies came out of the graves and were

suddenly clothed upon by the heavenly tabernacle of the resurrection glory life. In

some cases bones were seen to come together as the children expressed it in Chinese

idiom: "one bone from the east and one from the west." These scattered bones, having

become clothed with flesh and transformed into the resurrection body, were caught up

56"And the beast was taken, and with the false prophet that wrought the signs in his sight,

wherewith he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped his

image: they two were cast alive into the lake of fire that burneth with brimstone." Rev. 19:20.

57"And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key of the abyss and a great chain in his

hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, the old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan, and bound him

for a thousand years, and cast him into the abyss and shut and sealed it over him, that he deceive the

nations no more, until the thousand years should be finished: after this he must be loosed for a little

time." Rev. 20:1-3.


to meet the Lord in the air.58 One boy saw a funeral procession where a Christian was

being carried to his burial. On the way to the burial ground the trumpet sounded, the

Lord descended, the coffin opened, the dead sat up, arose transformed, and ascended

into the air.


I have already told how our children had visions of some of our Adullam people

already dead and now in heaven, clothed in white and enjoying Paradise and of their

seeing the saints of old clothed in white. The Scripture teaches that between death and

the resurrection the saints have spiritual bodies and that the saints are clothed in white

before the time of the resurrection.59 When I cross-questioned the children as to how

they knew whether the saints they saw in heaven had been resurrected or not, they

said they did not know until the angels told them that they saw only the souls of the

saints and that their bodies had not been resurrected. I questioned and cross-questioned

in some of these matters and always got a uniform testimony: the children always saw

the saints in white; the saints never had wings; all of the angels had wings; there was no

difficulty in distinguishing between saints and angels.


In summary, then, Adullam saw the saints in white now in heaven, with access to

Paradise, and enjoying the fellowship of Christ and the angels; they saw the descent of

the Lord with "all his holy ones"—all his angels—at the sounding of the last trumpet;

they saw the resurrection and transformation of the bodies of the saints and their

ascent into the air. They also saw

58"For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we that are alive, that are left unto the

coming of the Lord, shall in no wise precede them that are fallen asleep. For the Lord himself shall

descend from heaven, with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and

the dead in Christ shall rise first; then we that are alive, that are left shall together with them be

caught up in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord." l Thess.


"Behold I tell you a mystery: we all shall not sleep, but we shall be changed, in a moment, in the

twinkling of an eye at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised

incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption and this mortal

must put on immortality." I Cor. 15: 51-53.

59"And when he opened the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of them that had been slain

for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: and they cried with a great voice, saying,

How long, O Master, the holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on

the earth? And there was given them to each one a white robe; and it was said unto them, that they

should rest yet for a little time, until their fellow servants also and their brethren, who should be

killed even as they were, should have fulfilled their course." Rev. 69:12.

The instance of the rich man and Lazarus shows that the dead have bodies between the time of death

and resurrection. See Luke 16: 19-30.


The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.60

Great tables were spread in Paradise in the midst of its magnificent trees, its wonderful

flowers with enchanting fragrance, its glorious birds of every plumage that sang their

carols of praise, where all redeemed animal and vegetable creation was one

harmonious, spirit-filled, God-praising whole. Here, then, in this indescribable Paradise

of God in open spaces were spread the tables for the great Marriage Supper. Angels

and the glorified saints skipped about everywhere playing harps, blowing trumpets,

singing, and praising the Lord. Some of the children acted out these scenes before us.

They hurried to their jewel bedecked home to get their harp or trumpet and joined the

spirit inspired music of the greatest of all festival scenes, the climax of all the hopes of

the ages. Great companies sang, and danced, and praised the King. Others hurried

about preparing the tables or the seats and carrying the golden dishes of food.

In a park more beautiful than this or any earthly park, the children had visions of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in the Eden park in heaven.


There was abundance of food, everything having flavor of its own, exceeding anything

that could be imagined.


When all was ready, the call was sent forth and the saints of all past ages gathered

around the tables to celebrate the wedding of the King's Great Son. The consummation

of all their hopes, the realization of all highest joy in heaven itself, came to its highest

point when the harlot, the beggar, the sinner, and the one-time off-scourings of the

earth came from the east and the west and sat down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob at

60"And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they that are bidden to the marriage supper of the Lamb.

And he saith unto me, These are true words of God." Rev. 19:9.


this festal table in the Kingdom of God.61 As all arose and expectantly reached its

greatest height, the Son Himself came in and sat down at the tables surrounded by his

blood bought and white-robe clad bride the redeemed of every nation, and tribe, and

tongue and drank with them the fruit of the vine.62

Adullam saw


The Books Opened and the Day of Judgment.

They saw the books in which the deeds of men are recorded and saw the Judge upon

the throne before whom all men were judged out of the books. The righteous were set

apart to stand in one great company on the one side, while those whose names were

not in the book of life were gathered into another great company to stand on the other

side. The one company was separated to enter the Kingdom of God and the life of the

ages; the other group was doomed to go into the fire prepared for the devil and his



A few were privileged to have visions of

The New Heaven and the New Earth.

The New Heaven was so filled with Shekina glory that the children could not carefully

look into it.


The New Jerusalem, the city four-square, occupied the central position in the New

Earth. They saw the celestial city with its Paradise as it is now, but descended upon the

New Earth. The whole New Earth was much like the Paradise that is now and will then

61"I say unto you, that many shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham,

and Isaac, and Jacob, in the Kingdom of heaven." Matt. 8:11.

62"But I say unto you, I shall not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink

it new with you in my Father's Kingdom." Matt. 26:29.

63"Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the

Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world . . . he shall say also unto them on the left

hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels."

Matt. 25:34, 41.


still be in the city of God, the Bride of the Lamb.64 It was the earth God wanted for His

children, more than restored by Him who is more than Conqueror. It was the New

Heaven and the New Earth that had passed through the new birth65 and that will never

pass away, the earth where God will again pitch his tent with men, where he will

forever be called their God and they shall all and always be His Children. Amen.

Ka Do Land Mountains

64"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth are passed away:

and the sea is no more. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God,

made ready as a bride adorned for her husband." Rev. 21:1, 2.

65"And he that sitteth on the throne said, Behold I make all things new." Rev. 21:5





In fulfilment of the Scripture that "in the last days. .. your sons . . . shall prophesy" (Acts

2 :17), one of the little ten-year-old beggar sons of China was used as the mouth-piece

of the Lord to bring us a message by direct inspiration.


A few months previous this boy, ragged and dirty—in fact, more nearly clothed with

filth than with garments—came to our door with his two companions to ask if he might

come in. When bathed and dressed, the boy looked like a guileless little fellow, and such

he proved to be. He at once took every Bible story and sermon to heart. He soon

learned to pray, and we could hear him praying in bed very earnestly every night.

When the Holy Spirit fell upon us this boy was among the first to receive the baptism of

the Spirit, speaking with other tongues as on the Day of Pentecost.


As surely as ever God spoke in the past, when men were moved upon by the Holy

Spirit, so that Scripture was inspired of God and prophets declared their message to be

"Thus saith the Lord" with such assurance that they were ready to back their convictions

with their lives, even so surely the living God still reigns and speaks to the children of

men by direct prophecy, when the circumstances demand it, and faith and other

conditions are according to His divine will.


One night the power of the Lord was present in an unusual manner. Heaven seemed

not far away. Then it was that our one-time, little, friendless beggar-boy seemed to

leave this filthy earth and to be caught up to heaven. Ushered into the presence of the

Lord Jesus, he fell prostrate at His feet in humble adoration and worship. As a matterof-

fact, the boy lay prostrate in the middle of the room surrounded by his companions,

who sat about him on the floor, listening intently to a message that came through him

from the Lord. Such gripping, heart-searching words I have never heard. While the boy

sobbed and wept with deepest grief the message was given, a sentence or two at a

time, in a clear strong voice. The language came in rhythm; the choice of words was the

simplest and purest. The intonation of the voice, the choice of language, the penetrating

power of every word was such that no person who heard could ever doubt that this

little simple minded Samuel was speaking by direct supernatural inspiration from God.

Prostrated in vision at the feet of the Lord, the boy said, "Lord Jesus, I am not worthy to

be here or to be saved at all. I am only a little street beggar." Then Jesus addressed the

boy. The boy did not know it at the time, but the Lord actually spoke through the boy

as a mouth piece, using the first person and addressing us and the children sitting about

him. Here is the "Thus saith the Lord" that we wish might grip your hearts as it still

grips our own.


The Message from Christ

"I weep tonight. I am heart-broken. I am in deep sorrow because those who believe in

me are so very few. I planned and prepared heaven for every one, having made room

for all the people in all the world. I made the New Jerusalem in three great cities, one

above the other, with plenty of space for all men. But men will not believe me. Those

who believe are so very few. I am sad, so very sad. (This message was given between

heart-rending sobs and floods of tears from the boy.) Since men will not believe me, I

must destroy the wicked earth. I planned to visit it with three great calamities, but it is

so wicked that I have added a fourth.


"If you have any friends, tell them to repent quickly; persuade all men as rapidly as

possible to believe the gospel; but if people will not listen and will not accept your

message the responsibility will not be upon you.


"Get the baptism of the Holy Spirit. If you will tarry and believe, I will baptize you. The

devil deceives you by making you think you will not receive the baptism, but wait and

seek and I will baptize you, and give you power to cast out devils and to heal the sick.

Those who receive the seal of the Holy Spirit are to preach and testify, and I will be with

you to help and protect you in times of danger.


"If you think perhaps you will not get to heaven, that thought is of the devil. I will not

destroy my own children; I will protect and save every one; not one of mine will perish.

I will overcome. Pray for Mr. and Mrs. Baker and I will give them power to cast out

devils and to heal the sick. The children in the home should obey. Do not fight. Do not

lie. Live at peace. When you pray, pray from the heart. Do not let your love grow cold.


"Tell other churches they, too, should seek the Holy Spirit. All churches must press



"The devil is coming to earth in a few years, and there will be great tribulation. Do not

worry; I will protect and care for you.


"People everywhere will gather together and fight in one place, after which I will come

to punish the earth. You must not fear, for those who believe in me will be caught up to

blow trumpets and to play harps.


"I will destroy two of every three. When I come everything must obey my voice

(Chinese, "Yang yang du yao ting o dy hwa"). Houses will tumble down; mountains will

fall; trees will be destroyed. There will be utter destruction where I will not leave one

blade of grass (Chinese, "Ih gen tsao du buh liu"). Those who worship idols will perish.

All sorcerers and spiritist mediums shall be cast into hell. Only those who believe the

gospel will be saved."


Thus hath the Lord spoken to Adullam and, we believe, to all to whom we may be able

to pass this message of prophecy. This message from our risen Lord was given in

Chinese as above recorded, the sentences spoken slowly and distinctly with pauses

between. I wrote them as they were given, often repeated a time or two so there could

be no mistake on the part of the hearers; there was ample time to record without

mistake every word the Lord spoke through this little inspired prophet of His choice.

The message complete, the little boy arose and told us he had been at the feet of Jesus.

He did not know that the Lord had spoken through him as well as to him in the first

person. He repeated the prophecy, saying, "Jesus said that, Jesus said this," etc.

This prophecy already heard, already written, and then again repeated from the little

prophet's memory item by item, made it easy to see how in days of old the prophets

spoke as moved by God, how a scribe might record every word as it came from the lips

of the prophet, or how the prophet himself could record his own messages, truly

saying, "thus saith the Lord."


In days of old, when religious and worldly men had departed from a simple faith in a

personal living God who spoke to men and when their unbelief and wickedness was

such that "in those days there was no open vision" (I Sam 3), God found a pure-minded

little Samuel and spoke to him in an audible voice a message that was fulfilled to the

very letter. Accordingly, we believe that God who is still the same living God that has

spoken to and through others in the past has, in this day of wickedness and unbelief,

given to us through our little Chinese Samuel a "Thus saith the Lord" that will shortly

come to pass, a message to be heeded to our eternal joy or neglected to eternal sorrow.





Through this outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon these Chinese children much light was

thrown upon the writing of the Word of God.


Prophecy Fulfilled

Such an outpouring of the Spirit, attended with such supernatural manifestations, is in

itself a testimony that the Bible was written by God. He alone knows the future.

Fulfilled prophecy was, in the mind of Christ and the apostles, sufficient proof of the

hand of God in the writing of the Scriptures.


In what we have recorded about this outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon these children

ten prophecies of the Scriptures were fulfilled: (1) such a baptism was prophesied for

believers of the present age; (2) it was to be accompanied by speaking in unknown

languages and by (3) prophesying as the Spirit gave utterance. (4) In fulfilment of

prophecy these children were shown "the things of Christ." (5) The reality of "things to

come" was also shown them. (6) True to prophecy, they were "born again" of the Holy

Spirit, receiving the witness in their hearts crying, "Abba Father." (7) The visions seen by

these children fulfilled the written Word that in the last days "young men shall see

visions." (8) Demons were cast out, and (9) the sick were miraculously healed, just as the

Bible said they might be, by the power of the Holy Spirit. (10) A miraculous change

took place so that things once loved were hated and things once hated were loved.


The Ignorant Confound the Wise

It is to be recalled that, according to the Bible, the revelations of God and the writings of

the Scriptures are independent of natural ability or of acquired education. An uneducated

Amos, or Peter, or John, inspired by God, wrote more profoundly than the

wisest of this world.


In what the Lord has done and revealed to these despised and outcast beggar boys and

girls can we not see a proof of the Word of God? While "not many wise after the flesh,

not many mighty" follow the old-fashioned, narrow way of simple faith in God, He still

can and does choose these "that are despised," even these simple Chinese children of the

streets and gutters, to "bring to naught the things that are" supposed to be so learned

and wise, in this age of godless reason and worldly knowledge.


Some more of the “despised”

While the wise of this learned (?), proud, and stiff necked generation that resists the

simple Word go on groping around in the darkness of their own self-sufficient

delusions, it must be true in this day, as in the past, that in the midst of so much

confusing of man's wisdom, Jesus can still say, "I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven

and earth, that Thou didst hide these things from the wise and understanding, and didst

reveal them unto babes" (Matt. 11 :25).


As a whole, the educated and the rulers of the days of Christ did not understand His

miraculous works and life, or "they would not have crucified the Lord of Glory" (I Cor.

2:8). The rulers and the educated of the days of the apostles did not understand the

miraculous working of Almighty God through simple men endued with the power of

the Holy Spirit, or they would not have killed the Spirit-filled saints of the early Church.

The profound revelations to these Chinese children "not having learned" in the schools

of worldly letters is a corroboration of the written word of God that it came, as it claims

to have come, through open hearted men independent of natural ability or acquired



Eye Witnesses of Past Bible Events

Some clear light was thrown on the way Bible writers might have had an eye-witness

knowledge of events already past. One of our naturally most ignorant and untalented

boys was, on more than one occasion when "in the Spirit," an eye witness of the

principal historical events of the Old and New Testaments. He saw the plagues of

Egypt: the frogs in the King's palace, the flies in Pharaoh's food, the locusts, the eldest

son dead with the whole family in consternation. He also saw Elijah and Elisha cross the

Jordan, the chariots of fire, and Elijah's ascension. Daniel was seen in the lion's den with

his angel guard, and other Old Testament events were likewise seen.


This boy was also given visions of the miracles of Christ. He saw the temptations of the

Lord. The devil in the form of a handsome young man led the Lord to a high mountain

and in vision showed Him the Kingdoms of the world. Angels followed Jesus where

ever He went. There were visions of Christ walking on the water, healing the sick, and

opening the eyes of the blind. This boy and others saw the passion of the Lord Jesus,

His resurrection, and His ascension.


At first I wondered at these visions of past events. I then remembered that with God there is no "past," "present," and "future." He is the Great I AM. All things are alike present with Him. Since the Holy Spirit is His Spirit, by visions and His revelations of the Spirit, "past," "present," and "future" may, in God's economy, be made "present" to any individual to whom the Lord chooses to make such revelations.


These revelations of the past to Adullam corroborate the inspiration of the Bible. It was easy for God to take Moses and others by visions through events already past or through future events as an eye witness sees present events and for them to be able to record the past, the present, and the future in the one and only Book that records the end from the beginning and the beginning from the end.


Recording Revelations from God

The Holy Spirit showed us by illustration how some parts of the Bible became divine records of supernatural revelations. When the children were "in the Spirit," de scribing scenes they were seeing in vision, the Spirit caused one boy, who was also in a

trance lost "in the Spirit," to sit down and go through the motions of writing item by

item what the others were seeing and describing. Thus anyone should be able to see

how easy it was for God to write a Bible. One could record what another saw and



If God can now take an ignorant, illiterate beggar boy from a dirty Chinese street, or a

half wild little tribes boy from a remote mountain solitude, can fill him with the Holy

Spirit, and have him "in the Spirit" escorted by angels see as an eye witness the things

beyond the veil—things of the present, things of the past, things to come––has it not

always been just as easy for God by visions to reveal everything that is written in the

Bible to any vessel of His choosing and have a Barak sit by his side to write just what

was seen and revealed, recording word for word any and every prophecy just as it

came from the Lord God?


If our boys can be caught into the presence of the Lord and come back saying, "The

Lord said," could not prophets of old even record their own prophecy or visions and

say with absolute truth, "Thus saith the Lord?"


How God, with whom past, present, and future is all the same, can reveal past, present,

and future events as present events, I do not know. The Bible says he can. The Bible

says He did. Adullam knows He still does.


If men ever spoke in prophecy as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, if men were

ever "in the Spirit on the Lord's Day" and caught up to heaven, if men were ever given

visions "in the year King Uzziah died," they can still be moved upon by the Holy Spirit

and prophesy. They can still be caught away "in the Spirit" and see the unseen worlds

beyond the veil. They can still see visions any number of years after King Uzziah died.

The same God is still on the same throne, reigning over the same world, dealing with

the same kind of evil hearts, through the same sort of men, with the same kind of

dispositions and passions Elijah had.


Since God does now in this day reveal Himself through prophecy, vision, and

revelations—as He is revealing Himself all around the world—he has, therefore,

revealed Himself just as the Bible says He did in days of old to the prophets and saints.

In this wicked age, in the midst of this present unbelieving, perverse generation, the

Lord can and will prove that what He has written in the Bible is the word of the living

God. He can and does move in the midst of a believing people in supernatural ways

through gifts of the Holy Spirit, confirming the word with signs following (Mark 16 :15-

20) .





In view of what we have written, it is clear enough that the Lord has used every means that is necessary to assure us that in the Bible we have "the sure word of prophecy"

to which we should take heed.


It has also been made clear enough that the great purpose of that former word of prophecy and the present day visions and prophecy in our midst is that we may know as

a certainty that there is a wonderful homeland just beyond the veil. No "stranger," no "pilgrim" is ever satisfied. The satisfying portion is at the end of the journey.


It may be that as the journey leads over difficult pathways and exhausting mountains the pilgrim becomes so wearied with his heavy burdens that he can scarcely hear the singing of the birds, sense refreshment from the way side flowers, or find any great happiness in the fellowship of his fellow pilgrims. But it will not be so at the end of the way.

Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. There is a mutual love in all of God’s creation there.


The stooped and wearied bodies of life's pilgrims will be renewed by a bath in the

fountain of youth when they reach their home in the homeland. "In a moment, in the

twinkling of an eye we shall be changed." "This corruptible will put on incorruption."

Old age will vanish. There are no old men in heaven, no faltering steps of the aged. No

dimmed sight, no deafened hearing, no crippled body encumbers any of the people in

the whole of that bright city.


There is a city that never gets dark, nor does it need the sun by day or the moon by

night. Its golden streets require no sweeping. Its jewel-bedecked dwellings need no

repair. There is a city that has no doctor signs, no diseased and disabled, no sickness or

sorrow; a city with no crepe on its golden doors, no funeral processions on its golden

streets; a city where melancholy and all mourning is done away; a city where all death

has been swallowed up by life and that more abundantly; a city of pure unbounded joy.

There is a land of unclouded day where storm clouds never rise. In that happy land

there is no bread line or struggle for survival. There is no selfish competition. There is

no self-seeking to engender unloving suspicion. No one is anxious as to what he shall

eat or what he shall wear. The garments of white will never grow threadbare. The trees

with the fruits of life will never be barren.


Musical instruments are quite imperfect compared with the perfect harps and trumpets and musical instruments upon which will be played the lost chords in the city of unending joy.

The water of life will never run dry, and whosoever will may drink.

All the joy and enthusiasm of the most joyful youth is the inheritance of everybody in

heaven. But in our most happy days we are still in a vessel of clay. In our highest

moments we sense a still greater joy and a happiness almost within the reach of our

hands, but ere it can be taken we are dragged away by the weight of the clay.


Children frolic and play. They run, and roll, and they leap for joy. They sing and they

shout. At times their joy and happiness seem complete. "Of such is the Kingdom of

heaven." But the highest exuberant joys and the most ecstatic thrills of bliss of the

happiest youth on earth are to be superceded by the greater joy that is "unspeakable"

when this body of hindering clay has been replaced by the body that is real.


In the New Jerusalem everybody is "in love." Every body is in love with everybody

else. Being "in love" on earth is as nothing compared with being "in love" in the land of

glory. Not a flaw, not an imperfection, not an unlovely trait will detract from being

perfectly and altogether "in love" with everybody.


On earth in our encumberance of this depraved tabernacle there is a song in the soul. In

its struggle for expression there are times it seems to break out of its restraint for a

second, but as quickly the perfect chord is lost. When God made man He put music in

his soul. But the discords of the mud have spoiled the harmony. The lost chord will

never be found until it is found in heaven when we are clothed upon with the

tabernacle that is from above. The finest, the sweetest, the most perfect music on earth

is but a seeking for the lost chords and harmonies the redeemed and the angels sing in

heaven. The finest instruments of music that have been made on earth, from the days when the sons of Adam began to "handle the harp and pipe" until the present day, are as mere imitations of the trumpets, the harps, and the instruments upon which "the lost chords" are restored in the golden city and upon which all the music of the liberated

soul can find its fullest expression.


Much of the music and the rhythm the Father placed in the souls of His children has since been turned by the devil into evil channels for pleasures of the lusts of the perverted flesh. From the wildest barbarians in the mountain fastness to the pleasure intoxicated

wild men of the fashionable ball, men dance in musical rhythm to find sensual pleasure that is of the lusts of the flesh. In heaven, to the tune of music that is holy and pure, the redeemed and the angels dance in "joy" that is One hour in Paradise will reward all

the toils of the way. beyond all earthly or natural "pleasure" in the rhythm to which the stars are swinging and singing in their orbits.


There is a park in the city, an Eden "park of pleasure and fruits." Here, where the unreal

has been replaced by the real, in all God's animal and plant creation there is nothing

that hurts or destroys in all the holy mount.


On earth we see little and understand less—of the beauties of God's creation. The dirt

and the dust of the earth have clouded the windows of our soul. We scarcely see

through the glass even darkly. When God has brushed away the encumberances and

opened the eyes of the soul, for the first time will we really look upon and appreciate

the glories of God's wonderful creation. All this will we do in the Eden over there.

There is a park where the birds of all plumes are ever singing; there is a land where

every ear will be tuned to hear their soul-stirring anthems; there is a land where

flowers of every hue are ever blooming; there is a land where every eye will be opened

to see them in their beauty; there is a land where the fragrance of the rose of Sharon

and the lily of the valley mingle with a thousand perfumes that over our world have

never blown.


Sometimes we seem to see the light of the city beyond the sky, but our vision is lost in

the blur of imperfect sight. Sometimes we seem to hear the enchanting music of a

different sphere, but the strain is lost in the discord of sounds that are nearer.

Sometimes we seem to sense an upward pull away from all that is enslaving, but the

attraction of earth holds our feet like stocks in the fetters that are earthly. Sometimes

the soul would fly to "the land that is fairer than day," but it falls back in disappointment

because of its broken wings.


He who declares his freedom to walk alone to the city of freedom finds his pathway

hopelessly blocked by the things of this world, the flesh, and the devil with no power in

himself to overcome.

But there is a way.





There is only one way. Christ is the way. "No one cometh unto the Father but by me."

Man is not the way, man can never make a way, nor does man ever know the way to

the golden city. The city and the way to the city are altogether revelations from above.

Christ, who is the way, is not from below. He is from above. It is "He that descended

out of heaven, even the Son of man who is in heaven," who is "the Great God our

Savior Jesus Christ."66


Man does not travel toward the happy city of pure delight. He travels away from it. The longer he walks the farther he gets away from this heavenly city. Children belong to

the Kingdom of God. They play and frolic at the gates of the city. When they begin to walk alone they always walk away from the city, away from this happy Eden home. The

farther they wander and the more they reason — whether they walk alone or follow the crowd—the farther they get from the city, until its light is but dimly seen or lost

forever. The only way to reach the city is to turn back.


"Except ye turn, and become Man’s self constructed bridge of good works and so called

good living will prove worthless and break beneath him “in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men.” This is the end of the selfmade moral man.


as little children, ye shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of Heaven!''67 But the farther man

walks alone, the older he gets, the richer he becomes; the more he studies with his natural mind, the more he passes turnstiles in his self-conceited course until, at last, the

farther turnstiles refuse to move, that should turn him back to a simple faith. He finds no way of returning to a heart like "a little child."


"The world through its wisdom knew not God."68 Man by study will never find God.

The man who trusts the workings of his own mind or the minds of other men will

never see the city of God.

66John 3 :13, Titus 2 :13.

67Matt. 18:3

68I Cor. 1:21


Man on the merits of his character will never walk the golden streets. What a man is,

what a man does, or how a man lives has nothing to do with his salvation. On the basis

of how "good" he is, the best man on earth has no more hope of heaven than the worst

man on earth. Man who trusts in his own character, his own moral goodness, is only a

modern Pharisee with eyes blinded to the truth. The publican, the drunkard, the harlot

will enter the city of God, while that “good” man will be cast into outer darkness where

is weeping and gnashing of teeth.


"By grace" we are saved, "apart from works." Salvation is something God gives. It is not

something man is or is not. Salvation is from above. It is not from below, or from

within, or from among men.


That which is born from below is flesh and born by the will of man. Those born from

below, no matter how wise or good or bad they may become, must be born again

from above. They become the children of God "who were born not of blood, nor of the

will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.''69 "Except one be born anew he

cannot see the kingdom of God."70 This birth, that every accountable man must have

who will ever see God or sing the songs of the redeemed in the city beyond the sky, is a

supernatural birth. It is altogether from above. Joining Church, singing hymns, reading

or saying prayers, working in or for the church, preaching from the pulpit, or giving all

one's body to be burned has nothing whatever to do with the new birth. The new birth

is something that God gives by grace regardless of works.


The finest pulpit orator, the most formal churchman, the most protesting protestant has

no more hope of heaven than the most reckless sinner, unless he be born again.


How to Find The Way Back Home

The Lord was so anxious to have me return that He made the way simple and plain. I

was a sinner living selfishly and not alone for the glory of God. I had turned to my own

way. "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."71 "There is none

righteous—no not one." "They have all turned aside."72 I was among the number.

69John 1 :13

70John 3:3

71Rom. 3:23

72Rom. 3:11, 12


Jesus came from heaven to save "sinners," not "righteous people" with good characters.

Thus I had my chance. I should have suffered the penalty of my sin, but Christ loved me and died in my stead. He bore my "sins in his body upon the tree."73 Christ died on the Cross the Sinless One instead of the sinner. He "who knew no sin" died in my place on the cross where I should have died. I, the sinning Barabbas, the punishment deserving sinner, was set absolutely and unconditionally free. "He who knew no sin was made sin in our be half.''74 God punished Jesus, so He will not punish me. Because He forsook Jesus He will not forsake me. All I had to be was to be a sinner. All I had to do was to do nothing.


I simply believed that Jesus did it all. He that believeth hath eternal life."75 "He that believeth hath passed out of death into life."76 To them that believe he gives "the

right to be come sons of God."77 Having believed that Jesus did what He said He did and having accepted Him as my substitute and as my sin-bearer, He I accepted me as His child. I He sent His Holy Spirit into my heart, so that I was born from above. The Holy Spirit in my heart bore witness, crying, "Abba, Father."78

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me” (Jn. 10:27).


Before that, I had worked. Now God worked in me to will and do His good will. The things I once loved I now hated, and the things I once hated I now loved. Now the

more I try to be good the worse it goes. The more I believe God works in me and for

me the better it goes.


The Lord has shown me the light of the city ahead. "I know Him whom I have believed,

73I Peter 2:24

74II Cor. 5 :21

75John 6:47

76John 5: 24.

77John 1:12.

78Rom. 8:15, 16


and I am persuaded that He is able to keep that which I have committed unto Him against that day.''79 I shall surely enter by the gates into the city to share the joys of those who overcome by simple faith because of the blood of the Lamb.


Christ finished salvation. He died for the sins of the whole world. Eternal life is a "gift." "The free gift of God is eternal life."80 This gift is free. All we have to do is accept it or

reject it, take it or ignore it. We must be like one or the other of the thieves on the cross: either believe that Jesus is God and can save a sinner who acknowledges his condition, and spend eternity with Christ in Paradise, or be like the other thief and disbelieve that Jesus is God, and die in our unrepented and unforgiven sins away from God.


Christ saves any and all who are saved because of their belief. "Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.''81 Those who believe and are thus saved,

The way to come back to the Christ Father’s House is the humble way the prodigal son

returned after his wanderings in the iniquity of his own proud, self-willed way.


Every man who has “come to himself” so that he really knows his own selfish heart

can honestly come as the prodigal came saying, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and in thy

sight: I am no more worthy to be called thy son.”


keeps. They hold not the Rock, but the Rock holds them. They do not hold Christ; Christ holds them. They are saved by grace through faith apart from works. They will be kept by grace through faith apart from works. "This is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the son of God."82


The saved by grace and the kept by grace live lives of repentance, do the works of righteousness, and perform religious duties because they are saved already, but not in

order to get saved. The work of value they do is because of what God has put in them from above. The saved have become "partakers of the divine nature."83

79II Tim. 1:12

80Rom. 6:23.

81John 3:16

82I John 5 :4, 5.

83Gal. 2:20


"If any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."84 "All of Christ's children

have the Holy Spirit in their bodies and hearts and have been born again. "I no longer

live but Christ liveth in me."85 Christ within causes all my works that please him, "For it

is God who worketh in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure."86

We must at last be like one or other of the thieves on the Cross. Scoff at Christ as the only Son of God and die in sin, so that where Christ is we “cannot come,” or acknowledging our own desert of punishment, believingly cast our all and only hope on Him who died for us, and spend eternity with Him in Paradise.


The saved are heavenly citizens who love not the world nor the things of the world.

They have as much of the "heaven life" now as they have of the Holy Spirit. The Holy

Spirit is the heaven life, the life of God, the eternal life. We have the "earnest," or down

payment, of heaven. Through the deeper experiences of the Holy Spirit heaven may

become more real than earth, so that the child of God may, at times, almost walk by

sight as well as by faith on his pilgrim journey to the city whose builder and maker is



Our Adullam message is now complete. This testimony is sent forth, not because of any

natural superior knowledge, but because of these things that have happened among us

84II Peter 1:4

85Rom. 8 :9

86Phil 2:13


as "God revealed them through the Spirit." 87 The best we know we cannot write. The best to be known can only be known directly through the revelations of the Holy Spirit to one's own self. More we would write, but more we cannot now write. But what has been written, we have written that you may believe and that "believing you may have life in His name." Or, having life, that you may be encouraged to press onward until you receive more and more of the abundant life, the life through the baptism and fulness of the Holy Spirit, the life the Lord has planned for each of His children, the foretaste and fore-life of the Great City of the King, the city of God where all things are made new.

87I Cor. 2:10