The Meno of Abiding (Part 2)


Matthew 7:22-24 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew (E-Gnon, E-Eu Joyously or Joyfully, Gnon-Ginosko To personally know or to Intimately know.) you: depart from me, ye that work (Erg-A-Zo-Menoi,  Erg-Ergon One’s duty or office, A –Not, Zo Life, and Meno. Here Christ is prophesying of those who have been given the office to impart life and the Meno of Christ, and He says despite the outward appearances the many here Use their office to impart death and impart to their hearers the Meno of themselves and Meno of the god of this world) iniquity.(A-Nomian A-Without, Nomian Law, – These are the “many” that teach lawlessness or these are the “many” who make their hearers unteachable  by filling them with the virulent poison of their Talmudic Meno.) Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man. (Those that are hearers only and not doers are A-Nomian. Those that are A-Nomian are also A-E-Gnon, and A-Meno.)


1 Corinthians 7:15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage (De-Doulotai,  De On the other hand, Also, or Now DoulotaiDoulos male and female slaves.) in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. (While Paul here and in Romans 7:2-3 would cite the Law of Moses as being that which binds a man and woman together before God. We would appeal here to the words of Jesus Christ concerning the commandments of God that were in the beginning.)

Matthew 19:4-8 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

Job 41:17 They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered (Among the passages that Christ cited above he cited this passage in Job.)


In the beginning God created the woman specifically that she was to make the man fruitful. This was something that the man that was created male and female could not by design do in and of Himself.


So according to the Divine Plan: The one was made two. And according to Divine Commandment: The two were to become one. And according to the Divine Plan this one was to become a new entity – (Which we will discuss further in time as the Lord permits.)


Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an Help-meet for him.


In the article the Ezer and Boethos of God we extensively explored the meaning of this Help-Meetand how that God showed the man Adam that within the whole of creation (Including the creation of the Woman) there was none like the Lord. And that none was like the Lord in regards to God’s faithfulness, God’s Love, and God’s protection over His creation and in particular over man.  We found also that from the beginning that the Plan of God was to infill Adam and the woman with the Holy Ghost.  But because of the consequences of the fall, the plan of redemption culminating with the fulfillment of this Help-Meet had to wait until after the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, after His resurrection, and after His ascension to the right hand of the Father so that the fullness of the Help-Meet in the Holy Ghost that indwelt the second and last Adam; Jesus Christ could be disbursed abroad to the Household of Faith in the coming of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost.


So as Adam was found wanting in Genesis 2:18, so too the woman was also found wanting in Genesis 3:1. However the response of Adam and the woman to their personal Spiritual and Physical lacks could not have been more different.   


For the man Adam dwelled under rulership and influence or the Meno of God as well as his physically dwelling with God 24/7, until the time of the receiving of the promise -- but of the woman we find she was of a different spirit in that she did not remain under the rulership or the Meno of Adam as well as physically dwelling with Adam 24/7.


As evidence of this God says in: Genesis 3:16  . . . And thy desire shall be to thy husband,

Going back just a few verses we read the following statement regarding where the woman’s wandering heart or desire was.

Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was – a tree to be desired to make one wise . . .  (Here we see that the woman’s desire was no longer towards her husband [She was no longer Meno-ing her husband] but her desire was towards the tree. Her desire had caused her to wander astray to: 1 John 2:16 The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life [A life of pride] centered around self rule.)


This wandering and searching of the woman is indicative that the woman was experiencing a “state of lack” in her life. In Adam this gnawing emptiness drew the man  deeper into the Meno of God. But in the woman this gnawing emptiness caused her to depart from her Meno of Adam, and to look elsewhere for a quick fix or for some means to short circuit the purposes of God in her life.


The sin of the woman here was the same as King Saul – As his impatience caused him to lose the Kingdom of Israel, so in the garden the woman’s impatience caused her to lose the Household of Faith.


Many have preached that the crowning achievement of God’s creation was man but this is not at all so. – We see by the Spirit that the crowning achievement that the Lord sought in the whole of His creation was Adam and the Woman were to give birth to a new entity that had never before been seen -- the Household of faith (AKA The Bride for His Son.)


The fallen woman was later superseded by Sarai, and the fallen Adam by Abram. Sarai was not only able to Meno Abram, but she did so much so that she called him Lord. But that was not all, she had a continual obedience unto the commandment of God Commandment 00001 – the same commandment given in the beginning unto Adam and the woman – and that obedience to commandment 00001 entailed Sarai to have sexual relations with Abram at every opportunity that presented itself.  -- Not just for the honeymoon, not just for the first six months or for the first few years, but this commandment of God by Sarai required a Meno-ing of Abram’s flesh for decade after decade and when she became weary after 40 years of this and sought to turn the promise of the creation of the Household of Faith over to Hagar, God got Sarah moving again in faith and patience by her again having sexual relations with Abram every opportunity that presented itself until her flesh and Abram’s flesh was no longer able to do so any longer. (Romans 4:18-20)

And here the writer of Hebrews tells us:
Hebrews 11:11-12 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to
(Have more sexual relations, with Abraham and sometime during this obedience she) conceive(d) seed, and was delivered (Gave birth) of (To) a child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. Therefore sprang there even of one, (Her) and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.

I see here by the Spirit that this is indeed what was going on between Adam and the woman, and the woman after the passing of time, (Quite possibly years if not decades as had later occurred with Sarah, but in the garden the fainted in her seeking to obtain the seed of promise ) and not seeing the son of promise the woman became weary in her Meno-ing of her Husband.  I see by the Spirit that the woman in the garden was called to be mother of the Household of faith -- Which she was to inherit thought faith and patience.


We note here that this is the identical calling that every woman in Christ is called to.  From the Meno-ing of her husband daily, to her being saved or redeemed through childbirth, to her overseeing and instructing in the fear and love of God those within the household that they in turn might walk uprightly before the Lord. 


However that is not what occurred in the written record in Genesis. For no sooner had the Woman abandoned her Meno-ing of her Husband, in place of it she began to that vacuum in her life (Elsewhere we have declared that there can be no vacuums in God.) with an “Emotional Affair” with the serpent. During which the serpent feigned to offer her comfort in the seeming “unfair” and “intractable” situation she found herself in.  While in fact the serpent sought only to sunder that which God had joined together.  And in Scripture we see the serpent was successful to his end. – Is it any wonder that for the very same reason and in the very same manner that the serpent is wildly successful today in among bible believing and Spirit filled Christians, with the preaching of the tenets of modern feminism.


Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was – a tree to be desired to make one wise, (To make one as God, who judges but is judged by no man, and as being God ye shall no longer be judged by God Himself either. These are the tenets of modern feminism.) she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat.

Genesis 3:4-5 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (And ye shall be as God who judges but is judged by no man, and as being God, ye shall no longer be judged by God Himself either.) We see here that the real issue of contention that the woman had was that she did not want to have her life ordered about by Adam or God. She was not grateful for her creation or the salvation that God had delivered unto her in the garden. She wanted to be able to act as a free agent capable of negotiating for herself the kind of salvation she wanted. – In our writings on this website we have pointed out again and again and again that this is the primary sin of Israel in the wilderness, and that this was not only the sin of the early church when it fell away but that this is the church that threatens to destroy what remains of the church in this hour. So in our seeing that the rise of a feminist streak in the woman in the garden was the cause of fall should be of little surprise. – And knowing this should alert one to how much the Lord hates this selfish self-serving behavior regardless who demonstrates this corrupt behavior.

Isaiah 14:12-15 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (It seems that the serpent tempted the women into partaking of the same rebellion and perverse desires that he himself had lusted after.) We need to see further that this desire to judge, but be judged of no man and not even by God is the heart of the writings of the Talmud and all of its doctrinal daughters. It is the heart of the writings of eternal security. And it is at the heart much of the selfish self-serving populist church doctrines of this hour.


And thus it impossible to Meno God while Meno-ing the things of this world and the god of this world.

Proverbs 14:1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down (Sunders it) with her hands.

The church for four generations running or over 120 years has been party to a culture of overt rebellion and sin, of wives kicking and neighing against the image and likeness of God in their husbands and seeking to displace them high priest and head of the household.


It is difficult for the Holy Spirit, much less us to speak of the seriousness of these issues before such a stiff-necked and hard-hearted people that are so steeped in their sin and corruption – in this regard but we are to the place today that the whole of the church and the whole of western civilization now hang in the balances directly because of the evil and perverse decisions that out father’s our grandfathers our great grand fathers and great great grand fathers households fell into and allowed to stand. So that line upon line here a little there a little order of the household was altered and power was stripped away from its high priests’ and heads by law and statute. -- Until that fateful day in the 1980’s when wives and children said enmasse to their husbands:  I have no need of you.


We want to state plainly here that the first commandment of God: To be fruitful and to multiply, and God’s commanding that the woman’s desire be towards her husband and that that he have the rule over her, were not things that were altered in either the covenant of Abraham, the covenant of Moses or the covenant with Christ.


So that if we desire to truly conform His image and His likeness we must submit ourselves preferably in joyfully obedience to His commandments. We must preferably joyfully take upon Christ’s yoke – if not then for the fear of God we should bow down and prostrate ourselves in obedience to His commandments.


Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house – (Here moving in obedience that is motivated by fear is clearly called faith, not unbelief.)

1 Peter 3:1,4-6 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection  to your own husbands; that,  (Even) if any obey not the word, (The topic here is wives that are unequally yoked, regardless of how this came about.)

In recent months I have had several women address the subject that their husband had either become backslidden or in other cases that while they had matured in God, [in their own eyes] their husband had not. That he had not come into the sophisticated walk they had expected him to come into, “like they had.” But instead to their utter disaffection he remained “a babe” or “a child” in Christ – [ruining their bragging rights and the elevated position among their peers they had so sought.]  In all of these cases in women either are divorced or are contemplating divorce.   In their talk they were angry, and completely frustrated with their spouse, even years after the fact. I have also seen this identical thing in men where the rolls of this “accessed personal unspirituality” were reversed.  And with the help of tapes, books, and their preachers, all of these were led to the “inescapable conclusion” that this lazy, worthless, unholy, and unspiritual; being they were married to, was holding them back spiritually, and preventing them from being able to fully enter into whatever imagined thing they have their eye on.

What we have outlined here is in a great majority of Christian households. – And since the mid 1970’s I have seen hand heard these very things spoken and manifested many, many times over. And until very recently I NEVER had the slightest idea anything was amiss. I had a good ear, and readily believed the tears and testimonies.  

Today by the grace of God we can conclusively say that in these marriages none of these women ever entered into the “Meno” of their Husband’s house.  That the bracelets were never clasped onto their wrists, but rather during the course of these marriages more and more these haughty wives came to regard that it was the husband that were required to enter into the “Meno” of their wife’s house and that the wife had clasped the bracelets upon him and redeemed him from what ever kind of vacant and vagrant lifestyle he might have had instead.

So instead of these wives having left their will, their desires, their wants and expectations bored into the doorpost as the proverbial servant of love – and having honored their husband by taking his will, his desires, his wants and his expectations as their own, and I will add here being a light in his household and a light in the community so that if they have seen a wife they have seen their husband in them [These things are not farfetched, but were seen readily even in the unsaved in the early 1960’s] – Instead this generation of unholy and unrighteous women in the church upbraid, condemned, and cast aside their husbands for not having had their ears bored on the doorpost and having taken up their wife’s will, desires, wants, and expectations.

Here specifically we need to invoke the testimony of Rebekah and Isaac and what the Lord so graciously revealed in the article: Rebekah the Savior of Israel.  For Isaac clearly began falling away from the Lord sometime after he was married. So that Rebekah became unequally yoked, and things went from bad to worse where at first Isaac would no longer pray and seek the Lord with her, but he came to the place that he was completely backslidden and blinded by God for his disobedience and had been taken ed by the snare of the devil to prepared to give away the covenant of his father Abraham to the seed of the serpent in Ishmael as well as the blessings of fruitfulness that were conferred upon him by Abraham.  – These are no small charges and yet in this Rebekah was faithful to her husband and wifed (I made up this word) him as unto the Lord and when the hour finally of the coming of the promise she stood up and saw to it that her husband did not become a man of belial before God and cause his household and seed fall under the condemnation of the Lord.  And if there is a woman seated upon one of the 24 thrones in heaven before God I will state unequivably she will be seated there, and I do not believe for an instant that she would be the only woman so rewarded by God as being a Good and faithful servant.   (We note here that all of these things occurred without Rebekah having known Christ as her Lord and Savior – We note that none of this occurred with Rebekah having been filled with the Holy Spirit. And we note that all of this occurred without Rebekah going to church either once a week or seven days a week.)

How is this even possible according to our doctrine – It is because our doctrine is wrong. It is because our doctrine is false. It is because we have been taught to read in a lot of things that neither Christ nor the Apostles said and use these to circumvent Scripture, the words of Christ and the words of the Apostles  (We strongly advise here to read about the Cain Ridge Revival of 1801 – An annotated article of this event is on the Ancient Writings Page.  Here tens of thousands of sheep without a shepherd were led to a move of the Spirit in the wilderness. – At this time there were no churches –and the chapel of all of these were their own households and their congregations were their children and neighbors. [Imagine that!] – So how is it that the church did not die out in all of these states? How is it that these did not perish spiritually? How is it that these were not cursed of God for not going to church or tithing? It is because they walked in an obedience that we know nothing of.)

Genesis 24:14 And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou hast appointed (Greek: Parthenon, Para-Thenos Partner in fruitfulness) for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master.


Genesis 24:16 And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: (Greek: Parthenon, Para-Thenos Partnered in fruitfulness) and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up.


Proverbs 3:29 Devise not evil against thy neighbour (Greek: Phile -Lover), seeing he dwelleth (Greek: Parthenon, Para-Thenos [With thee as thy] Partner in fruitfulness) securely by thee.

For the tens of thousands of Christian mothers today as head of your household we are when the wolf is comes to the door of these in which  the strongman has been cast out. (And in most cases for no other reason than selfishness.) What will you do? And over in Europe when the welfare payments cease what will you do then to been and cloth those in your household? And when Islamic wolves appear as your ruling civil authority and law enforcement and they are on the prowl for you and your daughters what will you do then?

1 Peter 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, (Here Peter now speaks of wives being unequally yoked) (So that) they also (That) without the word may be won (To Christ) by the conversation (The full Gospel in demonstration, rather than in word) of the wives; (These unequally yoked wives are nowhere here allowed to divorce their husbands but are commanded instead to win their unbelieving husbands over by what Christ has wrought in them that make them much better wives than they were before they believed.) -- But let it be (That speaks) the hidden man of the heart, in (Words) that which is not corruptible, (While you walk as Rebekah before Isaac) even the ornament (Greek: Outward ornamentation) of a meek and quiet spirit,

Here Peter clearly declares that this “meekness” and “quietness of spirit” are not to be some inward hidden affair of the heart, as is so typically preached in this day. Peter also plainly declares here that to conduct this “Outward ornamentation” of one’s “Meekness” and “Quietness of spirit” is not “works” or a “Work of the flesh.Sadly, these charges are continually leveled by “Deeper Life” believers, who are repelled at doing any such thing. And so these seek to cloak their corrupt behavior by feigning spiritually and speaking in muted tones about needing to “feel led” first, before they would ever put forth their hand to any random act of kindness that might somehow soil them. 

This passage blows a huge hole in that entire rational. Peter does not say you need to be “led by the Spirit” in order to “outwardly demonstrate” what one has of a meek and quiet spirit before your unequally yoked husband much less before unbelievers.

What Peter is saying here is that any “outward demonstration” or “outward adornment” of meekness and a quiet spirit much less any other of the fruits of the Spirit, is to be understood as the normal state of a wife interacting with her saved or unsaved husband or she being equally or unequally yoked.

Likewise this same “outward adorning” of these fruits of the spirit is to be understood as the normal state of believers in their interacting with one to another or when they are interacting with unbelievers.

1 Peter 5:5 Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: -- This is the outward adorning of humility to one another.

Elsewhere this is written as ourPutting on Christ” or “Putting on the new man” and “Putting on the armor of light” all of these should also be understood as an outward adorning – How else are we to “Let our lights shine before men” if we have them “Hid under the bushel” of our soul and spirit?

Continuing now with the words of Peter on being unequally yoked
1 Peter 3:4-5  -- (A woman’s meekness and humility) Which is in the sight of God of great price. (Peter is citing Proverbs and the Song of Solomon here.) For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: (Even when married to men of Belial like Abigail. Here we see something utterly different than the mouthy, and arrogant feminist culture that has pervaded the whole of the church and society.) Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: (This quote of “Sarah calling him Lord” is cited from the Greek Septuagint.) whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, (Do these things unflinchingly.) and are not afraid (Me Phobou-Menai,  Me –Not.  Phobou To Fear To be Afraid To be Terrified. And Meno To abide under the rule, or to dwell under the influence of.) with any amazement.

In using the word Ptoesin in “afraid” Peter selects here a word that in this form is used only one time in the Greek Septuagint 

Proverbs 3:25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. The meaning of this passage is two-fold first Peter is declaring that if you unflinchingly do these things with a saved or unsaved husband being equally or unequally yoked – Ye need not fear being divorced or abandonment  -- for this shall not come unto the righteous.  Peter is also saying that if you have done all these things to bless, serve, and voluntarily place yourself under your husband’s “Meno” that should this desolation of the wicked come unto you – you will have a clear conscience, for have done all as well pleasing unto the Lord – and as such receive an open reward of the Lord for such in this life and the next.

Psalm 40:10 I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; (This hiding  David speaks of here is a pharisaical concealment that denies any others entrance) I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation. (So here David disburses abroad the heart of God, that others might know.)


The cold hard facts here are that any bride that has been taken by this blight of feminist selfishness and self-serving doublemindedness, is none of His. Christ simply cannot, and will not take any such bride as His own.


Sadly as we have already intimated this identical corrupt doublemindedness exists also in the earthly and carnal Christian household as well. And this exists regardless of whether a person is saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit, prays daily, reads their bible for an hour or two a day, and even attends five church services a week. The underlying condition that causes this doublemindedness is internal; it is carried as a disease within one’s heart and soul and as such many times it can not been seen by its carrier.

Ecclesiastes 7:25-26 I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness: And I find more bitter than death the woman, (in) whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: (This is not love but a cold calculating self-willed woman filled with her own will, wants, and desires.) whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; (Before marriage) but the sinner shall be taken by her.(Drawn to her like a magnet and taken in His own deceits by her.)

When one feigns marriage to Christ the disease within them does not change it one iota.  In The Parable of the Sower, we see this disease of self-will, and self-aggrandizement and that her desire not towards her husband as commanded by God, and that the bride of the field renders the seed of the Lord fruitless.


One of the things that the Lord is speaking to me in such a profound way is that these same things “change not” in feigned earthly marriage either. So that as the Church-bride is self-willed and self-seeking within the confines of her relationship with Christ while confessing with their lips declaring Christ as her Lord and master – how much more shall such a bride be unwilling in any way shape of form to open herself body soul and spirit, and take as her own the wants, the will, and desires of her earthly husband?


The very opposite things are spoken of and extolled in the virtuous woman in Proverbs.

Proverbs 12:4 A virtuous (Hebrew 2428 Hayil: Strength, Capacity, skill, valor, Root word: 2416 Hay To be filled with life, To overflow with life, To be overflowing with fruitfulness or to be well endowed.) woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh (Her husband) ashamed is as rottenness in his bones. (This should probably read: The virtuousness of a woman [The children of her righteous household] are a crown [That encircles – speaking of their number being greater than 2-3] her husband)


This word Virtuous Hayil 2428 in the Hebrew is what Boaz cried out to Ruth after she had performed certain sexual acts with him upon his bed.  The cry was not over whether she had exhibited good baking or accounting skills – but that she had been instructed well by Naomi.


The Apostle Titus 2:4 declares that the women elders are to teach and instruct five  things, one of which he terms in : Phila-Andros (Phila The sexually loving,  Andros Of a man. [English Word –Philanderer] –The Etomology Dictionary reads as follows 1737, Philander, was a popular [Male] name for a lover in romance stories, drama, and poetry [My Philanderer, I went to my philanderer, My philanderer came unto me,] -- from Gk. adj. philandros  -- phil- "loving" + andr-, stem of aner "man." From 1841 on Philanderer’s meaning was altered to "male flirt"]) 


In Titus 1:8 the Apostle also lists some surprising qualifications for ministry material for men That he must be Philo-Zeno -- Lovers of unexpected guests (As was Abraham when he ran out to kill an animal to feast with at the sight of God and the angels with him.)

That he must be  Phila
-Agathon Sexually loving unto overflowing fruitfulness (As Jacob was as he filled his quiver.)


And here the Apostle agrees with Paul that this should be done So-Phrona -- Being ever thoughtful and considerate to thine wife’s sexual needs as well.

Two times in the Song of Solomon the young woman declares her being trained up in sexual matters by her mother. 

The love and devotion and singleness of vision of a bride towards an earthly husband are lauded at the end of the Song of Solomon,


Song of Solomon 8:6-7 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love (Greek: Agape) is strong (Greek:Krataia Singular, feminine) as death; jealousy (Greek: Zelos Burning Passion) is cruel (Greek: Skleros Stubborn) as the grave: the coals (Hebrew is coals here. Greek: Peri-Ptera,  Pterna – The Heel)  thereof are coals (Hebrew 6352 Peham – is translated as coals but should be “Bellows” the word is used only 3 times once here and in Isaiah 44:12, and 54:16. The root word is “Snare” – which is a mechanical device.) of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. (Greek: Puron) Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

A better rendering of this passage would be:
Song of Solomon 8:6-7 Set me as a seal upon thy heart, set me as a seal upon thy arm for the Agape of a maid is as irresistible as death, And her burning passion is irresistible as the grave. It is as a bellows upon the coals producing a vehement flame, which many waters cannot quench. Neither can floods drown such Agape and burning passion. If a man would give all his sustenance and even his house to buy such Agape and passionate love – it would be rejected and utter fall short (Solomon concludes here that such love, and devotion cannot be bought, even with all the wealth Solomon himself possessed.)


Matthew 6:22-24 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, (Single in it love and devotion of Christ, or in its love and devotion to one’s husband.) thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, (Corrupted Divided, or double-minded) thy whole body shall (Not might be) be full (flooded with or leavened through and through by) of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!  No man can serve two masters: (There can not be two heads of a household) for (In the case of marriage she) -- will hate the one, (Her husband) and love the other;(Her self) or else he will hold (Submit or Obey) to the one, (Her self) and despise (Neigh and kick against ) the other.(Her husband until they are sundered) Ye cannot serve God and mammon.(And neither can a double-minded household stand.)


The darkness, divisiveness and animosity that rends and tears at a household until it has its full work of the sundering, contrary to what has been commonly taught for decades does not only affect a small or limited area – it fills your soul stem to stern with darkness. There is no segmentation or compartmentalism here. Any thought that you can keep it contained and just go on in worshipping and fellowshipping the Lord as if nothing ever happened is delusional.


This taint of darkness lives and breaths and grows, as implied with a root of bitterness.  Though many times it is invisible to the one(s) infected, it colors, it filters, and it flavors all that you see, hear, and speak between a husband and wife, (And you and Christ) so that no longer can you hear each other.  So that one only hears through the filtering of this leavened darkness coursing through their soul and spirit what they want to hear or believe, and so they justify themselves in one thing after another and these things mount of and by the sheer weight of them they gain force and power.


John 3:19-20 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men (John is speaking here of members of the church then and now) loved darkness (Preferring to dwell in it) rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (So rather than moving from glory to glory and coming into the image and likeness of Christ, John the Apostle identifies that these believers were hijacked from light to darkness, so that the experience of these devolved into the walk and experience of the Pharisees.)  For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, (Will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and will despise the other.) neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. (And thus repelled by the light of Christ due to the growing breathing corruption within, these can find no place of repentance that will accommodate themselves and all that has come to dwell in their empty house.)


In writing this we are not attempting to speak to the many, as in the many of bible believing Christianity or the many of Spirit-filled Christianity who in a recent survey are estimated now to be over one billion world wide, for these neither know Him, nor desire at all to follow His will.  Rather we seek to speak to the few the 2-3 that are gathered together within these tens of thousands of Klesia’s scattered all over the world that desire with their whole heart to come into His will and purposes for their lives, and are willing to suffer personal loss to do so.  Those to whom the Lord has already spoke in some measure these very things, but have not known the meaning of what God has spoken to them in their Spirit, or that have no known the abundant biblical conformation on these things they have heard in their spirit , or that have been afraid to act as believing that they have been the only one that has seen and heard these things of the Lord.    


To these we would say that the Lord is preparing for himself yet another vessel, a people that were not a people.  And these few shall not be as the son that said he would not do the will of his father but later unwillingly and grudgingly did so. And neither shall these few be as the son that said amid great pomp and ceremony that he would do the will of his father but did not so either. The Lord is preparing yet another vessel for Himself of great humility of spirit and with great meekness or soul that shall with great tears of joy willingly become to image and likeness of her husband’s image and likeness – and shine forth as his glory in the Klesia and the world all around her as she makes his desires wishes and wants her own and so fulfill the command of Christ.


Genesis 3:16 -- Thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.


John 7:17 If any man will do His will, (This is a putting aside of one’s will and desires and taking on His will and His desires as their own) he shall (come to) know (This is an entering into a hearing of the word that proceedeth from the mouth of the Father for themselves) of the doctrine, (Greek: Teaching) whether it be (Proceedeth from) of God, or whether I speak of myself.


Philippians 2:13-14 For it is (The Spirit of) God which worketh (Repentance and change in you, that you might be transformed into His image and likeness.) in you (Glory to glory) both to (Do His) will, and to do of His good pleasure (His Heart’s desire). Do all (These) things (Joyously and of a willing heart) without murmurings (Neighing in rebellion) and disputings: (Kicking against Him, and against your “fellow yoke persons” in the yoke beside you,)


Psalm 106:24-29 4Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word: But murmured in their tents (During sex with their wives at night) , and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD. Therefore he lifted up his hand against them, to overthrow them in the wilderness: To overthrow their seed also among the nations, and to scatter them in the lands. They joined themselves (E-Teles-Thesan, E-Eu Joyously- Teles- Teleios An end, Consummation, The full act, Thesan -Theros To gather in Harvest or Reap. ) also unto Baalpeor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them.  (Here David implies that they murmured in their tents during sex with their own wives at night, – And that they joined themselves in a joyous orgy of fornication and adultery.)   


In the beginning God created Adam and the woman – that they might with the two becoming one create a household. While they are under commandment 00001 To be fruitful and multiply – they were to create the household in which the seed of the righteous were to be born into first.

The center of the household is the bed of coitus – The building that houses the husband and wife is the tabernacle, the bed is the holy place, and sexual intimacy is the holy of holies.


From the beginning God was not seeking sexual intimacy for the sole purpose of procreation – as it has been taught by the Jewish ascetic rabbi’s and sages of the Talmud, Rabbi Johanan and his disciples, Tertullian, Jerome, Augustine and then by his disciples Calvin and Luther. The purpose of sexual intimacy is to build the household.


Through the men mentioned and their Talmudic, ascetic hatred of women and sex as being of the devil, evil, sinful, perverse and the great defiler of all those who would seek or serve God  


They have done more for the kingdom of darkness  and the seed of the serpent than all of the armies and nations that hunted down and slaughtered true bible believing Christians throughout the last 1974 years (This number is the counting from 33 AD onward – We are not into numerology but we would be replete to point out that in the year 2033 that would be 2000 years since the death of Christ. It will be 50 Jubilees since Christ’s  death.  And Christ’s ministry lasted for 3.5 years that would coincide with the last half of the great tribulation – in that day shall the Ek-Lektos spring forth – in the full power and manifestation of Christ. If these things be true than we shall see the beast and false prophet arise in 2027 scarcely 20 years from today. We note that this is close to the time where the Lord declared two years ago that the EU shall fall. And that the physical churches and denominations in Europe and the Vatican it self shall be destroyed and not left with one stone standing upon another thus fulfilling that the beast shall show himself in the temple/Vatican as God and that the oblation shall cease.)


The light shining forth from us is supposed to be us reflecting His light. Rather than the light shining forth from us being our own the light of darkness that is contaminated with our own will and desires.


For when true bride of Christ discovers her pearl of great price, she sells all she has, not only things from an earthly materialistic stand point – because the pearl Christ was speaking of here was not an earthly materialistic item that could be so easily seized upon by those wealthy with early riches (For that would lend it self to the claims of the corrupt prosperity Gospel.  Rather the pearl of great price is a thing of the Spirit.  Who’s gain is akin to Israel loving the Lord their God with all their heart, all their soul, all their mind, and all their strength, and in so doing these were made partakes of so great a covenant with the likes of Abraham, Israel, Joseph, and Moses.


So also those who would seek to gain this great pearl need in their selling to go beyond a selling of all what one has in natural material wealth and goods to sell (or hang upon the door or the marital chamber) what they perceive to have, and perceive they are spiritually, so that to gain  --that which is eternal and immeasurable in Christ (We speak of the Spirit that was poured upon Him beyond measure here) –and it is precisely for this reason –that is the unwillingness of the feminized bride of Christ to make His will their own and His desires her own – that she has remained bankrupt and destitute for lo these 18 centuries. – For those who think themselves wise in the world, live and die by their own strength and abilities, This church has gotten all they will get in this life and the next. This church has always and will always pay their own way. But those who truly in body soul and Spirit have Christ as their husband, master, and Lord, He cherishes them and provides without word or prayer all their needs.  And He covers them with His garment. . And when she receives of this pearl of great price she does humbling and with great lowliness of heart, filled with tears of joy, and tears of repentance and tears of seeking God with all her heart.  So also it is to be that when a woman finds the pearl of a husband for her earthly redemption in marriage, and she is to do so with great humility, great lowliness of heart soul and spirit, and with great joy in body soul and spirit. 


What I write of here in light of all the talk we hear in this hour of all our Christian rights of all our Christian privileges and all that is owed us by God for us becoming Christians – These things are not mere foolish talk, but words from the serpent that are by design to damn and destroy all who’s lips they fall from – as occurred in the children in the wilderness – and for that reason they were destroyed all the day long until every last one of them perished. And so it shall be that everyone that has let the serpent seed their hearts with this rebellion and cursing the love and goodness of God and Christ shall be taken away along with the devil and all his angels.  Time and again we have been warned of these very things Christ and the Apostles. But there has been a veil put of the mind of the entire church when they read the New Testament just as Paul declares about Israel having a veil over their mind concerning Christ when reading the law and the prophets.


Awake! Arise from the dead. The hour of judgment is almost upon us when no man shall work.  The call is going forth to the sleeping virgins – prepare yourself, the Master is about to come.


Note here that in the beginning God created man in His image and likeness and in the end the beast seeks to make all men into his image and likeness. And where in the beginning the angels were to bow before God’s image and likeness in men in the end the beast seeks to make all men bow to before his image and likeness.


We would declare here that there is a definite relationship between the plans of the devil in the antichrist and what has been demonstrated by the haughty feminism that is preached in the church regarding their relationship and position as the bride of Christ, and the haughty feminism that has been preached to wives in the household regarding their relationship and position with their husband.


Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty (Kako-phrsune Kako: Evil, Bad, or Wicked, Phrsune: [Spoken of horses] To neigh in rebellion, To kick against, or To act wild) spirit before a fall.


Isaiah 3:16 -- The daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes . . . 


The preaching and teaching of modern feminist ideals have been incorporated church teaching now for an entire generation, and what has it produced? Certainly not a church without spot or wrinkle. What has it is fruits? A generation of haughty and wanton daughters of Zion that seek always their own. A church that has neighed, kicked against, the yoke of Christ and exhibiting outwardly anything that might be construed as being a servant /slave toward Christ, towards the unredeemed or towards their earthly husbands. All of this under this new feminism has been ridden roughshod over.


Psalm 25:9 The meek will He guide in judgment: and the meek will He teach His way(s). (Those that are meek and lowly of heart shall He reveal himself to, and give His tokens of affection) So also is it of an earthly husband a meek and virtuous woman.


So we might define this new feminist Gospel and all its manifold teachings and doctrines as a culture of entitlement where: There feminists that are Christian’s in name only have not come to serve, but only to be served.


Ephesians 5:25-27 Husbands, love (Agapeo) your wives, (And wives love your husbands) even as Christ also loved (Agapeo) the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
This is a rendition of the nameless selfless servant of Abraham that obtained the bride that without spot or wrinkle in behalf of the son of promise. However here Christ himself acts alone.  Making the covenant with the bride Himself, and giving her His tokens aka His bracelets of betrothal Himself.

What never quite seems to shine through in teaching on this passage regarding husbands is the level of this agape that is expected of the believing husband whether he is unequally yoked or not: So as Christ Loved the Church (And generally the believers He worked with; the Apostles and all who come unto Him – in truth by any standards are greatly unevenly yoke with Him)

Yet He loveth and cherisheth even the vilest of sinners that would seek Him. But at the core of this “Relationship” there has to be on the part of “this betrothed / promised bride” a desire be changed into His Image and Likeness.  There has to be a desire to learn of Him, to learn of His meekness, and to learn of His lowliness of heart. 

Speaking in particular of this desire, it is not an “Intellectual Curiosity,” where we coincide based upon what we agree on. Nor is it an “infatuation” that rises and falls like the tide and has us in a realm where we are guided by out feelings so I we love the Lord a lot to day we may pray for five minutes or thumb through a few pages in the bible.  The desire of which we speak is not temporary or experimental – what we give something a tepid try – to see how it appeals to us. The desire we speak of here is one created “by revelation” that is first a revelation of the abject squalor and empty vanity one has lived in.  It is then a revelation of the son of promise and what it means to become part of His household. And finally it is a revelation that compels causes action, so that a person rises up from their squalor of where they have “Meno-ed” and they go and lay hold upon Christ never to return.

Here we declare that this is same self-absorbed self-aggrandizing “Talmudic” disease spoken of in the Book of Revelation concerning the Laodicean Church of this hour. So that as Christ and the Apostles were able to draw only a few out of Jewish Synagogues in Israel and around the then known world. – So too is He able (For identical reasons) is able to draw but few out of the earthly church made with hands of this hour to be His bride without spot or wrinkle.  For as the in the days He walked the earth and preached himself, He can find buy few in all of the church of this hour that willingly, and with great joy, bow to take His yoke [His bracelets] upon them.  Those who desire to give up their own desires, expectations, wishes, and wants, and learn of Him that His desires, His wishes, and His wants might become their own and cherished by His bride. However when He finds such a one, a gem among all the stones He Agapes them) and gave himself for the church (As defined by those whom He truly seeks.) And to those there is a physical giving of Himself in His earthly presence. His relationship with the church was a commitment of being with His disciples aka the church day and night for 3.5 years. This commitment entailed His giving of tangible tokens of Himself and tokens of His love, tokens of His care, tokens of His nurturing, and gifts of healing and power. And finally to redeem His beloved He gave His very life, and paid for her redemption with His own blood so ought a Christian husband love (Agape) his wife. (Regarding His relationship with the Apostles it was a bumpy and unequally yoked road but He did not ditch or dump a single one. – This was not so concerning the many of his professed disciples whom in John 6:66 He let them all walk and depart from Him and we never see Him crying after them, or unduly lamenting their departure, or loss. Yes it is true that it is not the will of God that any should perish but when they get up and walk away –Christ does not mope over their departure. This comparable to a husband or wife that is unbelieving departing from the believing one and He or she is free.

As Christ loveth and cherisheth His betrothed bride – and we will focus here on the demonstration of this by Jesus Christ with the twelve Apostles in the Gospels, (To whom He found himself unequally yoked to) At the realization of this Christ did not flinch, nor did He did dryly say I love you. But gather these around him as a mother gathers her chicks that these twelve dwelled and abided under Household of Christ’s Meno 24/7 for 3.5 years of Christ’s earthly ministry.

We also have a requirement of this kind of faithfulness to whom we are married, whether they are saved or unsaved, whether we have been equally or unequally yoked, and or whether the one whom we have married turns out in time to become spiritual or unspiritual, regardless of any of this we are commanded by Christ to Apageo them with all our heart, all of our mind, all of our soul, and all of our strength. This is the intrinsic meaning of  And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  It is a love that stems from our love and relationship with the Christ.

And of this the Apostle John declares –

1 John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.

And demonstrably Chirst did so first with the Apostles in the Gospels.

John 21:14-17 This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead. So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest (Agapeo) thou me more (Greek Plethora) than these? Note here once more that this even occurs in the Gospel of John after Jesus breathed on the disciples and said receive ye the Holy Ghost, this is after the death of Christ, and the resurrection of Christ, and after he has spent time teaching them again.  So that one would think that the love in Peter’s heart would now be perfect. But here Peter is completely mystified by the words of Christ – All Peter hears is Christ asking Peter if Peter loves Jesus and he responds accordingly.  He (Peter) saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love (Phileo) thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

When I was saved in the early 1970’s the so-called “Jesus Freaks” had great sway on the teaching and doctrine of that day, so that a lot churches attempting to curry favor with this revival and gain membership of these people preached on (Agape) Love, on (Koinenia) Fellowship, and on body ministry. But once that movement waned the teachings on these subjects and the warmth and closeness that was had in those days died. Being fond of this passage myself, about a year ago I brought up this passage to a pastor discipled to Kenneth Hagin and he shrugged off the passage as being insignificant, and implied was old hat and everyone knew it.  And yet since I have known this faith Pharisee he has preached the same messages from Kenneth Hagin notes as many as three times. 

What we do what to point out here is that the teaching as it was preached in the 1970’s centered around the use of the words Agape and Phileo – in the teaching certain meanings are ascribed to each of these words; Agape supposedly beingGod’s sacrificial love,” and Phileo supposedly beingSome sort of fondness or camaraderie of brethren” rather than an intimate and personal love.  And in this teaching Jesus was challenging Peter to come into a “higher” love, but Peter could not bring himself to say He “Agapeo-ed” Jesus, and so the teaching states Jesus then came down to Peter’s level and accepted Peter in his Phileo.

I have always liked this teaching but it is not true on two levels first the definitions that were given of Agape and Phileo are not true. We will cite a single verse here are this is not directly our subject matter here.  

John 5:20 For the Father loveth (Phileo) the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. (Is it that this passage states that God only has a mere fondness for Jesus? And yet elsewhere God so Agapeo’s the world? NO!) And we will comment here that in the Greek Septuagint that Agape and Phileo are used interchangeably for one’s love towards God, one’s love or fellowship towards man, and sexual relations.)

In Scripture both Phileo and Agape are expressive of strong deep feelings of love at various levels largely depending on the context in which they are used


The second error in this teaching regarding this passage is that it is not a clash of Agape and Phileo, and Christ compromising His Agape for Peter’s Phileo.  Where  does God compromise his holiness, His righteousness or His love for the world – The writers of this teaching are suggesting that after Christ had to live holy and righteous before the Lord all the days of His life and be perfect before the Lord in His love that after Jesus suffered cruel scourging, suffered in the hands of evil men died on the cross and shed his inestimable blood to purchase us in salvation – that he is now going to allow Peter to walk around with some second-rate (earthly) love and use that to turn the church into a glee club or friendship club?


Hebrews 12:2-4  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, (Consider also what Christ endured to the resisting unto blood to fulfill His Father’s love for the world) lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. (If His redeemed have an obligation to follow Him unflinchingly even unto death – how then could He accept so less a love from His Apostles and their love towards the church.) If this were indeed true than why is not 1 Corinthians 13 the Phileo chapter, Or Paul exhorting husbands and wives to Phileo one another, or God knowing all things have agape reserved for God and to Phileo thy neighbor as thyself. – There is simply not enough Phileo spoken of in the New Testament to build any doctrine such as this. 

God does not compromise, and Jesus does not compromise not even for Peter. For God is not a respecter or persons. 


So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest (Agapeo) thou me more (Greek Plethora) than these? (This should read: Simon son of Jonas Agapeo-est more thou me than these?) By rightly dividing the word of truth we see here that Christ asking Peter if he loves God over the brethren / sheep / the flock of God.

Jesus is saying Peter do you love (Agapeo) me to the place that you think that the walk I have called you to is an ascetic/Talmudic spirituality of “me and Jesus?” Jesus is saying if you truly love (Agapeo) Me then you have to love (Agapeo) also the brethren / sheep /the flock of God by feeding and nurturing them as I have so loved you, and tabernacled with you despite our being unequally yoked for lo these last 3.5 years.

What we are discussing here is this warped pharisaical spirituality and holiness that has for hundreds of years caused Protestant  churches to split and fragment left and right – for we have been told that to love such unholy unrighteous and unspiritual people would soil my garments and my spirit before God.

This pervasive cult of the me and Jesus attitude -- believe that everyone else out there are just there to hinder me in my growth and spirituality and if I allow them to waste my time and energy I will never be able to enter into the fullness of what God has for me.

These same arguments are also used in marriage by the one that deems themselves as Holy Righteous and Spiritual – and that their husband or wife and that these only hinder me in my growth and spirituality and if I allow them to waste my time and energy I will never be able to enter into the fullness of what God has for me.

It is true that Christ prayed all night, and it is also true that Jesus went to a mountain or a lonely place to seek  God aloe  However we can not ignore that  90 –95% of the time Jesus tabernacled  with His twelve carnal unbelieving and unspiritual disciples. So that they could Meno with Him.  

If I were to compare this to something in the world it would be the US Army that has a policy to all troops that under no circumstance in the battlefield does one leave the side of their fellow soldiers, desertion was punishable by death. And at no time do you leave any soldiers or wounded behind, for to do so would be dereliction of duty -- a court marshal offense.    

He (Jesus knowing Peter did not understand this saying ) saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest (Agapeo) thou (only) me? He (Peter) saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. (Phileo thee exclusicely) He saith unto him, (You can not love and serve Me to the your not loving your neighbor as yourself, you must needs) Feed my sheep.  17He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest (Phileo) thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest (Phileo) thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest (Phileo) that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, (If you truly love Me with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all of your strength, it must needs be demonstrated in your loving and you’re) Feed(ing of ) my sheep. (Imparting what I have said and done for your – so that these two can experience this same love and relationship you have.) 

What Christ requires of those who would perceive themselves as righteous, faithful, and spiritual, is NOT to look down upon their earthly husband or wife and despise them in their hearts as being not righteous as they, faithful to the Lord as they, and or not being as spiritual as they. –

Arguably Christ with the twelve Apostles was unequally yoked, they were not as righteous as He, they were not faithful as He, they were not as spiritual as He, they had almost a non-existent prayer life, they had only a rudimentary knowledge of scripture, they were carnal and cared for the things of the world -- we can go on and on here, BUT – they greatly desired to be with the Lord. Christ expects no less for a Christian husband or wife to   (Using this term as is contemporarily used today) to cherish and nurture and lead by example (To Love they neighbor as thyself.)  

But the Holy Spirit expressly speaks that these in grievous sin against the Lord are the ones that continually sunder their marriages in their incessant despising of the “weaker vessel” treating them with contempt before those that they deem “more righteous”, “more faithful” and “more spiritual” who they treat as friends in place oft their spouse, and then these compound their sin by even with holding themselves, withholding their spouses feeding and withholding their spouses cherishing while all the time justifying their actions by saying in their evil and perverse hearts that they do so because their spouse is not righteous as they, that their spouse is not faithful to the Lord as they and that their spouse in not as spiritual as they.

The Lord sees with great displeasure that these self-righteous husbands and wives have broken their vows unto Him, that these have broken their marriages and broken their households. And He has great contempt and wrath upon such that would cast stumbling blocks and cause such offense these weaker vessels so as to cause their husband or wife to have to depart from them. And to the complete outrage of God these then bewail their “engineered divorcesand their right now to seek greener and more prosperous pastures elsewhere.

Know that none of these shall by any means enter into the kingdom of heaven. But these shall be consigned to the outer darkness where there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Hebrews 2:8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.


We will now define feminized teachings and doctrines as: That which has been altered to appeal to the personal vanity of the bride and allow her to partake of and do those things that are forbidden to believers and the church.


The issue we have been discussing all along is Church-based Victorian feminism and Church-based 1970’s radical feminism – that in both cases these feminized believers can not and will not Meno themselves, that is put themselves under subjection of Christ. And therefore they are none of His. And neither will they in any wise Meno themselves, that is put themselves under subjection of a man and in particular of their Husband


All this is regardless of how many meetings they attend, how much they tithe, and how many tapes they listen to of books they read.  – We are talking about a core level or foundational rebellion that was taught to then almost from birth,


Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (And likewise train up a child in the ways of corruption for example as a feminists and when the they are old they will not depart from it – For this is part of their core nature. This is part of their proclivity, their inclination, their appetite, what they hunger and thirst after.)


In the feminized and PC culture of the church the childhood fantasies that have been ingrained in all little girls saved and unsaved since earliest days of childhood are not only coddled  by revered – as part of the Gospel and bible believing Christianity. 


The training begins with children’s fairy tales and affects young girls from the well to do to the poorest in the whole of western society, as all are taught to they too can marry a prince.


And girls are encouraged to construct fantasy worlds.  In these worlds where there is the prince. – The purpose of which first is to elevate his bride, so that she (however unloved and un-adored she might be) once she marries the prince she is to be loved and adored by all. And in these fantasies the marriage to the prince is to end all the bride’s problems – (and they are to live in a joyous (non-sexual) bliss forever.


In these fantasies the prince is not really royalty with royal duties and responsibilities and giving his royal decrees over all in his household including his servants and his wife and children. – In this childhood deep programming that is in the foundation of westernized women the prince instead is a completely devoted servant to his bride, never leaving her side and showering upon her all her wishes and wants and in  this child play he surprises her with endless gifts and parties for no reason.


The key to understanding all of this is that these fantasies always have the little girl (Princess) as the center of attention with the most beautiful dresses, the most beautiful tea services, and her female companions fawning over her wisdom charm and good looks, and over her relationship with her “prince.”


I know something of these things firsthand because when my daughter was little when she had no friends to play with she would come to me to play “Barbie dolls” as she used to call it, and with her “My Little Ponies.” And other times she had her friends come over they would play the same around me while I was writing on the computer. I admit some of it was nauseating, and mind numbing, and I had limits as to how much I could deal with of this at any one sitting, but as her father I felt some obligation to play with her the things she wanted to play. – As we played together these princess games it brought back memories of when I was a child and my younger sister and how she and her friends used to play these same identical games with Barbie dolls and stuffed animals. 


Proverbs 22:6 (Modified) Train up a child in the way she shouldn’t go: and when she is old, she will not depart from it.
This wisdom of this verse cuts both ways with training up a child in goodness and Godliness or in badness and ungodliness.

The charge of God to parents towards their children is for them to be relentless in dealing with their children’s sin, idleness, and foolishness, while nurturing them in the fear and admonition of the Lord, Godly love, taking care of all their needs as opposed to their wants, emotionally, physically, and security wise, and leading them as Christ did, in not word alone, but by example.


So most of us in the absence of God-fearing parents were either trained up in a lot of selfish and self-seeking stuff, or we were allowed to go our own way. In either case we have a lot to unlearn of whatWe were trained up in as a child” and thus it should be of no surprise whenWhat we were trained up in as a childsuddenly rears it’s head up, making some people appear to act irrational. 


And now with this ever increasing number of children are coming of age and marrying in the church from completely dysfunctional families.  Having been trained up in feminist selfishness and dysfunction, – this is having a snowball effect before our eyes until it swallows the whole of the church.


The long and short of it is we have these little girls with their princess complexes growing holding up with these deeply ingrained feminist childhood fantasies and then holding them up as a crooked plumb line with which they measure everything that goes on in their relationships and marriages and by this crooked plumb line they declare the success or failure of these things and eventually ending up casting aside their marriage in search for another prince. 


It is surreal when under current Feminist and PC Church teachings women need not and should not put themselves under subjection of their husbands.


I have met several women who have strongly claimed to believe in what they term as the divine order of the household.  And several of these have been quite vocal and boisterous in stating that they not only firmly believe but unflinchingly abide by this.  


It is sadly funny that in each case when the conversation eventually turned to the wordsubmitandsubmissionthese same women became agitated, and evasive.

And as I would probe deeper I would invariably find that in order for these to foster such strong views of the divine order of the household – they had to either completely ignore or redefine what the termssubmitandsubmission” mean, to something of the order of:  To submit or to render submission is only Godly and Spiritual as long as it is in accordance to my short list of things that I am willing to submit to.  All of which according to scripture amounts little more than to lip service – which is abhorrent to God.


1 Corinthians 15:24-28 (After His appearing with the first fruits) Then cometh the end, when He (Christ) shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He (God) shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.(Under the Son of Man’s feet as the Second and Last Adam) For He (Christ) must reign, (Upon Earth) till he hath put all enemies under his feet. (During the millennial reign) -- For He (God) hath put all things under His (Christ’s) feet. But when He (God) saith all things are put under Him, (Christ) it is manifest that He (God) is excepted, (Exempted) which did put (As He alone has the power to put) all things under Him.(Christ’s feet) And when all things shall be subdued unto him, (For now we see not yet all things put under Him) then shall the Son also himself be (Fully) subject  unto Him (God) that put all things (And specifically [verse 24] this is speaking of all things in the Kingdom – because only when “All that doth offend” has been removed from the kingdom, otherwise known as “The tares,” or “The children of darkness” or those of “The seed sown by the enemy” will there remain only the glorious bride without sot and wrinkle.  And only then can and will this true pure bride be presented to the Father) under him, that God may be all in all. 




For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. Paul here is stating here that there is a higher purpose in marriage than financial security, protection, kinship, or even family. -- Paul speaks here of this as not being a mystery, but a great mystery. So we shall suggest here that it is highly unlikely you shall read the particulars of this in any Calvinistic commentary or some 18th century bible handbook.  This higher purpose of a husband an wife being joined and made one flesh as stated here by Paul is related with the joining and the becoming one flesh that Christ and the Church are to enter in to at His second coming. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

By the Spirit we define this great mystery as being “The Household” the purpose God for Adam and Eve was first to create a household into which God would place His seed. Abraham and Sarah built a household for over 60 years before God placed His righteous seed in it. God’s purpose is for us to build righteous household into which He can entrust us with His seed.

Any one can saved or unsaved pump out babies – but only a righteous man and righteous woman can build a righteous household in which the Lord can lay his head to rest.

Likewise the great mystery of the bride of Christ is that it is made up of such households. Households which are Meno-ed to Christ, and households in which the wife is Meno-ed unto her husband.

The Meno of Abiding (Part 2)


Matthew 7:22-24 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew (E-Gnon, E-Eu Joyously or Joyfully, Gnon-Ginosko To personally know or to Intimately know.) you: depart from me, ye that work (Erg-A-Zo-Menoi,  Erg-Ergon One’s duty or office, A –Not, Zo Life, and Meno. Here Christ is prophesying of those who have been given the office to impart life and the Meno of Christ, and He says despite the outward appearances the many here Use their office to impart death and impart to their hearers the Meno of themselves and Meno of the god of this world) iniquity.(A-Nomian A-Without, Nomian Law, – These are the “many” that teach lawlessness or these are the “many” who make their hearers unteachable  by filling them with the virulent poison of their Talmudic Meno.) Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man. (Those that are hearers only and not doers are A-Nomian. Those that are A-Nomian are also A-E-Gnon, and A-Meno.)


1 Corinthians 7:15 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage (De-Doulotai,  De On the other hand, Also, or Now DoulotaiDoulos male and female slaves.) in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. (While Paul here and in Romans 7:2-3 would cite the Law of Moses as being that which binds a man and woman together before God. We would appeal here to the words of Jesus Christ concerning the commandments of God that were in the beginning.)

Matthew 19:4-8 And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. They say unto him, Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement, and to put her away? He saith unto them, Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wives: but from the beginning it was not so.

Job 41:17 They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered (Among the passages that Christ cited above he cited this passage in Job.)


In the beginning God created the woman specifically that she was to make the man fruitful. This was something that the man that was created male and female could not by design do in and of Himself.


So according to the Divine Plan: The one was made two. And according to Divine Commandment: The two were to become one. And according to the Divine Plan this one was to become a new entity – (Which we will discuss further in time as the Lord permits.)


Genesis 2:18 And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an Help-meet for him.


In the article the Ezer and Boethos of God we extensively explored the meaning of this Help-Meetand how that God showed the man Adam that within the whole of creation (Including the creation of the Woman) there was none like the Lord. And that none was like the Lord in regards to God’s faithfulness, God’s Love, and God’s protection over His creation and in particular over man.  We found also that from the beginning that the Plan of God was to infill Adam and the woman with the Holy Ghost.  But because of the consequences of the fall, the plan of redemption culminating with the fulfillment of this Help-Meet had to wait until after the death of Jesus Christ on the Cross, after His resurrection, and after His ascension to the right hand of the Father so that the fullness of the Help-Meet in the Holy Ghost that indwelt the second and last Adam; Jesus Christ could be disbursed abroad to the Household of Faith in the coming of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost.


So as Adam was found wanting in Genesis 2:18, so too the woman was also found wanting in Genesis 3:1. However the response of Adam and the woman to their personal Spiritual and Physical lacks could not have been more different.   


For the man Adam dwelled under rulership and influence or the Meno of God as well as his physically dwelling with God 24/7, until the time of the receiving of the promise -- but of the woman we find she was of a different spirit in that she did not remain under the rulership or the Meno of Adam as well as physically dwelling with Adam 24/7.


As evidence of this God says in: Genesis 3:16  . . . And thy desire shall be to thy husband,

Going back just a few verses we read the following statement regarding where the woman’s wandering heart or desire was.

Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was – a tree to be desired to make one wise . . .  (Here we see that the woman’s desire was no longer towards her husband [She was no longer Meno-ing her husband] but her desire was towards the tree. Her desire had caused her to wander astray to: 1 John 2:16 The lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life [A life of pride] centered around self rule.)


This wandering and searching of the woman is indicative that the woman was experiencing a “state of lack” in her life. In Adam this gnawing emptiness drew the man  deeper into the Meno of God. But in the woman this gnawing emptiness caused her to depart from her Meno of Adam, and to look elsewhere for a quick fix or for some means to short circuit the purposes of God in her life.


The sin of the woman here was the same as King Saul – As his impatience caused him to lose the Kingdom of Israel, so in the garden the woman’s impatience caused her to lose the Household of Faith.


Many have preached that the crowning achievement of God’s creation was man but this is not at all so. – We see by the Spirit that the crowning achievement that the Lord sought in the whole of His creation was Adam and the Woman were to give birth to a new entity that had never before been seen -- the Household of faith (AKA The Bride for His Son.)


The fallen woman was later superseded by Sarai, and the fallen Adam by Abram. Sarai was not only able to Meno Abram, but she did so much so that she called him Lord. But that was not all, she had a continual obedience unto the commandment of God Commandment 00001 – the same commandment given in the beginning unto Adam and the woman – and that obedience to commandment 00001 entailed Sarai to have sexual relations with Abram at every opportunity that presented itself.  -- Not just for the honeymoon, not just for the first six months or for the first few years, but this commandment of God by Sarai required a Meno-ing of Abram’s flesh for decade after decade and when she became weary after 40 years of this and sought to turn the promise of the creation of the Household of Faith over to Hagar, God got Sarah moving again in faith and patience by her again having sexual relations with Abram every opportunity that presented itself until her flesh and Abram’s flesh was no longer able to do so any longer. (Romans 4:18-20)

And here the writer of Hebrews tells us:
Hebrews 11:11-12 Through faith also Sara herself received strength to
(Have more sexual relations, with Abraham and sometime during this obedience she) conceive(d) seed, and was delivered (Gave birth) of (To) a child when she was past age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised. Therefore sprang there even of one, (Her) and him as good as dead, so many as the stars of the sky in multitude, and as the sand which is by the sea shore innumerable.

I see here by the Spirit that this is indeed what was going on between Adam and the woman, and the woman after the passing of time, (Quite possibly years if not decades as had later occurred with Sarah, but in the garden the fainted in her seeking to obtain the seed of promise ) and not seeing the son of promise the woman became weary in her Meno-ing of her Husband.  I see by the Spirit that the woman in the garden was called to be mother of the Household of faith -- Which she was to inherit thought faith and patience.


We note here that this is the identical calling that every woman in Christ is called to.  From the Meno-ing of her husband daily, to her being saved or redeemed through childbirth, to her overseeing and instructing in the fear and love of God those within the household that they in turn might walk uprightly before the Lord. 


However that is not what occurred in the written record in Genesis. For no sooner had the Woman abandoned her Meno-ing of her Husband, in place of it she began to that vacuum in her life (Elsewhere we have declared that there can be no vacuums in God.) with an “Emotional Affair” with the serpent. During which the serpent feigned to offer her comfort in the seeming “unfair” and “intractable” situation she found herself in.  While in fact the serpent sought only to sunder that which God had joined together.  And in Scripture we see the serpent was successful to his end. – Is it any wonder that for the very same reason and in the very same manner that the serpent is wildly successful today in among bible believing and Spirit filled Christians, with the preaching of the tenets of modern feminism.


Genesis 3:6 And when the woman saw that the tree was – a tree to be desired to make one wise, (To make one as God, who judges but is judged by no man, and as being God ye shall no longer be judged by God Himself either. These are the tenets of modern feminism.) she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat.

Genesis 3:4-5 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. (And ye shall be as God who judges but is judged by no man, and as being God, ye shall no longer be judged by God Himself either.) We see here that the real issue of contention that the woman had was that she did not want to have her life ordered about by Adam or God. She was not grateful for her creation or the salvation that God had delivered unto her in the garden. She wanted to be able to act as a free agent capable of negotiating for herself the kind of salvation she wanted. – In our writings on this website we have pointed out again and again and again that this is the primary sin of Israel in the wilderness, and that this was not only the sin of the early church when it fell away but that this is the church that threatens to destroy what remains of the church in this hour. So in our seeing that the rise of a feminist streak in the woman in the garden was the cause of fall should be of little surprise. – And knowing this should alert one to how much the Lord hates this selfish self-serving behavior regardless who demonstrates this corrupt behavior.

Isaiah 14:12-15 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. (It seems that the serpent tempted the women into partaking of the same rebellion and perverse desires that he himself had lusted after.) We need to see further that this desire to judge, but be judged of no man and not even by God is the heart of the writings of the Talmud and all of its doctrinal daughters. It is the heart of the writings of eternal security. And it is at the heart much of the selfish self-serving populist church doctrines of this hour.


And thus it impossible to Meno God while Meno-ing the things of this world and the god of this world.

Proverbs 14:1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down (Sunders it) with her hands.

The church for four generations running or over 120 years has been party to a culture of overt rebellion and sin, of wives kicking and neighing against the image and likeness of God in their husbands and seeking to displace them high priest and head of the household.


It is difficult for the Holy Spirit, much less us to speak of the seriousness of these issues before such a stiff-necked and hard-hearted people that are so steeped in their sin and corruption – in this regard but we are to the place today that the whole of the church and the whole of western civilization now hang in the balances directly because of the evil and perverse decisions that out father’s our grandfathers our great grand fathers and great great grand fathers households fell into and allowed to stand. So that line upon line here a little there a little order of the household was altered and power was stripped away from its high priests’ and heads by law and statute. -- Until that fateful day in the 1980’s when wives and children said enmasse to their husbands:  I have no need of you.


We want to state plainly here that the first commandment of God: To be fruitful and to multiply, and God’s commanding that the woman’s desire be towards her husband and that that he have the rule over her, were not things that were altered in either the covenant of Abraham, the covenant of Moses or the covenant with Christ.


So that if we desire to truly conform His image and His likeness we must submit ourselves preferably in joyfully obedience to His commandments. We must preferably joyfully take upon Christ’s yoke – if not then for the fear of God we should bow down and prostrate ourselves in obedience to His commandments.


Hebrews 11:7 By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house – (Here moving in obedience that is motivated by fear is clearly called faith, not unbelief.)

1 Peter 3:1,4-6 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection  to your own husbands; that,  (Even) if any obey not the word, (The topic here is wives that are unequally yoked, regardless of how this came about.)

In recent months I have had several women address the subject that their husband had either become backslidden or in other cases that while they had matured in God, [in their own eyes] their husband had not. That he had not come into the sophisticated walk they had expected him to come into, “like they had.” But instead to their utter disaffection he remained “a babe” or “a child” in Christ – [ruining their bragging rights and the elevated position among their peers they had so sought.]  In all of these cases in women either are divorced or are contemplating divorce.   In their talk they were angry, and completely frustrated with their spouse, even years after the fact. I have also seen this identical thing in men where the rolls of this “accessed personal unspirituality” were reversed.  And with the help of tapes, books, and their preachers, all of these were led to the “inescapable conclusion” that this lazy, worthless, unholy, and unspiritual; being they were married to, was holding them back spiritually, and preventing them from being able to fully enter into whatever imagined thing they have their eye on.

What we have outlined here is in a great majority of Christian households. – And since the mid 1970’s I have seen hand heard these very things spoken and manifested many, many times over. And until very recently I NEVER had the slightest idea anything was amiss. I had a good ear, and readily believed the tears and testimonies.  

Today by the grace of God we can conclusively say that in these marriages none of these women ever entered into the “Meno” of their Husband’s house.  That the bracelets were never clasped onto their wrists, but rather during the course of these marriages more and more these haughty wives came to regard that it was the husband that were required to enter into the “Meno” of their wife’s house and that the wife had clasped the bracelets upon him and redeemed him from what ever kind of vacant and vagrant lifestyle he might have had instead.

So instead of these wives having left their will, their desires, their wants and expectations bored into the doorpost as the proverbial servant of love – and having honored their husband by taking his will, his desires, his wants and his expectations as their own, and I will add here being a light in his household and a light in the community so that if they have seen a wife they have seen their husband in them [These things are not farfetched, but were seen readily even in the unsaved in the early 1960’s] – Instead this generation of unholy and unrighteous women in the church upbraid, condemned, and cast aside their husbands for not having had their ears bored on the doorpost and having taken up their wife’s will, desires, wants, and expectations.

Here specifically we need to invoke the testimony of Rebekah and Isaac and what the Lord so graciously revealed in the article: Rebekah the Savior of Israel.  For Isaac clearly began falling away from the Lord sometime after he was married. So that Rebekah became unequally yoked, and things went from bad to worse where at first Isaac would no longer pray and seek the Lord with her, but he came to the place that he was completely backslidden and blinded by God for his disobedience and had been taken ed by the snare of the devil to prepared to give away the covenant of his father Abraham to the seed of the serpent in Ishmael as well as the blessings of fruitfulness that were conferred upon him by Abraham.  – These are no small charges and yet in this Rebekah was faithful to her husband and wifed (I made up this word) him as unto the Lord and when the hour finally of the coming of the promise she stood up and saw to it that her husband did not become a man of belial before God and cause his household and seed fall under the condemnation of the Lord.  And if there is a woman seated upon one of the 24 thrones in heaven before God I will state unequivably she will be seated there, and I do not believe for an instant that she would be the only woman so rewarded by God as being a Good and faithful servant.   (We note here that all of these things occurred without Rebekah having known Christ as her Lord and Savior – We note that none of this occurred with Rebekah having been filled with the Holy Spirit. And we note that all of this occurred without Rebekah going to church either once a week or seven days a week.)

How is this even possible according to our doctrine – It is because our doctrine is wrong. It is because our doctrine is false. It is because we have been taught to read in a lot of things that neither Christ nor the Apostles said and use these to circumvent Scripture, the words of Christ and the words of the Apostles  (We strongly advise here to read about the Cain Ridge Revival of 1801 – An annotated article of this event is on the Ancient Writings Page.  Here tens of thousands of sheep without a shepherd were led to a move of the Spirit in the wilderness. – At this time there were no churches –and the chapel of all of these were their own households and their congregations were their children and neighbors. [Imagine that!] – So how is it that the church did not die out in all of these states? How is it that these did not perish spiritually? How is it that these were not cursed of God for not going to church or tithing? It is because they walked in an obedience that we know nothing of.)

Genesis 24:14 And let it come to pass, that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink; and she shall say, Drink, and I will give thy camels drink also: let the same be she that thou hast appointed (Greek: Parthenon, Para-Thenos Partner in fruitfulness) for thy servant Isaac; and thereby shall I know that thou hast shewed kindness unto my master.


Genesis 24:16 And the damsel was very fair to look upon, a virgin, neither had any man known her: (Greek: Parthenon, Para-Thenos Partnered in fruitfulness) and she went down to the well, and filled her pitcher, and came up.


Proverbs 3:29 Devise not evil against thy neighbour (Greek: Phile -Lover), seeing he dwelleth (Greek: Parthenon, Para-Thenos [With thee as thy] Partner in fruitfulness) securely by thee.

For the tens of thousands of Christian mothers today as head of your household we are when the wolf is comes to the door of these in which  the strongman has been cast out. (And in most cases for no other reason than selfishness.) What will you do? And over in Europe when the welfare payments cease what will you do then to been and cloth those in your household? And when Islamic wolves appear as your ruling civil authority and law enforcement and they are on the prowl for you and your daughters what will you do then?

1 Peter 3:1 Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, (Here Peter now speaks of wives being unequally yoked) (So that) they also (That) without the word may be won (To Christ) by the conversation (The full Gospel in demonstration, rather than in word) of the wives; (These unequally yoked wives are nowhere here allowed to divorce their husbands but are commanded instead to win their unbelieving husbands over by what Christ has wrought in them that make them much better wives than they were before they believed.) -- But let it be (That speaks) the hidden man of the heart, in (Words) that which is not corruptible, (While you walk as Rebekah before Isaac) even the ornament (Greek: Outward ornamentation) of a meek and quiet spirit,

Here Peter clearly declares that this “meekness” and “quietness of spirit” are not to be some inward hidden affair of the heart, as is so typically preached in this day. Peter also plainly declares here that to conduct this “Outward ornamentation” of one’s “Meekness” and “Quietness of spirit” is not “works” or a “Work of the flesh.Sadly, these charges are continually leveled by “Deeper Life” believers, who are repelled at doing any such thing. And so these seek to cloak their corrupt behavior by feigning spiritually and speaking in muted tones about needing to “feel led” first, before they would ever put forth their hand to any random act of kindness that might somehow soil them. 

This passage blows a huge hole in that entire rational. Peter does not say you need to be “led by the Spirit” in order to “outwardly demonstrate” what one has of a meek and quiet spirit before your unequally yoked husband much less before unbelievers.

What Peter is saying here is that any “outward demonstration” or “outward adornment” of meekness and a quiet spirit much less any other of the fruits of the Spirit, is to be understood as the normal state of a wife interacting with her saved or unsaved husband or she being equally or unequally yoked.

Likewise this same “outward adorning” of these fruits of the spirit is to be understood as the normal state of believers in their interacting with one to another or when they are interacting with unbelievers.

1 Peter 5:5 Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: -- This is the outward adorning of humility to one another.

Elsewhere this is written as ourPutting on Christ” or “Putting on the new man” and “Putting on the armor of light” all of these should also be understood as an outward adorning – How else are we to “Let our lights shine before men” if we have them “Hid under the bushel” of our soul and spirit?

Continuing now with the words of Peter on being unequally yoked
1 Peter 3:4-5  -- (A woman’s meekness and humility) Which is in the sight of God of great price. (Peter is citing Proverbs and the Song of Solomon here.) For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husbands: (Even when married to men of Belial like Abigail. Here we see something utterly different than the mouthy, and arrogant feminist culture that has pervaded the whole of the church and society.) Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: (This quote of “Sarah calling him Lord” is cited from the Greek Septuagint.) whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, (Do these things unflinchingly.) and are not afraid (Me Phobou-Menai,  Me –Not.  Phobou To Fear To be Afraid To be Terrified. And Meno To abide under the rule, or to dwell under the influence of.) with any amazement.

In using the word Ptoesin in “afraid” Peter selects here a word that in this form is used only one time in the Greek Septuagint 

Proverbs 3:25 Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. The meaning of this passage is two-fold first Peter is declaring that if you unflinchingly do these things with a saved or unsaved husband being equally or unequally yoked – Ye need not fear being divorced or abandonment  -- for this shall not come unto the righteous.  Peter is also saying that if you have done all these things to bless, serve, and voluntarily place yourself under your husband’s “Meno” that should this desolation of the wicked come unto you – you will have a clear conscience, for have done all as well pleasing unto the Lord – and as such receive an open reward of the Lord for such in this life and the next.

Psalm 40:10 I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart; (This hiding  David speaks of here is a pharisaical concealment that denies any others entrance) I have declared thy faithfulness and thy salvation: I have not concealed thy lovingkindness and thy truth from the great congregation. (So here David disburses abroad the heart of God, that others might know.)


The cold hard facts here are that any bride that has been taken by this blight of feminist selfishness and self-serving doublemindedness, is none of His. Christ simply cannot, and will not take any such bride as His own.


Sadly as we have already intimated this identical corrupt doublemindedness exists also in the earthly and carnal Christian household as well. And this exists regardless of whether a person is saved, baptized in the Holy Spirit, prays daily, reads their bible for an hour or two a day, and even attends five church services a week. The underlying condition that causes this doublemindedness is internal; it is carried as a disease within one’s heart and soul and as such many times it can not been seen by its carrier.

Ecclesiastes 7:25-26 I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness: And I find more bitter than death the woman, (in) whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: (This is not love but a cold calculating self-willed woman filled with her own will, wants, and desires.) whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; (Before marriage) but the sinner shall be taken by her.(Drawn to her like a magnet and taken in His own deceits by her.)

When one feigns marriage to Christ the disease within them does not change it one iota.  In The Parable of the Sower, we see this disease of self-will, and self-aggrandizement and that her desire not towards her husband as commanded by God, and that the bride of the field renders the seed of the Lord fruitless.


One of the things that the Lord is speaking to me in such a profound way is that these same things “change not” in feigned earthly marriage either. So that as the Church-bride is self-willed and self-seeking within the confines of her relationship with Christ while confessing with their lips declaring Christ as her Lord and master – how much more shall such a bride be unwilling in any way shape of form to open herself body soul and spirit, and take as her own the wants, the will, and desires of her earthly husband?


The very opposite things are spoken of and extolled in the virtuous woman in Proverbs.

Proverbs 12:4 A virtuous (Hebrew 2428 Hayil: Strength, Capacity, skill, valor, Root word: 2416 Hay To be filled with life, To overflow with life, To be overflowing with fruitfulness or to be well endowed.) woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh (Her husband) ashamed is as rottenness in his bones. (This should probably read: The virtuousness of a woman [The children of her righteous household] are a crown [That encircles – speaking of their number being greater than 2-3] her husband)


This word Virtuous Hayil 2428 in the Hebrew is what Boaz cried out to Ruth after she had performed certain sexual acts with him upon his bed.  The cry was not over whether she had exhibited good baking or accounting skills – but that she had been instructed well by Naomi.


The Apostle Titus 2:4 declares that the women elders are to teach and instruct five  things, one of which he terms in : Phila-Andros (Phila The sexually loving,  Andros Of a man. [English Word –Philanderer] –The Etomology Dictionary reads as follows 1737, Philander, was a popular [Male] name for a lover in romance stories, drama, and poetry [My Philanderer, I went to my philanderer, My philanderer came unto me,] -- from Gk. adj. philandros  -- phil- "loving" + andr-, stem of aner "man." From 1841 on Philanderer’s meaning was altered to "male flirt"]) 


In Titus 1:8 the Apostle also lists some surprising qualifications for ministry material for men That he must be Philo-Zeno -- Lovers of unexpected guests (As was Abraham when he ran out to kill an animal to feast with at the sight of God and the angels with him.)

That he must be  Phila
-Agathon Sexually loving unto overflowing fruitfulness (As Jacob was as he filled his quiver.)


And here the Apostle agrees with Paul that this should be done So-Phrona -- Being ever thoughtful and considerate to thine wife’s sexual needs as well.

Two times in the Song of Solomon the young woman declares her being trained up in sexual matters by her mother. 

The love and devotion and singleness of vision of a bride towards an earthly husband are lauded at the end of the Song of Solomon,


Song of Solomon 8:6-7 Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love (Greek: Agape) is strong (Greek:Krataia Singular, feminine) as death; jealousy (Greek: Zelos Burning Passion) is cruel (Greek: Skleros Stubborn) as the grave: the coals (Hebrew is coals here. Greek: Peri-Ptera,  Pterna – The Heel)  thereof are coals (Hebrew 6352 Peham – is translated as coals but should be “Bellows” the word is used only 3 times once here and in Isaiah 44:12, and 54:16. The root word is “Snare” – which is a mechanical device.) of fire, which hath a most vehement flame. (Greek: Puron) Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned.

A better rendering of this passage would be:
Song of Solomon 8:6-7 Set me as a seal upon thy heart, set me as a seal upon thy arm for the Agape of a maid is as irresistible as death, And her burning passion is irresistible as the grave. It is as a bellows upon the coals producing a vehement flame, which many waters cannot quench. Neither can floods drown such Agape and burning passion. If a man would give all his sustenance and even his house to buy such Agape and passionate love – it would be rejected and utter fall short (Solomon concludes here that such love, and devotion cannot be bought, even with all the wealth Solomon himself possessed.)


Matthew 6:22-24 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, (Single in it love and devotion of Christ, or in its love and devotion to one’s husband.) thy whole body shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, (Corrupted Divided, or double-minded) thy whole body shall (Not might be) be full (flooded with or leavened through and through by) of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!  No man can serve two masters: (There can not be two heads of a household) for (In the case of marriage she) -- will hate the one, (Her husband) and love the other;(Her self) or else he will hold (Submit or Obey) to the one, (Her self) and despise (Neigh and kick against ) the other.(Her husband until they are sundered) Ye cannot serve God and mammon.(And neither can a double-minded household stand.)


The darkness, divisiveness and animosity that rends and tears at a household until it has its full work of the sundering, contrary to what has been commonly taught for decades does not only affect a small or limited area – it fills your soul stem to stern with darkness. There is no segmentation or compartmentalism here. Any thought that you can keep it contained and just go on in worshipping and fellowshipping the Lord as if nothing ever happened is delusional.


This taint of darkness lives and breaths and grows, as implied with a root of bitterness.  Though many times it is invisible to the one(s) infected, it colors, it filters, and it flavors all that you see, hear, and speak between a husband and wife, (And you and Christ) so that no longer can you hear each other.  So that one only hears through the filtering of this leavened darkness coursing through their soul and spirit what they want to hear or believe, and so they justify themselves in one thing after another and these things mount of and by the sheer weight of them they gain force and power.


John 3:19-20 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men (John is speaking here of members of the church then and now) loved darkness (Preferring to dwell in it) rather than light, because their deeds were evil. (So rather than moving from glory to glory and coming into the image and likeness of Christ, John the Apostle identifies that these believers were hijacked from light to darkness, so that the experience of these devolved into the walk and experience of the Pharisees.)  For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, (Will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and will despise the other.) neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. (And thus repelled by the light of Christ due to the growing breathing corruption within, these can find no place of repentance that will accommodate themselves and all that has come to dwell in their empty house.)


In writing this we are not attempting to speak to the many, as in the many of bible believing Christianity or the many of Spirit-filled Christianity who in a recent survey are estimated now to be over one billion world wide, for these neither know Him, nor desire at all to follow His will.  Rather we seek to speak to the few the 2-3 that are gathered together within these tens of thousands of Klesia’s scattered all over the world that desire with their whole heart to come into His will and purposes for their lives, and are willing to suffer personal loss to do so.  Those to whom the Lord has already spoke in some measure these very things, but have not known the meaning of what God has spoken to them in their Spirit, or that have no known the abundant biblical conformation on these things they have heard in their spirit , or that have been afraid to act as believing that they have been the only one that has seen and heard these things of the Lord.    


To these we would say that the Lord is preparing for himself yet another vessel, a people that were not a people.  And these few shall not be as the son that said he would not do the will of his father but later unwillingly and grudgingly did so. And neither shall these few be as the son that said amid great pomp and ceremony that he would do the will of his father but did not so either. The Lord is preparing yet another vessel for Himself of great humility of spirit and with great meekness or soul that shall with great tears of joy willingly become to image and likeness of her husband’s image and likeness – and shine forth as his glory in the Klesia and the world all around her as she makes his desires wishes and wants her own and so fulfill the command of Christ.


Genesis 3:16 -- Thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.


John 7:17 If any man will do His will, (This is a putting aside of one’s will and desires and taking on His will and His desires as their own) he shall (come to) know (This is an entering into a hearing of the word that proceedeth from the mouth of the Father for themselves) of the doctrine, (Greek: Teaching) whether it be (Proceedeth from) of God, or whether I speak of myself.


Philippians 2:13-14 For it is (The Spirit of) God which worketh (Repentance and change in you, that you might be transformed into His image and likeness.) in you (Glory to glory) both to (Do His) will, and to do of His good pleasure (His Heart’s desire). Do all (These) things (Joyously and of a willing heart) without murmurings (Neighing in rebellion) and disputings: (Kicking against Him, and against your “fellow yoke persons” in the yoke beside you,)


Psalm 106:24-29 4Yea, they despised the pleasant land, they believed not his word: But murmured in their tents (During sex with their wives at night) , and hearkened not unto the voice of the LORD. Therefore he lifted up his hand against them, to overthrow them in the wilderness: To overthrow their seed also among the nations, and to scatter them in the lands. They joined themselves (E-Teles-Thesan, E-Eu Joyously- Teles- Teleios An end, Consummation, The full act, Thesan -Theros To gather in Harvest or Reap. ) also unto Baalpeor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. Thus they provoked him to anger with their inventions: and the plague brake in upon them.  (Here David implies that they murmured in their tents during sex with their own wives at night, – And that they joined themselves in a joyous orgy of fornication and adultery.)   


In the beginning God created Adam and the woman – that they might with the two becoming one create a household. While they are under commandment 00001 To be fruitful and multiply – they were to create the household in which the seed of the righteous were to be born into first.

The center of the household is the bed of coitus – The building that houses the husband and wife is the tabernacle, the bed is the holy place, and sexual intimacy is the holy of holies.


From the beginning God was not seeking sexual intimacy for the sole purpose of procreation – as it has been taught by the Jewish ascetic rabbi’s and sages of the Talmud, Rabbi Johanan and his disciples, Tertullian, Jerome, Augustine and then by his disciples Calvin and Luther. The purpose of sexual intimacy is to build the household.


Through the men mentioned and their Talmudic, ascetic hatred of women and sex as being of the devil, evil, sinful, perverse and the great defiler of all those who would seek or serve God  


They have done more for the kingdom of darkness  and the seed of the serpent than all of the armies and nations that hunted down and slaughtered true bible believing Christians throughout the last 1974 years (This number is the counting from 33 AD onward – We are not into numerology but we would be replete to point out that in the year 2033 that would be 2000 years since the death of Christ. It will be 50 Jubilees since Christ’s  death.  And Christ’s ministry lasted for 3.5 years that would coincide with the last half of the great tribulation – in that day shall the Ek-Lektos spring forth – in the full power and manifestation of Christ. If these things be true than we shall see the beast and false prophet arise in 2027 scarcely 20 years from today. We note that this is close to the time where the Lord declared two years ago that the EU shall fall. And that the physical churches and denominations in Europe and the Vatican it self shall be destroyed and not left with one stone standing upon another thus fulfilling that the beast shall show himself in the temple/Vatican as God and that the oblation shall cease.)


The light shining forth from us is supposed to be us reflecting His light. Rather than the light shining forth from us being our own the light of darkness that is contaminated with our own will and desires.


For when true bride of Christ discovers her pearl of great price, she sells all she has, not only things from an earthly materialistic stand point – because the pearl Christ was speaking of here was not an earthly materialistic item that could be so easily seized upon by those wealthy with early riches (For that would lend it self to the claims of the corrupt prosperity Gospel.  Rather the pearl of great price is a thing of the Spirit.  Who’s gain is akin to Israel loving the Lord their God with all their heart, all their soul, all their mind, and all their strength, and in so doing these were made partakes of so great a covenant with the likes of Abraham, Israel, Joseph, and Moses.


So also those who would seek to gain this great pearl need in their selling to go beyond a selling of all what one has in natural material wealth and goods to sell (or hang upon the door or the marital chamber) what they perceive to have, and perceive they are spiritually, so that to gain  --that which is eternal and immeasurable in Christ (We speak of the Spirit that was poured upon Him beyond measure here) –and it is precisely for this reason –that is the unwillingness of the feminized bride of Christ to make His will their own and His desires her own – that she has remained bankrupt and destitute for lo these 18 centuries. – For those who think themselves wise in the world, live and die by their own strength and abilities, This church has gotten all they will get in this life and the next. This church has always and will always pay their own way. But those who truly in body soul and Spirit have Christ as their husband, master, and Lord, He cherishes them and provides without word or prayer all their needs.  And He covers them with His garment. . And when she receives of this pearl of great price she does humbling and with great lowliness of heart, filled with tears of joy, and tears of repentance and tears of seeking God with all her heart.  So also it is to be that when a woman finds the pearl of a husband for her earthly redemption in marriage, and she is to do so with great humility, great lowliness of heart soul and spirit, and with great joy in body soul and spirit. 


What I write of here in light of all the talk we hear in this hour of all our Christian rights of all our Christian privileges and all that is owed us by God for us becoming Christians – These things are not mere foolish talk, but words from the serpent that are by design to damn and destroy all who’s lips they fall from – as occurred in the children in the wilderness – and for that reason they were destroyed all the day long until every last one of them perished. And so it shall be that everyone that has let the serpent seed their hearts with this rebellion and cursing the love and goodness of God and Christ shall be taken away along with the devil and all his angels.  Time and again we have been warned of these very things Christ and the Apostles. But there has been a veil put of the mind of the entire church when they read the New Testament just as Paul declares about Israel having a veil over their mind concerning Christ when reading the law and the prophets.


Awake! Arise from the dead. The hour of judgment is almost upon us when no man shall work.  The call is going forth to the sleeping virgins – prepare yourself, the Master is about to come.


Note here that in the beginning God created man in His image and likeness and in the end the beast seeks to make all men into his image and likeness. And where in the beginning the angels were to bow before God’s image and likeness in men in the end the beast seeks to make all men bow to before his image and likeness.


We would declare here that there is a definite relationship between the plans of the devil in the antichrist and what has been demonstrated by the haughty feminism that is preached in the church regarding their relationship and position as the bride of Christ, and the haughty feminism that has been preached to wives in the household regarding their relationship and position with their husband.


Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty (Kako-phrsune Kako: Evil, Bad, or Wicked, Phrsune: [Spoken of horses] To neigh in rebellion, To kick against, or To act wild) spirit before a fall.


Isaiah 3:16 -- The daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes . . . 


The preaching and teaching of modern feminist ideals have been incorporated church teaching now for an entire generation, and what has it produced? Certainly not a church without spot or wrinkle. What has it is fruits? A generation of haughty and wanton daughters of Zion that seek always their own. A church that has neighed, kicked against, the yoke of Christ and exhibiting outwardly anything that might be construed as being a servant /slave toward Christ, towards the unredeemed or towards their earthly husbands. All of this under this new feminism has been ridden roughshod over.


Psalm 25:9 The meek will He guide in judgment: and the meek will He teach His way(s). (Those that are meek and lowly of heart shall He reveal himself to, and give His tokens of affection) So also is it of an earthly husband a meek and virtuous woman.


So we might define this new feminist Gospel and all its manifold teachings and doctrines as a culture of entitlement where: There feminists that are Christian’s in name only have not come to serve, but only to be served.


Ephesians 5:25-27 Husbands, love (Agapeo) your wives, (And wives love your husbands) even as Christ also loved (Agapeo) the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
This is a rendition of the nameless selfless servant of Abraham that obtained the bride that without spot or wrinkle in behalf of the son of promise. However here Christ himself acts alone.  Making the covenant with the bride Himself, and giving her His tokens aka His bracelets of betrothal Himself.

What never quite seems to shine through in teaching on this passage regarding husbands is the level of this agape that is expected of the believing husband whether he is unequally yoked or not: So as Christ Loved the Church (And generally the believers He worked with; the Apostles and all who come unto Him – in truth by any standards are greatly unevenly yoke with Him)

Yet He loveth and cherisheth even the vilest of sinners that would seek Him. But at the core of this “Relationship” there has to be on the part of “this betrothed / promised bride” a desire be changed into His Image and Likeness.  There has to be a desire to learn of Him, to learn of His meekness, and to learn of His lowliness of heart. 

Speaking in particular of this desire, it is not an “Intellectual Curiosity,” where we coincide based upon what we agree on. Nor is it an “infatuation” that rises and falls like the tide and has us in a realm where we are guided by out feelings so I we love the Lord a lot to day we may pray for five minutes or thumb through a few pages in the bible.  The desire of which we speak is not temporary or experimental – what we give something a tepid try – to see how it appeals to us. The desire we speak of here is one created “by revelation” that is first a revelation of the abject squalor and empty vanity one has lived in.  It is then a revelation of the son of promise and what it means to become part of His household. And finally it is a revelation that compels causes action, so that a person rises up from their squalor of where they have “Meno-ed” and they go and lay hold upon Christ never to return.

Here we declare that this is same self-absorbed self-aggrandizing “Talmudic” disease spoken of in the Book of Revelation concerning the Laodicean Church of this hour. So that as Christ and the Apostles were able to draw only a few out of Jewish Synagogues in Israel and around the then known world. – So too is He able (For identical reasons) is able to draw but few out of the earthly church made with hands of this hour to be His bride without spot or wrinkle.  For as the in the days He walked the earth and preached himself, He can find buy few in all of the church of this hour that willingly, and with great joy, bow to take His yoke [His bracelets] upon them.  Those who desire to give up their own desires, expectations, wishes, and wants, and learn of Him that His desires, His wishes, and His wants might become their own and cherished by His bride. However when He finds such a one, a gem among all the stones He Agapes them) and gave himself for the church (As defined by those whom He truly seeks.) And to those there is a physical giving of Himself in His earthly presence. His relationship with the church was a commitment of being with His disciples aka the church day and night for 3.5 years. This commitment entailed His giving of tangible tokens of Himself and tokens of His love, tokens of His care, tokens of His nurturing, and gifts of healing and power. And finally to redeem His beloved He gave His very life, and paid for her redemption with His own blood so ought a Christian husband love (Agape) his wife. (Regarding His relationship with the Apostles it was a bumpy and unequally yoked road but He did not ditch or dump a single one. – This was not so concerning the many of his professed disciples whom in John 6:66 He let them all walk and depart from Him and we never see Him crying after them, or unduly lamenting their departure, or loss. Yes it is true that it is not the will of God that any should perish but when they get up and walk away –Christ does not mope over their departure. This comparable to a husband or wife that is unbelieving departing from the believing one and He or she is free.

As Christ loveth and cherisheth His betrothed bride – and we will focus here on the demonstration of this by Jesus Christ with the twelve Apostles in the Gospels, (To whom He found himself unequally yoked to) At the realization of this Christ did not flinch, nor did He did dryly say I love you. But gather these around him as a mother gathers her chicks that these twelve dwelled and abided under Household of Christ’s Meno 24/7 for 3.5 years of Christ’s earthly ministry.

We also have a requirement of this kind of faithfulness to whom we are married, whether they are saved or unsaved, whether we have been equally or unequally yoked, and or whether the one whom we have married turns out in time to become spiritual or unspiritual, regardless of any of this we are commanded by Christ to Apageo them with all our heart, all of our mind, all of our soul, and all of our strength. This is the intrinsic meaning of  And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.  It is a love that stems from our love and relationship with the Christ.

And of this the Apostle John declares –

1 John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.

And demonstrably Chirst did so first with the Apostles in the Gospels.

John 21:14-17 This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead. So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest (Agapeo) thou me more (Greek Plethora) than these? Note here once more that this even occurs in the Gospel of John after Jesus breathed on the disciples and said receive ye the Holy Ghost, this is after the death of Christ, and the resurrection of Christ, and after he has spent time teaching them again.  So that one would think that the love in Peter’s heart would now be perfect. But here Peter is completely mystified by the words of Christ – All Peter hears is Christ asking Peter if Peter loves Jesus and he responds accordingly.  He (Peter) saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love (Phileo) thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.

When I was saved in the early 1970’s the so-called “Jesus Freaks” had great sway on the teaching and doctrine of that day, so that a lot churches attempting to curry favor with this revival and gain membership of these people preached on (Agape) Love, on (Koinenia) Fellowship, and on body ministry. But once that movement waned the teachings on these subjects and the warmth and closeness that was had in those days died. Being fond of this passage myself, about a year ago I brought up this passage to a pastor discipled to Kenneth Hagin and he shrugged off the passage as being insignificant, and implied was old hat and everyone knew it.  And yet since I have known this faith Pharisee he has preached the same messages from Kenneth Hagin notes as many as three times. 

What we do what to point out here is that the teaching as it was preached in the 1970’s centered around the use of the words Agape and Phileo – in the teaching certain meanings are ascribed to each of these words; Agape supposedly beingGod’s sacrificial love,” and Phileo supposedly beingSome sort of fondness or camaraderie of brethren” rather than an intimate and personal love.  And in this teaching Jesus was challenging Peter to come into a “higher” love, but Peter could not bring himself to say He “Agapeo-ed” Jesus, and so the teaching states Jesus then came down to Peter’s level and accepted Peter in his Phileo.

I have always liked this teaching but it is not true on two levels first the definitions that were given of Agape and Phileo are not true. We will cite a single verse here are this is not directly our subject matter here.  

John 5:20 For the Father loveth (Phileo) the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel. (Is it that this passage states that God only has a mere fondness for Jesus? And yet elsewhere God so Agapeo’s the world? NO!) And we will comment here that in the Greek Septuagint that Agape and Phileo are used interchangeably for one’s love towards God, one’s love or fellowship towards man, and sexual relations.)

In Scripture both Phileo and Agape are expressive of strong deep feelings of love at various levels largely depending on the context in which they are used


The second error in this teaching regarding this passage is that it is not a clash of Agape and Phileo, and Christ compromising His Agape for Peter’s Phileo.  Where  does God compromise his holiness, His righteousness or His love for the world – The writers of this teaching are suggesting that after Christ had to live holy and righteous before the Lord all the days of His life and be perfect before the Lord in His love that after Jesus suffered cruel scourging, suffered in the hands of evil men died on the cross and shed his inestimable blood to purchase us in salvation – that he is now going to allow Peter to walk around with some second-rate (earthly) love and use that to turn the church into a glee club or friendship club?


Hebrews 12:2-4  Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, (Consider also what Christ endured to the resisting unto blood to fulfill His Father’s love for the world) lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. (If His redeemed have an obligation to follow Him unflinchingly even unto death – how then could He accept so less a love from His Apostles and their love towards the church.) If this were indeed true than why is not 1 Corinthians 13 the Phileo chapter, Or Paul exhorting husbands and wives to Phileo one another, or God knowing all things have agape reserved for God and to Phileo thy neighbor as thyself. – There is simply not enough Phileo spoken of in the New Testament to build any doctrine such as this. 

God does not compromise, and Jesus does not compromise not even for Peter. For God is not a respecter or persons. 


So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest (Agapeo) thou me more (Greek Plethora) than these? (This should read: Simon son of Jonas Agapeo-est more thou me than these?) By rightly dividing the word of truth we see here that Christ asking Peter if he loves God over the brethren / sheep / the flock of God.

Jesus is saying Peter do you love (Agapeo) me to the place that you think that the walk I have called you to is an ascetic/Talmudic spirituality of “me and Jesus?” Jesus is saying if you truly love (Agapeo) Me then you have to love (Agapeo) also the brethren / sheep /the flock of God by feeding and nurturing them as I have so loved you, and tabernacled with you despite our being unequally yoked for lo these last 3.5 years.

What we are discussing here is this warped pharisaical spirituality and holiness that has for hundreds of years caused Protestant  churches to split and fragment left and right – for we have been told that to love such unholy unrighteous and unspiritual people would soil my garments and my spirit before God.

This pervasive cult of the me and Jesus attitude -- believe that everyone else out there are just there to hinder me in my growth and spirituality and if I allow them to waste my time and energy I will never be able to enter into the fullness of what God has for me.

These same arguments are also used in marriage by the one that deems themselves as Holy Righteous and Spiritual – and that their husband or wife and that these only hinder me in my growth and spirituality and if I allow them to waste my time and energy I will never be able to enter into the fullness of what God has for me.

It is true that Christ prayed all night, and it is also true that Jesus went to a mountain or a lonely place to seek  God aloe  However we can not ignore that  90 –95% of the time Jesus tabernacled  with His twelve carnal unbelieving and unspiritual disciples. So that they could Meno with Him.  

If I were to compare this to something in the world it would be the US Army that has a policy to all troops that under no circumstance in the battlefield does one leave the side of their fellow soldiers, desertion was punishable by death. And at no time do you leave any soldiers or wounded behind, for to do so would be dereliction of duty -- a court marshal offense.    

He (Jesus knowing Peter did not understand this saying ) saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest (Agapeo) thou (only) me? He (Peter) saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. (Phileo thee exclusicely) He saith unto him, (You can not love and serve Me to the your not loving your neighbor as yourself, you must needs) Feed my sheep.  17He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest (Phileo) thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest (Phileo) thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest (Phileo) that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, (If you truly love Me with all your heart all your soul all your mind and all of your strength, it must needs be demonstrated in your loving and you’re) Feed(ing of ) my sheep. (Imparting what I have said and done for your – so that these two can experience this same love and relationship you have.) 

What Christ requires of those who would perceive themselves as righteous, faithful, and spiritual, is NOT to look down upon their earthly husband or wife and despise them in their hearts as being not righteous as they, faithful to the Lord as they, and or not being as spiritual as they. –

Arguably Christ with the twelve Apostles was unequally yoked, they were not as righteous as He, they were not faithful as He, they were not as spiritual as He, they had almost a non-existent prayer life, they had only a rudimentary knowledge of scripture, they were carnal and cared for the things of the world -- we can go on and on here, BUT – they greatly desired to be with the Lord. Christ expects no less for a Christian husband or wife to   (Using this term as is contemporarily used today) to cherish and nurture and lead by example (To Love they neighbor as thyself.)  

But the Holy Spirit expressly speaks that these in grievous sin against the Lord are the ones that continually sunder their marriages in their incessant despising of the “weaker vessel” treating them with contempt before those that they deem “more righteous”, “more faithful” and “more spiritual” who they treat as friends in place oft their spouse, and then these compound their sin by even with holding themselves, withholding their spouses feeding and withholding their spouses cherishing while all the time justifying their actions by saying in their evil and perverse hearts that they do so because their spouse is not righteous as they, that their spouse is not faithful to the Lord as they and that their spouse in not as spiritual as they.

The Lord sees with great displeasure that these self-righteous husbands and wives have broken their vows unto Him, that these have broken their marriages and broken their households. And He has great contempt and wrath upon such that would cast stumbling blocks and cause such offense these weaker vessels so as to cause their husband or wife to have to depart from them. And to the complete outrage of God these then bewail their “engineered divorcesand their right now to seek greener and more prosperous pastures elsewhere.

Know that none of these shall by any means enter into the kingdom of heaven. But these shall be consigned to the outer darkness where there shall be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Hebrews 2:8 Thou hast put all things in subjection under his feet. For in that he put all in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.


We will now define feminized teachings and doctrines as: That which has been altered to appeal to the personal vanity of the bride and allow her to partake of and do those things that are forbidden to believers and the church.


The issue we have been discussing all along is Church-based Victorian feminism and Church-based 1970’s radical feminism – that in both cases these feminized believers can not and will not Meno themselves, that is put themselves under subjection of Christ. And therefore they are none of His. And neither will they in any wise Meno themselves, that is put themselves under subjection of a man and in particular of their Husband


All this is regardless of how many meetings they attend, how much they tithe, and how many tapes they listen to of books they read.  – We are talking about a core level or foundational rebellion that was taught to then almost from birth,


Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it (And likewise train up a child in the ways of corruption for example as a feminists and when the they are old they will not depart from it – For this is part of their core nature. This is part of their proclivity, their inclination, their appetite, what they hunger and thirst after.)


In the feminized and PC culture of the church the childhood fantasies that have been ingrained in all little girls saved and unsaved since earliest days of childhood are not only coddled  by revered – as part of the Gospel and bible believing Christianity. 


The training begins with children’s fairy tales and affects young girls from the well to do to the poorest in the whole of western society, as all are taught to they too can marry a prince.


And girls are encouraged to construct fantasy worlds.  In these worlds where there is the prince. – The purpose of which first is to elevate his bride, so that she (however unloved and un-adored she might be) once she marries the prince she is to be loved and adored by all. And in these fantasies the marriage to the prince is to end all the bride’s problems – (and they are to live in a joyous (non-sexual) bliss forever.


In these fantasies the prince is not really royalty with royal duties and responsibilities and giving his royal decrees over all in his household including his servants and his wife and children. – In this childhood deep programming that is in the foundation of westernized women the prince instead is a completely devoted servant to his bride, never leaving her side and showering upon her all her wishes and wants and in  this child play he surprises her with endless gifts and parties for no reason.


The key to understanding all of this is that these fantasies always have the little girl (Princess) as the center of attention with the most beautiful dresses, the most beautiful tea services, and her female companions fawning over her wisdom charm and good looks, and over her relationship with her “prince.”


I know something of these things firsthand because when my daughter was little when she had no friends to play with she would come to me to play “Barbie dolls” as she used to call it, and with her “My Little Ponies.” And other times she had her friends come over they would play the same around me while I was writing on the computer. I admit some of it was nauseating, and mind numbing, and I had limits as to how much I could deal with of this at any one sitting, but as her father I felt some obligation to play with her the things she wanted to play. – As we played together these princess games it brought back memories of when I was a child and my younger sister and how she and her friends used to play these same identical games with Barbie dolls and stuffed animals. 


Proverbs 22:6 (Modified) Train up a child in the way she shouldn’t go: and when she is old, she will not depart from it.
This wisdom of this verse cuts both ways with training up a child in goodness and Godliness or in badness and ungodliness.

The charge of God to parents towards their children is for them to be relentless in dealing with their children’s sin, idleness, and foolishness, while nurturing them in the fear and admonition of the Lord, Godly love, taking care of all their needs as opposed to their wants, emotionally, physically, and security wise, and leading them as Christ did, in not word alone, but by example.


So most of us in the absence of God-fearing parents were either trained up in a lot of selfish and self-seeking stuff, or we were allowed to go our own way. In either case we have a lot to unlearn of whatWe were trained up in as a child” and thus it should be of no surprise whenWhat we were trained up in as a childsuddenly rears it’s head up, making some people appear to act irrational. 


And now with this ever increasing number of children are coming of age and marrying in the church from completely dysfunctional families.  Having been trained up in feminist selfishness and dysfunction, – this is having a snowball effect before our eyes until it swallows the whole of the church.


The long and short of it is we have these little girls with their princess complexes growing holding up with these deeply ingrained feminist childhood fantasies and then holding them up as a crooked plumb line with which they measure everything that goes on in their relationships and marriages and by this crooked plumb line they declare the success or failure of these things and eventually ending up casting aside their marriage in search for another prince. 


It is surreal when under current Feminist and PC Church teachings women need not and should not put themselves under subjection of their husbands.


I have met several women who have strongly claimed to believe in what they term as the divine order of the household.  And several of these have been quite vocal and boisterous in stating that they not only firmly believe but unflinchingly abide by this.  


It is sadly funny that in each case when the conversation eventually turned to the wordsubmitandsubmissionthese same women became agitated, and evasive.

And as I would probe deeper I would invariably find that in order for these to foster such strong views of the divine order of the household – they had to either completely ignore or redefine what the termssubmitandsubmission” mean, to something of the order of:  To submit or to render submission is only Godly and Spiritual as long as it is in accordance to my short list of things that I am willing to submit to.  All of which according to scripture amounts little more than to lip service – which is abhorrent to God.


1 Corinthians 15:24-28 (After His appearing with the first fruits) Then cometh the end, when He (Christ) shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He (God) shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.(Under the Son of Man’s feet as the Second and Last Adam) For He (Christ) must reign, (Upon Earth) till he hath put all enemies under his feet. (During the millennial reign) -- For He (God) hath put all things under His (Christ’s) feet. But when He (God) saith all things are put under Him, (Christ) it is manifest that He (God) is excepted, (Exempted) which did put (As He alone has the power to put) all things under Him.(Christ’s feet) And when all things shall be subdued unto him, (For now we see not yet all things put under Him) then shall the Son also himself be (Fully) subject  unto Him (God) that put all things (And specifically [verse 24] this is speaking of all things in the Kingdom – because only when “All that doth offend” has been removed from the kingdom, otherwise known as “The tares,” or “The children of darkness” or those of “The seed sown by the enemy” will there remain only the glorious bride without sot and wrinkle.  And only then can and will this true pure bride be presented to the Father) under him, that God may be all in all. 

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. Paul here is stating here that there is a higher purpose in marriage than financial security, protection, kinship, or even family. -- Paul speaks here of this as not being a mystery, but a great mystery. So we shall suggest here that it is highly unlikely you shall read the particulars of this in any Calvinistic commentary or some 18th century bible handbook.  This higher purpose of a husband an wife being joined and made one flesh as stated here by Paul is related with the joining and the becoming one flesh that Christ and the Church are to enter in to at His second coming. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

By the Spirit we define this great mystery as being “The Household” the purpose God for Adam and Eve was first to create a household into which God would place His seed. Abraham and Sarah built a household for over 60 years before God placed His righteous seed in it. God’s purpose is for us to build righteous household into which He can entrust us with His seed.

Any one can saved or unsaved pump out babies – but only a righteous man and righteous woman can build a righteous household in which the Lord can lay his head to rest.

Likewise the great mystery of the bride of Christ is that it is made up of such households. Households which are Meno-ed to Christ, and households in which the wife is Meno-ed unto her husband.