Sexual Stewardship


What is sexual stewardship?


It is the responsibility of every Christian wife to see that her own husband is sexually cared for and that all his sexual needs and desires are so sated that he can not look to another.


Here Ruth’s mother-in-law instructs Ruth how to sexually seduce Boaz, who had previously turned her down, she is to do so in the dark of night, when Boaz was drunk, and after he was fast asleep, she was to strip of his garments exposing his privates, and sexually lay with him, and that Boaz drunk half asleep would not send her away, but would accept her and instruct and guide her the rest of the way to his full sexual satisfaction. (For a more exact translation of this passage you should refer to Hebrew translation offered in the article Ruth Chapter 3.)
Ruth 3:1-4 Then Naomi her mother in law said unto her, My daughter, shall I not seek rest for thee, that it may be well with thee? And now is not Boaz of our kindred, with whose maidens thou wast? Behold, he winnoweth barley to night in the threshingfloor. Wash thyself therefore, and anoint thee, and put thy raiment upon thee, and get thee down to the floor: but make not thyself known unto the man, until he shall have done eating and drinking. And it shall be, when he lieth down, that thou shalt mark the place where he shall lie, and thou shalt go in, and uncover his feet, (Strip his private parts) and lay thee down; (Begin having sexual foreplay with his exposed member until he wakes) and he will tell thee what thou shalt do. (To sate him)
While this may to some sound like an invitation to fornication to some, this is only because they have little or no knowledge of scripture as to exactly what is transpiring here. Ruth chapter three is not a stand alone dialog on fornication, it is that Ruth was a gentile woman that was illegally married to a Jew and her Jewish Husband was struck down by God for his sin in marrying a gentile woman. Ruth chooses to take care of the feeble and elderly Naomi, and Ruth chooses to convert to Judaism so that Naomi’s God becomes Ruth’s God and she forsakes her fathers house and all their false God’s for nothing more than her love for this woman. For this extraordinary love of Ruth, Ruth finds favor and justification before God. And now as a Jewess she is entitled to the full coverage of the law namely that she being of no child, is entitled to having her husband’s next of kin raise up seed unto her dead husband so that she herself will be redeemed in child birth, and that her household will retain an inheritance in Israel.  Naomi had no other sons to give Ruth as Naomi’s husband is dead also, so they return to Bethlehem where Naomi’s dead husband’s family and brothers and their children live. So what is transpiring her is first a matter of Scripture, it is fully scriptural, in the case that we have laid out now before you. However this is a small caveat here, in that Naomi becomes the mouthpiece of God for Ruth here is not just any other woman – from the seed from Ruth’s womb is to come forth the Messiah, Jesus Christ. So God speaks through Naomi that Ruth is to bypass the legal first of kin another older man, and instead God has ordained Boaz to take Ruth and not only have sex with her and give her a son for her dead husband, but that Boaz is to take her as his wife. However Boaz is unwilling to take Ruth for whatever reason, so Naomi has to instruct Ruth how to sexually overwhelm Boaz, and we might add here that Naomi no doubt before giving her final instructions recorded here had to sexually train Ruth in some of the finer points of Philos-Andros[ing] of a man as mentioned in the book of Titus.   


It is also the responsibility of every Christian mother, to see to it that her daughters in particular but her sons also and their servants receive full biblical instructions on the whole array of sex and sexuality, personal sexual hygiene, sexual modesty,  that her daughters in particular as well as her sons are trained up in abstinence, understanding the full consequences before God and her family of  fornication,  of marriage, sex in marriage and her having children being part of her redemption and spirituality before God according to the word of God, (This would include her submissiveness, and her ministering to her husbands sexual needs and desires.)


Sexual stewardship includes in the word of God instruction in oral sex, (Mentioned in Ruth, the Song of Solomon, Proverbs,) instruction, in vaginal sex, instruction in masturbation, (Mentioned in the Song of Solomon, implied in Genesis with Adam, Not in Genesis with Onan) instruction in masturbation with the use of a dildo (Mentioned in Ezekiel) and the more modern version the vibrator, instruction in anal sex, (Mentioned two times in the Song of Solomon) instruction in fantasizing (Mentioned in the Song of Solomon) instruction in dressing provocatively for sex, (Mentioned in Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and in Genesis with Judah having sex with his daughter in law that was also left childless.) instruction in being alluring, instruction in sex being ones daily bread, being a daily wage, instructions that sex to be noisy, wild, uproarious, joyous and celebratory as the frenzy of wild stallions (Ezekiel, and Jeremiah being heard and sitened to without the wedding chamber) instructions even in birth control, and instructions on the use of alcohol and aphrodisiacs as related to sex. (Song of Solomon, Genesis with Jacob and his wife using mandrakes, in Jeremiah The voice of Joy and the voice of mirth and the voice of the bride and the bridegroom, the wedding in Canaan of Galilee) Instructions should include sins such as fornication, adultery  homosexuality, lesbianism, abortion, incest. This list is large,


Sexual Stewardship in the word of God is not to only be taught in the home, but in the church as well (The book of Titus) by the women elders. So that in the home and in the church these children need not turn to any other for any answers to their sexual curiosity, their sexual desires, and their sexual needs. If there is any sexual sin within the midst of the household the mother should be the first to know it. And deal with it accordingly as they are their children’s protector  And likewise if there is any sexual sin in the midst of the church the women elders charged over training in these areas should be the first to know it and deal with it accordingly as they are their student’s protector.


If one has uncontrolled lust and passion it is not of the devil and can not be cast out in the word of God, (1 Corinthians 7)  if masturbation, can not quell it the burning fire within they need to get married plain and simple, so they need to be directed and guided safely by their own Naomi into that harbor.


If one does go and have sex with another saved or unsaved (1 Corinthians 7) the church and their parents need to accept what has occurred and wrap their arms around that couple and give them their fullest support. (Rather than commit the Sin of Simon and Levi, when they went and slew Shechem and his entire house and village [effectively cutting them off from coming unto the Lord] for Shechem having had sex with Dinah their sister and then wanting to marry her and become an Israelite.)


Further the church and the parents of newlyweds regardless of how the two have become one flesh need to see to and support all their needs. (As a healthy church is filled with righteous seed being raised in the fear and the admonition of the Lord so that they need to see to it that these things be so.)  So that for very at least their first year of marriage as commanding in the law, the family and the church need to see to it that that their young married couples have food, clothing, shelter, that their homes are clean, the wife’s cooking is good, the sex between the husband and wife is constant, regular, adventurous. and fulfilling, that their healthcare is paid for, their car insurance is paid for, they have a working and maintained car. In other words that the family and the church sees to it that these couples have a lasting, lasting, honeymoon free from all other troubles and pressures and that in this time that these couples are deeply deeply sexually bonded one to another.   While we recognize that the parents nor the church can not enter into these couples bedrooms to be with the  with the couple, it seems in order that both the husband and the wife keep a sexual journal about what they have sexually done, and the satisfaction, and problems, they have experienced both in giving and receiving sex from each other, so that the mother, and the women elders in the church can review these sexual journals and correct, re-teach, and help perfect the husbands and wives techniques so that there will be as firm a sexual bond in these marriages  and that so that neither these husbands and wives will ever be able to turn to another for something they lack physically or emotionally.


The problem in this hour for the Christian household and for the church is that we have walked in sin and darkness for so long, generation upon generation. So that our teaching in both the household and in the church instead revolves around the doctrines and traditions of men that have utterly fallen short in any ability to teach and instruct anyone to be able to walk in the things mentioned above. For even the idea of any discussion of sex or sexuality between Christians, in the household with one’s children much less in the church is viewed as utterly vulgar, sinful, and corrupt communications.


Ruth 3:16 And when she (Ruth) came to her mother in law, she said, Who (How) art thou, my daughter? And she told her all that the man had done to her. (Here Ruth gives Naomi a blow by blow description of all the sex that had occurred between her and Boaz as well as all that was said – Here and in the Song of Solomon and in Ecclesiastes the word of God declares over and over that speaking explicitly  of sex and sexual acts is not corrupt communications, speaking of desiring to fornicate or commit adultery or to entice one into committing fornication or adultery is corrupt communications (As in Potipher’s wife with Joseph, and Joseph fled fornication, by fleeing from the one that sought to tempt him, even when threatened with jail and possible death. Flee those that tempt you to sin. The nature of sin is that it is planted as seeds, multiple seeds, and these are then watered, and tended long before they bring forth fruit. So that there are many opportunities to flee fornication before one begins to act on such impulses or the temptation of others just as occurred with Eve in the garden with the eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil)  


Christians and those in the church as so fearful of any frank discussion of sex and sexual acts in this hour that when any honest translation of the Hebrew or Greek or any bible passages are offered such as Ruth 3, the Song of Solomon, any one of a half dozen passages in Genesis, passages in Ecclesiastes, and Jeremiah, and Ezekiel, these are immediately cast aside, and the translator is deemed a corrupt reprobate. God invented sex and not the devil, sex is holy and pure before God when performed within the boundaries of marriage, Sex is Holy Communion between a husband and a wife, Sex is the daily bread between a husband and wife, Sex is a blood covenant between a husband and wife, Sex is the bond or the glue that holds marriage together, Sex when done rightly is part of our obedience and worship of God. sex and sex acts are recorded throughout the bible and was spoken of by prophets and holy men,  if God is not ashamed of sex and speaking of sex and sexual acts then as his followers and disciples of Jesus Christ we should not be ashamed at all either to preach on to teach on, to proclaim this so great a gift of God, both to our children, our fellow believers, and even to the lost about the spiritual fulfillment that can be had as we worship the Lord and have fellowship with God as we have sex in our marital beds and after we have sex as well.  


Much to my chagrin when I joined a Christian online group a year ago that discussed sexual issues that were being practiced by members of this group, and I began posting passages of scripture as related to these things being practiced by members of this online group (Showing that these things were indeed in the word of God and not sin.) there were a number in this group of a Calvinistic fundamentalist background practicing these things, that were angry and were offended at my doing so. They straight forwardly denied these things were in the bible (One wonders then how they can do these sexual acts and feel ok with it?) Even though they had the words one by one put before them with the Hebrew words and the Strongs concordance numbers to verify the proper translation each word within these texts that were set before them. One woman even angrily remarked that “The bible was not a sex manual.” and that she was offended that by my translation work I had made the bible appear to her to be so.


It was months later that the Lord led me to begin in this same group a discussion of that as Christians and believers that we are to obey the commandments and words of Jesus Christ with a few allies I had discovered, this discussion revealed that all of those that had been offended at the passages and translation work that had been posed to them did not in anyway shape of form believe that they had any obligations as Christians and believers to obey the words and commandments of Jesus Christ.  This was especially revealing among those that were Calvinistic Fundamentalists, Spirit filled Charismatics, and two to three Pentecostal preachers in the group. The sheer number and those that would be most associated with upholding the word of God, were those that were in flat out rebellion against the word of God for nothing less than fear of its white light shining upon their darkened hearts and souls and reproving and condemning their sexual practices, that were unholy unclean and had to be put away, and repented off, and made right before God. But these indeed show themselves to be seekers of sexual pleasure more than seekers of God, when in all reality in the light of Scripture that God is to be in the center of our sexuality as in everything else we do and say as believers.


We need to bring our lives, and our relationships with our husbands and wives into alignment with the word of God, we need to conform ourselves into the image and likeness of Jesus Christ as He so is as the Bridegroom with His bride.


For those of us who walk in disobedience and deprive our husbands and wives of all their love and sexual do, we do not love God, we do not love Jesus Christ, and we are not spiritual regardless of how much we attend meetings, regardless of how many church groups we belong to, regardless of how much we pray, worship and even prophesy.


How can we say we love God whom we have not seem when we do not sexually love our husband and wife with abandon as commanded in scripture who we have seen?


Think on these things.