The Overthrow of Europe is Coming Sooner Than You Think


We have posted multiple articles on The Falling Populations in Europe, the UK, Russia and Japan. This was first addressed by The Word of The Lord and later confirmed with article after article showing these things to be so.

Yet of a truth our hearers have had great difficulty in comprehending this things. So by the grace of God someone has put this all together in a simple video showing graphics of what is occurring in nation after nation and what these things mean to us who live in this day.

We received a second Word of The Lord over one year ago during the Illegal Immigration Debates. At that time God spoke that He had sent to this nation millions of Christians Immigrants from Mexico so that these would shore up this nation's falling population numbers so as to protect this nation at this time from what has befallen Europe, Russia, and Canada.

And God firther spoke in that same word that we as a nation need to welcome and accept these immigants whom the Lord has sent and grant them full US citizenship. The Lord has so graciously also confirmed this second word in this video also, for which we do praise and thank Him.