Newsweek Japanese Edition Declares Obama Not Worthy of Nobel Prize


2009.10.21 Number (10/14 sales)



Cover Story


主張 「あまりに軽いサプライズ受賞

視点 平和賞はブッシュのおかげ

Below Bablefish Translation

[obama] is not worthy of to the Nobel Prize

2009 October 21st number (10/14 sales)

Cover Story

(English translation) The Nobel Peace Prize prize winning of [obama] American president who inauguration 1st year only is not not anything ones “of time premature” other than

Insistence “excessively light [sapuraizu] prize winning

As for point of view peaceful prize favor of bush



Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Newsweek Japan: Obama "Unworthy" of Nobel Prize

Chances are, the domestic US version of Newsweak won't print this headline, which appears in the Japanese version (

According to the, on the magazine cover, the subtitle reads:

"The Idiocy Of Him Receiving Such An Award, With Less The One Year In Office With No Accomplishment"

He also writes the analysis of Obama in Japan is "interesting" with "very critical eye(s)." It appears the media in Japan is not very fond of "That One."

Question: Will the DNC now lump Japan in with the Taliban and Hamas?
