Jewish History and Religion
History/Background of Judaism

(We have posted this from an official Jewish Website because of their quotes on Judaism and the Talmud, Talmudic Judaism and Talmudic Christianity, and Talmudic Judaism and Talmudic Islam. As all having come from the same[corrupt] tree.)

Judaism is the religion of the Jews. There are an estimated 13.5 million Jews in the world, approximately 6 million in the United States, 4.8 million in Israel and the remainder dispersed throughout the world, many of them in Eastern Europe. In the Holocaust of World War II, some six million Jews were annihilated in Nazi-occupied Europe, as Hitler's armies sought to "purify" the "Aryan race."

The Judaism of today is based mainly on the Talmud and 613 Commandments derived from the Torah (by early renowned rabbinic scholars), several of which (The commandments in the Torah) cannot presently be fulfilled without the existence of the Holy Temple. The central tenets of Judaism were well defined in the 12th century CE* by Rabbi Moses ben Maimon [the "Rambam" or "Maimonides"] in his Thirteen Principles of Faith, which include a belief in one G-d and the eventual coming of a Messiah [an (?) "Anointed One"]. Judaism's tenets and practices have been further defined to varying degrees by various branches (Rabbinical schools) of the faith.

Theology/Major Teachings/Belief

Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people. Is the oldest of the three western monotheistic religions and so (Talmudic Judaism) is the ancestor of both Islam and Christianity. The heart and underlining promise of Judaism is the belief that there exists only one eternal God who is the creator and the ruler of the universe and all that is in it; God is transcendent and eternal, knowing and seeing everything. God has revealed the law (Torah), which is of utmost importance to the Jewish People, the chosen people, who are to be a light and example to all the world. Abraham, the biblical patriarch was the first to give expression to the Jewish faith, and it is through him that the blessing and the inheritance from God to the Jewish people comes, particularly the promise of the land, that has a central place in Jewish thought and practice.

The essence of the Jewish faith is contained in the “Shema(A Talmudic prayer that all Jewish males above 12 years of age are commanded to recite two times every day) that is recited every morning and evening by a devote Jew: “Here O Israel, the Lord is our God, the Lord is One. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. And these words which I command you today shall be upon your heart.” (In Deuteronomy 6:4-6). Basic to Judaism is the dynamic that God’s revelation is contained in both written Torah and oral Torah (This so-called “Oral Torah” was created in Babylon during the Jewish Captivity there, which we know as the Mishnah and the Talmud.) scripture and its ever-growing body of commentary and interpretation.

In modern Judaism, Jews have disagreed on the binding role of written and oral Torah as religious law. (Between Orthodox Jews  fundamentalists, Conservative Jews Secular Jews, and Reformed Jews Liberal Jews) Within the following major groupings there have developed variations with respect to (Talmudic) religious beliefs their practice, and ritual observance, (Reformed Jews have done away with a number of Talmudic traditions and beliefs but have also embraced almost every corrupt and evil ISM in the last 60 years)   lifestyles, and degree of acculturation.



A devout Jew is required to pray three times a day -- morning, afternoon, and evening -- either in the home or synagogue. An additional morning prayer service is added on the Sabbath and Festivals; these prayers can be private or corporate, but corporate worship is preferable. A Hebrew or Hebrew/English book containing the prayer service is used during prayers. For all Orthodox, Conservative, Reconstructionist, and some Reform Jews, the head is covered during prayer with a skull-cap (yarmulke) or ordinary hat. Note: Most Orthodox Jews will continue to cover their heads all day as a sign of reverence to God. During morning prayer, a prayer shawl (tallit), which has fringes at the four corners (in obedience to a command found in the Torah), is worn by adult males. On weekdays, small black leather boxes, phylacteries (tefillin) may also be worn by adult males. (Christ speaks both of these fringes on Rabbi’s robes and their phylacteries as being measures of arrogance and pride rather than holiness)  They contain four passages of scripture -- Exodus 13:1-10 and 13:11-16, Deuteronomy 6:4-9 and 11:13-21 -- and are strapped to the forehead and the arm. Although these items may be inspected, the Tefillin, in deference to correctional concerns is to be kept in the inmate groups cabinet located in the religious Activities center and is to be handled with care. Only a qualified Rabbi or Scribe may open the sewn closed portion of the boxes. Whenever possible, a Jewish inmate should not be required to pray in a room that contains either a toilet or symbols of any other religious denominations. (In the Talmud there are chapters devoted to this subject alone)