Conservatism Wont Save America
Olive Tree Ministries, Email | Jan Markell

Posted on Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We are not familiar with Olive Tree Ministries nor the writer Jan Markell, we do see though in the article that this is some kind of world-wide televised church or ministry.  Here we have articulated quite well the view of virtually every bible beleiving and Spirit-filled church across the nation.  Namely that America has fallen and that this is the fault of somebody else.  Here Secular humanists are specifically named as the cause of all the evil in the US, but regardless of who Jan Markell of Olive Tree Ministries could have ever named as the “Somebody Else” more than likely we would have not accepted that as the straw dog to beat up either.  

Can we take our government back in 2010 or 2012 and in like manner then take America back? That is what the majority of conservative talk show hosts keep proclaiming. I enjoy and learn a great deal from them but they are missing the mark. Their interpretation of "saving America" is most often turning more blue states into red states! They don't understand that changing America's political parties is not enough to turn the nasty tide. They are missing the root of the problem.

At the root of the troubling issues in America is the clash of worldviews and that goes well beyond conservatism and liberalism. I have emphasized the worldview issue on air recently, from my conversation with Dr. Ron Carlson on May 30 right through June 6 programming with Brannon Howse and Dr. David Noebel. Our nation's capitol is run by the worldview of secular humanists and that comes with a lot of baggage! Secular humanists occupy both sides of the aisle. There are also those in leadership with a biblical worldview, but we need many more because at present they are drowned out by the noise of the humanists.

A secular humanist believes he or she is a god and does not need the true God. He believes man is essentially good. That encourages the "appease disease." In other words, appease our worst enemies and treat them as our good friends, because in the end they will love us as we are all essentially good. This is why we see our leaders reaching out to the most vile and corrupt regimes (and abandoning longtime friends). The secular humanist would bitterly denounce the Bible verse that says, "The heart is deceitful and wicked above all things; who can know it?" (Jeremiah 17:9) And don't think that conservatives can't have a secular humanist worldview. It's an equal opportunity deceiver.

The biblical worldview says that we are a unique creation formed by a living God. But the humanist would suggest that our origin is from pond scum, apes, or monkeys. Because of this, the teaching in our public schools for decades has been that man is an accident caused by some slime billions of years ago. How tragic! The result is a seared conscience, indifference about life, and a philosophy that leans to the far left. That is why dictators can wipe out tens of millions and not bat an eyelash.

Installing more conservatives in government in 2010 or 2012 will not deal with today's rage against God, the new atheism, and the issues of a post-Christian America.

We appreciate that the writer however misinformed she may be did include here the term “Post-Christian America.” The true source of the downfall of this nation is not Atheists or Secular Humanists as suggested here, the true source of the fall of this nation is a slack and lazy church that we might well say has been taken over with secular humanist theology and teaching. A small example of this would be the teaching by Hagan and Copeland and all their clones that God and Jesus Christ no longer have any power on earth to save or heal or deliver (Without a single bible verse that declares this teaching in plain english) They say God has turned over all His Power and Duties to men. (Men in the church, bible beleiving men, men of faith, or Spirit-filled men) Regardless how they want to redress this or reword it this is a man centered, earthly, secular humanist doctrine, that is with odds with the whole of scripture.

Another example I recently listened to was a preacher that was speaking of Satan having invented music, and the devil annointed and empowered Elvis, The Beatles, and some other group and through their rock music, their clothes, their ideas of the world and politics – they seduced away from the church the last two or more generations of young beleivers. (This is another “someone else” done raided the hen house excuse) Absolving all these failed preachers and teachers who allowed their churches and congregations to go shipwreck. 

The fact of the matter was that none of the tens of thousands of children that attended these churches that were “Seduced by rock music” where ever in Christ to begin with.  So the blame of these children going on out into the world really needs to be laid against the house of the Lord and those in it that long ago were themselves sedduced to preach another Gospel, a secular humanistic man centered earthly powerless Gospel that can not save or heal or deliver anyone but instead innoculates its hearers from the one true Gospel of Jesus Christ.

So also if conservatives were to win by a landslide in 2010 or 2012 or both this would not and could not heal the breach of this nation; as the fault of all that we see namely the lack of Godly men and Godly women being elected to office lies at the foot of the house of the Lord, upon all its teachers and preachers and singers and musicians, and upon all their children which seeing see not, and hearing hear not as they do not obey the words and commandmensts of Jesus Christ and neither do they fear God. 

Unless there comes a landslide change in the church from darkness to light in 2010 or 2012 or both this nation can not be saved or restored.

Many of the commentators keep repeating that we must find a 21st century Ronald Reagan, but that will not turn this country around. Because God has been ripped from nearly every fabric of American life, even if political conservatives won every election in 2010 and 2012, without an American "heart change," our country will not recover.

It is worldview and not politics that determine everything, including our final destiny. God is looking for renewed hearts and not renewed ballot boxes.

If every state were a red state, our State Department would still never acknowledge that man is by nature sinful and needs a Savior.

Where do we begin to cause a turnaround in America? How about with our churches? A nation is only as strong as her churches are strong. Most of our churches will not preach on God's wrath and judgment. They will tell you God is all about love because that makes people come back the next week. Most of our churches -- thankfully not all -- are preaching a weak gospel that will never save souls! Many of our pulpits are filled with unsaved preachers who focus on a social gospel. When looking for pagans for whom to pray, don't forget some of our churches that have strayed and are no longer recognizable. They have smooth-talking preachers who tell stories and share fill-in-the-blank sermons.

Throw away the maps of the blue and red states. They are irrelevant. Listen to the talk show hosts for information and entertainment but remember that their solutions are light years away from the root of America's problems. They will tell you that their favorite potential political candidate for the presidency has the answers and America will shine as a bright light again, prosperity will return, and all will be well. As articulate, informative, and entertaining as they are, most of them haven't got a clue about what America really needs.

That is why they sound frustrated and perplexed. They do not yet understand that man's futile efforts at government won't ever properly work. They do not comprehend Isaiah 9:6-7: "For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, on the throne of David, and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness from then on and forevermore."

Then, and only then, will government work.