Of Growth
And Strength


Choice of the Godly

In the prophet Isaiah we find a gripping statement. Isaiah 56:3-5 Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying, The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my Sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.

Many of us are strangers and pilgrims in this hour, looking for that eternal city not made with the hands of men.  We have been called out from the religious system of our day, and like Abraham of old, we find that we are being tested along the way with fiery trials.  And yet we do so desire to press on to that heavenly realm, that we might come to know the fullness of the fellowship of God.

The Lord hath utterly separated me from his people.  The Lord hath pulled out his sword of separation. The Lord in his workings can at times separate us from other Christians and religious people for our own good. While others may clamor about unity in the Lord, God in this hour is separating a people unto himself. Separating from the lust of the world, separating us from the lust of the flesh. Without holiness and separation no man shall see God.  Those that are willing to pay the price, they shall see eye-to-eye.

Neither let the Eunuch say behold I am a dry tree.  The Lord is apparently concerned with his people’s words, as well as their deeds. Abandonment unto the Lord must be coupled with our talk. Our words must match our life to God. Behold I am a dry tree.  I have cried unto the Lord. I have separated myself unto him for his service, and now look at me, I am a dry tree. No fruit. No leaves. Just a dry tree. Forsaken of God. In God’s workings there are periods of time where it seems we stand alone. The Lord hath ordained this to try our hearts to see of what sort we are.  He want to see if we will serve him with our whole heart or if this commitment is something just a romantic notion in our

Head.  Head knowledge won’t keep you my friend, but heart knowledge will. Choose the things, which please me.  We need to search the scriptures and choose those things, which are precious in God’s sight.  We need to choose those things close to his heart, and make that our desire. That He night make it a part of our lives.

And I will give you a place and a name better than sons and daughters.  There is place in God that is better than a son or daughter of God. In our day there is much emphasis on Sonship and spiritual maturity. But in the word of God there is a better place; Moses the friend of God, one who truly walks with Him. When a son is born into a family it is an issue of birth. A friend is one whom you have fellowship with, one that you can bear your heart to, and spend time with.  Jesus said unto his disciples henceforth you shall be called my friends. Because you know my will, and my purposes. Servants aren’t required to know His will. Sons don’t necessarily know His will.  There is sphere of influence in the Lord for those who consecrate themselves to know the Lord.  Read Numbers 12:1-9 where the Lord says: To my servants the prophets I will speak on this level and in this way will I speak but with Moses my friend this is not so I speak to him face to face.  We cry to be a prophet, or a teacher, but the Lord says of Moses, He is faithful in all my house, he is my friend, he spends time with me, he knows the secret place of the most high.  Choose ye this day whom ye will serve. Separate yourselves from everything that is unlike the Lord, and let us go on to a new realm in God.