Pinecrest Bible Training Center

John 12:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone.

Beginning in 2008 the vision and bible school that God so graciously gave Wade Taylor beginning in 1968 came to an abrupt end, falling into the ground and dying.-

We now wait for God to raise up and bring forth His seed of promise in another, that the vision fail not.

Winter 2009
Rebekah Savior of the Household of Faith

Note: Before reading this, it would be best to read the article entitled, The Ezer and Boethos of God. – This article has some important revelation concerning the nameless, selfless servant of Abraham and his obtaining and presenting the bride without spot and wrinkle.

Without further comment, we shall proceed to scripture and trust the Lord that these passages will be opened unto us so that we might see new things, with new eyes, and that we shall be strengthen in the great commission of God, in becoming as Paul and the Apostles, custodians of His most holy seed as did Rebekah before them.

Genesis 24:67 And Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah, and she became his wife; and he loved her: and Isaac was comforted after his mother's death.

After the amazing testimony given by Abraham’s nameless, selfless servant of his delivering the son of promise’s bride without spot or wrinkle, what is written here in Genesis 24:67 is almost a let down.  In the above verse, there is no mention of the wedding, and there is no mention of a great feast, neither is there any mention of the servant being commended by his master as a good and faithful servant.  Instead, what we read here is that Isaac brought his betrothed bride to his mother Sarah’s tent.  In a separate statement, we read she became his wife – the word, became, would seem to imply, rather than immediately in time, that she, at a later date, became his wife.  In a third statement we read and Isaac agaped his wife, and that he was comforted by Rebekah of the grief of his mother’s death, implying that the love and relations he had with Rebekah brought healing to Isaac, and that Rebekah was able to fill the shoes of not only being Isaac’s virtuous – fruitful wife, but having never met Sarah, Rebekah somehow had imparted to her the wisdom and motherly qualities of Sarah.

Genesis 23:1-2 And Sarah was an hundred and seven and twenty years old: these were the years of the life of Sarah. And Sarah died in Kirjatharba; the same is Hebron in the land of Canaan.

I cannot make any assertion as to the date of the death of Sarah and the date of the marriage of Isaac, so in this case, I will defer to the chronological map in the companion bible which lists Sarah’s death as occurring in 1859 BC and the marriage of Isaac occurring in 1856 BC.  This would give a three to four year window between these two events.

I do not care to speculate here, but I will make a personal observation that after my wife who fell away divorced me, I almost grieved myself to death over her loss and the dividing of the family and I came down with congestive heart failure.  When I was young, people we knew that had one partner, frequently died within a matter of months grieving themselves to death.

So when I read:
Genesis 24:1 And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age. -- I can not help but feel that this stricken in age is related to the ravages of losing a loved one.  I have been told that birthdays, holidays, and the first year anniversary of their death is the hardest.  So, what I am pointing out here, is that Abraham, during that first year of mourning, would have been pretty low, and been confronted with his mortality and his duty to see that Isaac would have a righteous wife.  Therefore, even if the round trip of the Abraham’s nameless, selfless servant took a year, Rebekah would have had months of time to prepare herself before she was married.

After some meditation on the issue of Isaac placing Rebekah is Sarah’s tent, I see by the spirit that after his mother Sarah’s death, her selfless, nameless handmaidens stayed on and maintained the tent.  I also see that Isaac committed Rebekah into their well-trained hands.  Isaac committing Rebekah to Sarah’s handmaidens is akin to Naomi taking Ruth under her wing and teaching Ruth, the Moabitess, the ways of the Lord.  These nameless, selfless handmaidens who were of great faith – and great selflessness, imparted all unto Rebekah that Sarah had imparted unto them.  They did all as Sarah had commanded unto them before her death, just as if she had been alive to see her future daughter-in-law in that day.

This goes a long way into explaining later how it was when the bride Rebekah, after finding herself in trouble in her pregnancy, was able without Isaac to inquire of the Lord.  Furthermore, this also explains how a daughter of the corrupt house of “Laban” would be able to find such favor in the eyes of the Lord, that the Lord would revealed himself unto her, much less speak to her – in the same manner that the Lord spoke and revealed himself unto Abraham and Sarah.

From this, we also perceive that Rebekah was not only versed on the life that Abraham had with God, and of the ways of the Lord, but she had also been versed on the specifics of the covenant that God made with Abraham, most particularly with God’s command 00001, to be fruitful and multiply.  In that command, God as part of this covenant demanded His tithe of the seed of the righteous.

I will defer to the chronological map in the companion bible and tell you that between Isaac’s marriage and the birth of Jacob and Esau in verse 25, an astonishing twenty- twenty-one years have passed since Isaac first laid eyes on Rebekah and during all this time, Isaac is mentioned in only a scant three verses.  In these twenty something years, scripture records no altars built by Isaac, no sacrifices made by Isaac, nor any covenants that he made.

Genesis 26:21-22 And Isaac entreated the LORD for his wife, because she was barren: and the LORD was entreated of him.
While Isaac acted as the head of the household and entreated the Lord for his wife Rebekah’s bareness and scripture declares that God was entreated of Isaac, I am not sure that this was quite the case.  I can read that it says that Rebekah was barren – but the verse does not speak of the cause of this bareness she suffered.

The evidence I see to the contrary is that the name Rebekah in the Hebrew is a compound Hebrew word “Rib” and “Qa”. In Strong's Concordance we are told Rebekah means; “choice calf” (which should be interpreted asfruitful calf”) and to go somewhat along with this notion we see that 7235 Raba means: “To be abundantly fruitful” and in 7250 we see Raba means’ ‘to sexually lie down with”.
So in Rebekah we find, "An abundant fruitfulness” – that is waiting to pour out her tithe of seed unto the Lord.
I would suggest that it takes only one to produce bareness, and if scripture declares Rebekah to be fruitful then it would appear that Isaac was the one that was not.  Of Jacob’s wives, we read two times that the Lord opened their wombs – yet here of Rebekah, we read of no such thing.  She was barren in that she could not conceive, but it was not due to her own dysfunction, it was due to Isaac’s.  And after the birth of Esau and Jacob nowhere do we read that God closed up Rebekah’s womb – she remained fruitful, but Isaac became once again impotent – and we shall see in a few verses that God gives hints to Isaac of this very thing.

What is so odd about this, is that Isaac was the son of promise to Abraham.  A son who went through so much with his father and for decades walked with his father and witnessed signs, wonders, diverse miracles, and God visiting and speaking to his father.  This is akin to Christ walking with the apostles.  How could Isaac had a better teacher?  What could have Isaac not seen to spur him to even greater heights and depths than his father?  But, Isaac was not like his father and did not walk with the Lord as his father had.

I just saw that the diminished walk that occurred between Abraham and Isaac also occurred between Moses and his two sons, Gershom and Eliezer, both of which died in the wilderness.  And like Isaac, these two son’s of Moses saw and heard things that we can only dream about, but in the end, neither the signs, wonders, and diverse miracles, and even their hearing God audibly speaking with their father, wrought any change in them.  And for that fact, it did not work anything in the hearts of any in Israel that saw and heard those same things.

As much as the church of this hour idolatrously seeks after signs and wonders and diverse miracles, so too, I can say with a certain sadness, that even the end-time revival that is to come will not bring about the change that evangelists claim in those that will see and hear it.  It didn’t with Abraham, it didn’t with Moses, and didn’t with Christ, and in the revival to come, Zerubbabel and the two prophets though they shall as prophesied perform greater signs and wonders, shall fare no better than Abraham, Moses, or Christ in the area of transformed converts.  I no longer believe the 144,000 are their converts, but rather, the number, who in the face of the emptiness and void of the power of God we see in this hour, have expended all their heart, soul, mind, and strength to seek the Lord for himself.  These are those that have willingly given up houses, lands, family, and friends, not seeking personal, material, or spiritual gain.

Now we can begin to see, that instead of Isaac walking in the Ek-Lektos as his father Abraham walked in the Ek-Lektos, Isaac merely walked in his father’s shadow, resting in the fact that his father had seen angels, had been personally visited by God, had dreams and visions, and was declared to be a prophet by God Himself.  His father had greatly humbled himself before the Lord, and was obedient to his heavenly call to the withholding of nothing he desired or materially possessed.  For this, it was accounted unto his father for righteousness.

Instead, we read that Isaac lived in all the material wealth of his father, with the ease of all his father’s servants, and all of his father’s flocks. – This is a picture of the Laodiceans.  This is a picture of the careless ease, which the called of the Klesia live in the U.S., Europe and Asia today.

For a moment, we need to contrast this with Isaac’s son, Jacob of whom instead of a few scant verses, we see of Jacob having multiple chapters written of his struggles and his exploits with God.  When Jacob’s dearly, beloved son was believed to be dead – Jacob was not staggered.  Nowhere in scripture do we read that Jacob railed against God over the death of his believed son, neither do we read of Jacob making demands of God for his son’s return or replacement.  Jacob did not attempt to bind God with professions or confessions of God’s promises unto him and Abraham.  Instead, Jacob rested with faith and patience in God being his Ezer and Boethos.  Because of this, God was pleased in a figure to raise Joseph from the dead and give him back to him while Jacob yet lived.

Genesis 25:22-23 And Rebekah his wife conceived and the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went (alone) to enquire of the LORD. And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
Now it is hard to imagine that Isaac knew nothing of the difficult pregnancy that Rebekah was going through.  It is equally hard to understand why Isaac did not go and seek God once again on Rebekah’s behalf and inquire of the Lord.

It appears within the text, that Rebekah did go to her husband and inquire what God had said to his father, Abraham, to know what was prophesied of the children she was to bear.  It also appear s that she was not particularly thrilled with his non-deplume response, for in scripture Rebekah replies:  If it be so, why am I thus?”

Regardless of what was said to her, or who did the saying, we see that Rebekah was not pleased by the saying.  Then, without any help from Isaac, Rebekah goes by herself and inquires of the Lord as to what was wrong?

We see here that despite what is preached in many circles today concerning headship and coverings that the Lord does not go to the headship of this household.  God does not go and speak to Isaac in a dream or a vision.  Instead, we see that the Lord speaks to Rebekah alone.  So that Rebekah alone received the promise not Isaac -- which is odd to say the least.  As we read the rest of this, we clearly see that it becomes Rebekah’s responsibility alone to see that this command of the Lord is fulfilled.

With revelation comes responsibility – and this responsibility does not end with the woman being submitted to her husband, even if he, as in this case, is the son of promise, Isaac.  This does not negate the woman’s responsibility; her duty before God does not  end by being submitted to her husband, a local pastor, or even a “powerful ministry” as in Rodney Howard Brown, or a denomination, even much vaunted the Southern Baptist Convention.

Rebekah seeking the Lord alone and receiving the Word of the Lord alone did not happen in the house of Abraham, neither did it happened in the house of Jacob.  This lends to the thought that there was something very wrong with Isaac’s walk with God.

Contrary to the doctrines and traditions of men that fill a great many churches, ministries, and denominations, Divine intervention with the use of a woman occurs quite a few times in Scripture.  Sarah, Rebekah, Tamar, Rahab, the Harlot, Manoah’s wife, Hannah, Ruth, Bathsheba, the widow woman of Samaria, Esther, Elizabeth, and Mary, the mother of Jesus.

Of these, all twelve found favor in the sight of the Lord, nine received revelations from the Lord apart from a man, eight received miracles from the Lord, six were in Christ’s genealogy, six were gentiles, six are mentioned in the New Testament, five were visited by angels or the Lord, five were barren and received seed of the Lord, four were mentioned by Christ and Paul as women of faith, four left their kindred, nations, and father’s house to become part of the seed of Abraham, four by the letter of the law were adulteresses, two usurped authority over men, and two delivered Israel.  All twelve of these women individually surpassed the acts and deeds of 11 of the sons of Israel – who, fallen and corrupt teachers have taught, are seated on 12 of the 24 thrones in the book of Revelation.

I predict that in heaven there are going to be a few surprises that will confound the prejudice and legalistic teachings we have heaped unto ourselves.  Many men will be greatly humbled from their exalted view of themselves, their ministries, and their superior teachings.  Many women that would not dare to even look upon the throne, believing themselves to be empty and unworthy vessels, shall be moved up front.

The Lord also does not stop with only telling Rebekah that the blessing upon Abraham’s seed will be given to the younger, the Lord next reveals unto Rebekah something that has been lost to the Church since the days of the Apostles.

One people being (shall be) stronger than the other people.  Here, the Lord is prophesying that out of Rebekah’s womb shall come two nations and two people; the seed of the righteous in Jacob, and ultimately the redeemer, Christ Jesus, and the seed of the serpent, Esau, and ultimately, The Antichrist aka, The Fierce King of Daniel.

The word “5794 Az fierce” in Daniel means much the same as “553 Ames stronger” here in Genesis. But more importantly the word ” 5794 Az fierce” is derived from the word “5795 Ez Goat”  As we shall see, by faith Rebekah puts the goatskin of the fierce king upon Jacob, so that Isaac blesses the seed of Israel instead of the seed of the Fierce King.

Muhammad was of the adulterous seed of Esau, and of the seed of the Catholic Church.  At some point, he realized that because of Jacob and Rebekah’s actions, the blessing of Abraham passed from his people to the Jews and from then unto those the Klesia and the Ek-klesia.  For this reason, and this reason alone, Muhammad came to have his insane hatred of the Jews and Christians alike.  This hatred of Muhammad and of Islam is the enmity God prophesied of to Adam and Eve concerning the seed of the serpent and the seed of the righteous.  This enmity is a perpetual state of war, with the seed of the serpent continually stepping upon the head of the righteous, seeking their overthrow and their destruction - as Cain did to Able - as Israel did to the prophets and to Christ - as the fallen church under Constantine did to the Jews - as the Roman Catholic Church did to the Protestants – and, as the Protestant churches did to the Jews and to true believers in Christ.  This is all of the same spirit, and all are of the same adulterous and corrupt seed.  Now here, at the end of days, the fullness of the Antichrist in Islam shall seek to do the same to all Jews and all Christians.  This is the seed of the serpent’s final solution.  And, as prophesied by Daniel, Christ and John in the Book of Revelation, the Fierce King shall seek to utterly wipe out all of the Jews and utterly wipe out the Klessia that there will be nothing left to bring forth the Ek-klesia from.

Genesis 25:24-26 And when Rebekah’s days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. And the first came out red, all over like an hairy garment; and they called his name (was called) Esau. and after that Esau came out, the second child’s hand (reached out of the womb and) took hold on Esau's heel; and his name was called Jacob:

The Lord has shown me what we see here is Jacob reaching out of the womb to grip Esau’s heel. And what we could not see here is that Esau as he emerged from Rebekah’s womb was standing on Jacob’s head.

This event was prophesied of immediately after the fall in the garden.
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. (and) it (the seed of the serpent) shall bruise thy head, and thou (the seed of the righteous) shalt bruise his heel.
It should be of no surprise to the readers of this website that the fallen and corrupt church has preached this verse 180 degrees out of phase for untold centuries. – Thus the Klesia has been carrying the serpent’s water for him by hiding and obscuring truth from the Ek-Klesia in the last hour.

But the hour has come, and now is at hand, that the Lord shall unseal the word of God unto those who have been made of quick understanding.

Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end.

1 Chronicles 28:19 David said all this the LORD made me understand in writing by his hand upon me, even all the works of this pattern.

This is the Key of David!

Daniel 11:33-35 And they that understand (The Ek-klesia) among the people (The Klesia) shall instruct many: yet they (The Klesia) shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they (The Klesia) shall be holpen with little help (Not helped at all): but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding (The Ek-klesia) shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it (The coming forth from the Ek-klesia of the Ek-lectos) is yet for a time appointed.

Genesis 26:27 And Isaac was threescore years old when she bare them. And the boys grew. And Esau was a cunning hunter, a man of the field; and Jacob was a plain man, dwelling in tents.
Jacob was a man of no discernable talent like his father, Isaac. Jacob was a mother’s child just like his father, Isaac, as demonstrated in Gen 24:67.  So that everything that Isaac wasn’t, he saw in his son, Esau, and therefore his soul clave unto Esau.

Genesis 25:28  And Isaac loved Esau, because he did eat of his venison: but Rebekah loved Jacob.
This is sad indeed when we can see that Esau with venison was able buy Isaac, just as Jacob was later able to buy Esau’s birthright with a bowl of lentils.  Because this defect was found in Isaac, the entire seed of the righteous was put at risk.  However, the Lord knowing beforehand what Isaac was about to do, as He also foreknew with what occurred with Adam and Eve, the Lord had a plan of salvation already in motion.  The Lord had already chosen a deliverer in the person of Rebekah, the least and the newest addition to the household of faith.

We see here that when Isaac was overcome, Rebekah, steadfastly obeying the command of the Lord, (Obedience is faith) and we read:  Rebekah agaped Jacob (and was not taken in by Esau.)

And I perceive by the Spirit that this unholy love between Isaac and Esau is prophetic of the church and the Antichrist in the last hour.  For as Isaac, despite the word of the Lord was smitten with Esau, so shall the church be smitten with the Antichrist.

Daniel 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he (The Antichrist) corrupt by flatteries:

Daniel 11:34 Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with little (Not helped at all): but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.

Thereafter, in the remainder of the chapter, we read of Esau despising his birthright and selling it to Jacob for a bowl of lentils. (Now this is an extremely significant event, which we will return to and explain a little later.)

Genesis 26:2 And the LORD appeared unto Isaac, and said, Go not down into Egypt.
Following what we have looked at so far, it becomes evident that this visit of the Lord to Isaac was not in any way like when the Lord came to visit his father, Abraham.  This was a visit not based on Isaac’s obedience and personal friendship with the Lord.  Instead, we see that this visitation is more on the order of Lot by the two Angels, who raked his chestnuts out of the fires of hell - which was only done because of the faithfulness of Abraham, who set his face as a flint to walk before the Lord.  A man whose love and selflessness extended beyond himself to his slaves, even to his selfish and greedy cousin Lot, who, had despoiled him by taking of all the choicest of land for himself and leaving Abraham, so to speak, with the dregs.

The visitation here of the Lord is to save Isaac from his sin, for it appears that nothing less would have deterred Isaac from going to Egypt despite his father Abraham’s foreboding vision and his making his son Isaac swear to him that in all his days that he and his household would never go to Egypt.  Another example of this type of visitation in scripture is when the Lord appeared to Cain before he slew Able.  This appears to have been done because of a failure of Adam and Eve to diligently watch over their children against the coming of the serpent, despite God’s prophetic warning.

Genesis 26:3-5 Dwell in the land which I shall tell thee of, Sojourn in this land, and I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father. And I will make thy seed to multiply as the stars of heaven, and (I) will give unto thy seed all these countries; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.

The first point is that this visit is not really about Isaac and his walk or lack thereof; it is about commandment 00001 to be fruitful and multiply.  It is about Isaac paying the Lord his tithe of his fruitfulness. 
Children are the heritage (the inheritance or the tithe) of the Lord.  For without Isaac’s obedience in seeking to flood the earth with the seed of the righteous, the seed of the serpent shall multiply unhindered and make disciples of all nations and inherit the earth just as what occurred before the flood.

The Lord is seeking to stir something in Isaac that he might become jealous for the seed of the Lord, that he would contend with the Lord about his own impotence and become fruitful himself, and that he might become the protector and watchman over God’s seed as he was called to do as the head of the household.

This commandment 00001 has been the single most disobeyed commandment by Israel and by the Church.  The harlotry and adulteries that were in Israel are in the Church, if you have eyes to see and ears to hear.  The harlotry and adulteries are the continual mixing of the seed of the righteous with the seed of the serpent.  It is the continual mixing of the flesh and the Spirit.  It is the continual loving of the things of this world and the mixing of them in the church by Christianizing them.  The harlotries and adulteries of our fathers are called the traditions and doctrines of men.  Bedecked in the long flowing robes of pomp and ceremony, the children worship their father’s long venerated traditions, and give homage and honor to their dead so that from the grave, they continue to rule over the Lord’s heritage and they yet, while being dead, are able to put spot, blemish, and their mark upon their children and thereby, generation upon generation has, God’s seed been marred and the bride polluted.

Genesis 26:3-5  I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father. -- In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; -- Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws.
This statement is extremely telling.  As God, from His own mouth declares, He has not blessed Isaac materially or made his flocks and lands fruitful because of Isaac’s walk, or because Isaac’s heart has been found perfect before the Lord.  Instead, God declares; “(I have done all these things) Because I made and oath that can not be broken with Abraham and because Abraham obeyed my voice and kept my charge, my commandments my statues and my laws.”
These are backwards looking statements, that are reminiscent of the chastisement and correction that God spoke through the prophets to the backslidden kings of Israel and Judah.  And to these kings, God continually stated that He had not blessed their lands with fruitfulness for the walks or the works of these perverse and corrupted kings, but for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s sake.  God repeatedly charged that none of them followed the Lord as did David their father before them.  So that when God is saying that Isaac was not at all like Abraham his father – this is a very bad thing.  In this verse, we see the specific accusations from the Lord regarding Isaac.

First that Isaac appears to have some problems obeying the word that proceedeth from the mouth of the Father.  God apparently had spoken certain things to Isaac and Isaac did not pursue the Lord to their fulfillment at great personal cost, as his father, Abraham did.  As Abraham was untested and unfruitful at the first, and he had to be tested on all points, as later Christ was.  So, God tested Abraham on all points and he was deemed righteous, but this is not so in the story of Isaac.  Scripture indicates that Isaac lived off his father’s riches that he lived a life of careless ease with his father’s servants seeing to his every need and desire, and we see that this careless ease grew and expanded even into Isaac’s walk with God, for he slumbered also in the bliss of his father’s legacy with God.

Secondly God says Abraham kept my charge – and that charge was the covenant of the circumcision. – Which we can say with some confidence that Isaac kept.  This charge also contained within it the serving of the Lord alone and that would have been understood as a delighting in the Lord and a cleaving unto Him.  In the life of his father, this was accomplished when God declared unto Abraham that He alone was his Ezer and Boethos.  Clearly this event never occurred in the life of Isaac; who instead, lived under the promises Abraham had received of God. – Which since the 1970’s men have greatly lauded.  But, we see by the Sprit, that to live in the promises given to others is greatly inferior compared to those who walk in the Spirit and obtain the tokens and promises of God themselves.  Thousands of thousands and ten thousands of ten thousands in the corrupt and fallen church of this hour clamor and cry out for Isaac’s walk of careless ease, while the pews of the church of the righteous lay empty and disrepair, for of a truth, none seek to suffer the loss of the walk of Abraham or of Jacob.

This charge that God gave Abraham had one other extremely important component, and   that is Command 00001, which Abraham and Sarah religiously obeyed.  Even Abraham’s servants seemed to understand that this commandment of God to be fruitful and multiply, contained within it a jealously to watch over the seed of God, and a seeing to it that the Lord was to have a righteous seed upon the earth.  In Isaac, we do not see this diligence, or this watchfulness, instead, we see a reckless negligence to the level that would have had the promise given unto his father, Abraham, passed to the seed of the serpent in Esau, hastening the destruction of seed of the righteous.

Regarding this fruitfulness, Abraham, his father actually had eight named sons from three wives and an unspecified number of sons and daughters from his concubines.  I see now as I write, that six of Abraham’s eight sons and all of these unspecified sons and daughters were being born after Isaac was married.  In Abraham’s old age he got a second wind and began dripping with fruitfulness.  This sign and wonder occurred before Isaac’s sight and yet, it provokes not the son.

Isaac’s dereliction of duty concerning commandment 00001, left Rebekah pregnant only once. And as we have already noted, scripture does not say God closed Rebekah’s womb.  Isaac’s impotence in the natural was the outward manifestation of the inward impotence of his walk with God. – We can see that Isaac feared the Lord rather than loved the Lord.  And, we can see that nowhere in scripture does it say that Isaac became the friend of God, as Scripture says of both his father, Abraham and his son, Jacob.

Genesis 26:24 And the LORD appeared unto him (Isaac) the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sake.
Here again we see God trying to provoke and prod Isaac into a greater fruitfulness.  Clearly, the Lord in this visitation has come to bring up his demand of Isaac’s obedience of command 00001.  Note that the Lord does not speak here of the blessing and fruitfulness He has bestowed upon Isaac’s cattle, or the blessing and fruitfulness He has bestowed upon Isaac’s crops, or the blessing and fruitfulness he has bestowed upon Isaac’s menservants and maidservants.  Instead, God speaks quite pointedly of His expected tithe that Isaac has robbed him of.  The Lord has come seeking of Isaac the overflowing inheritance of seed that is due him.  But unlike Sarah, or Rachel or Manoah’s wife, or Hannah – Isaac was not humbled.  Isaac did not prostrate himself before God.  There was nothing in Isaac, the son of ease, that would repent or cry out that his wound might be healed and so, Isaac remained in disobedience and impotent unto the day of his death.

One of the most abused passages in the bible by the people who preach tithing and the prosperity Gospel is in Malachi 3. But the words of the prophet here have been closed and hid from those that are wise in the world.
Malachi 3:7-10 Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. But ye said, Wherein shall we return? Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are cursed with a curse: for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

The meaning of these words are clearer in the Greek Septuagint.

Malachi 3:7-10 Return unto me and I will return unto you. Saith the Lord Almighty. But ye said wherein shall we return? Will a man insult God? for ye insult me. But ye say wherein have we insulted thee? In that the tithes and the first fruits are with (from) you – (It is not that they are not given or offered as we see in the following verse) and ye do surely look off from me and insult me.  The year is completed and ye have brought all the produce into the storehouses but there shall be the plunder thereof in its house , return now on this behalf saith the Lord Almighty see if I will not open to you the torrents of heaven and pour out my blessing upon you until you are sated.
I see here by the Spirit, and the context of the entire chapter will bear this out, that God is speaking here of the sin of Isaac.  Who as stated above, has his fields and flocks overflowing, not for his own righteousness, but for the sake of his father, Abraham.  We see of Isaac that he too looked off from the Lord and insulted God by not obeying commandment 00001 and paying the tithe of raising up and watching over a righteous seed that he might present it before the Lord without spot or wrinkle.  This is what the prophet laments.  This is what Christ and the Apostles preach and teach throughout the Gospels and Epistles of commandment 00001, rather than of the robbing of God and redemption by tithing of corrupt mammon.

Genesis 26:34-35 And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite: Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.
Isaac and Rebekah were grieved because they knew this was adultery – the seventh commandment Thou shalt not commit adultery -- was a commandment given in regards of the mixing of the seed of the righteous and the seed of the serpent.  Although the word adultery in English in modern times has come to mean having sexual liaisons with thy neighbor’s wife, or with some other woman – the word adultery means to adulterate – to mix seed.  This is an accurate translation of both the Greek and Hebrew.  In the Law, we see thou shalt not mix wool and other fibers in your garments, thou shalt not mix seed in your fields, thou shalt not cross breed cattle or any other animals and the Jews seed was to be pure also. When God created the twelve tribes, if they would have committed adultery and all intermarried, Israel would have become only one tribe.  So, in order there to be twelve tribes, they could not commit adultery among themselves.  And, in order for there to be a holy seed unto the Lord, likewise the seed of the righteous could not commit adultery with the seed of the serpent.

Incidentally the tenth commandment is in regard to sleeping with thy neighbor’s wife.

At the time of Abraham, there was only one family on the earth that God allowed the seed of the righteous to obtain a wife from.  So Abraham, watching over God’s seed in his son, did not allow him any opportunity to consort with the daughters of the Canaanites – he instead sent a servant.  Isaac did not have that same watchfulness and sent no one, so it should be of no surprise that Esau’s hormones at age forty were burning within him.  This neglect of Isaac’s did not just hurt his household as we see in this passage, but it hurt the household of Laban as well. (Which we shall discuss shortly)

In regard to the righteous seed that one could marry in the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, this was a rather rare commodity – and the rareness of this commodity is actually pointed out quite bluntly in the life of the Judah who had three sons – one which married a Canaanite woman named Tamar, and the thing displeased the Lord.  The Lord killed the man as he did the husband of Ruth, and as He would have done in reverse regarding Bathsheba’s Hittite husband.  Tamar found repentance, cleansing, and acceptance of the Lord and according to the Law, it fell upon the next of kin, Onan, the son of Judah, to raise up seed unto this woman – so that she might pay her tithe unto the Lord.  But Tamar was despised in the eyes of Onan who did not discern the Lord’s body and saw not by the spirit that she had been declared clean by the Lord.  In other words, Onan did not walk in the Spirit, but by the letter of the law – specifically the 7th commandment and he was condemned by the letter of the law for not raising up seed unto his next of kin’s widow and thus destroyed.  So we come once again to the shortage and thou shalt not commit adultery.  We see that Judah had a third son that was yet a child, and Judah advised Tamar to wait for his third son to grow up, that when he was of age, he could see to Tamar’s needs – so as there was a shortage in that day in the house of Judah of able bodied righteous unadulterated men and women , so also was there a shortage in the days of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  The Lord has shown me that there was this same shortage and dearth in the early church.

The Lord has shown me that as in the days of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, where there was an extreme shortage of able bodied righteous unadulterated men and women, so it was in the early church in the Epistles.  Imagine if you will, that the churches like with Abraham Isaac and Jacob were centered around households.  Many of these fledgling assemblies only contained a few households and when the children came of age, as young men and women, they sought marriage but there was not the availability of local spouses.  Instead of waiting and seeking God with patience that he would send or guide them to a holy and chaste in the Lord wife or husband, hence Paul and the apostles continually cry out about the church being filled with fornication and adultery and believers being unequally yoked.  In one case, a son even marries his widowed mother, supposing because she is sold out to God she is a worthy candidate.  It is unreasonable to think, as is spoken in commentaries, that the early church was plagued with adultery and fornication between its members – this would speak to sexual orgies and widespread husband and wife swapping taking place.

That never happened.  What happened was there were a lot of desperate men and women that saw no hope in site of finding spiritual mates, and instead went to relatives and the local watering hole and chose for themselves as Esau did with the Canaanite women.  In doing so, they were committing adultery, that is mixing the seed of the serpent back into the line of the church and filling it with problems and sin and worldliness that should have never been in their midst.  And this set up a war between flesh and spirit and this set up high divorce rates in the early church so much so that Paul had to address who could divorce who and who thereafter could remarry in the church and who would have to live for the rest of their life with the bed that they chose to climb into.  

In the big picture, this adultery and fornication of the early church cost them big.  This act threw all of these local churches into disarray and their members under the condemnation of the devil.  Many of them, as demonstrated in the book of I Corinthians, failing to discern the Lord’s body were struck with weakness sickness and death.  This piece of revelation has given me great enlightenment and has caused many passages to leap and cry out in scripture.  Blessed be His name!

I see also by the Spirit that this very thing of adultery and fornication has come in full circle in our day.  For in the last 30 years, a plague of divorce has once again overthrown the household of God, so that now the church is once more filled with adultery fornication and even abortion.  Because of this, the seed of the Lord languishes and the true house of the Lord – the holy Jerusalem, that is the seed of the righteous in the earth, perishes before our eyes.

Esau had been given the commandment of God not to marry the daughters of the Canaanites.  He had been given command of God not to marry the children of Ishmael.  Esau was to have gone to the house of Laban, and his wife would have been Leah.  His disobedience affected not only the house of Isaac and Esau, but it also adversely affected the house of Laban and Jacob.  When Jacob arrived to marry Rachel – he also had to marry Esau’s “widow,” for Esau in a figure had perished for his sin from before God.  Jacob was called upon by the Lord to raise up righteous seed unto her.

All of this came to pass in large part because Isaac did not watch diligently over his seed.  Isaac sent no servant for Esau unto Laban’s house to fetch a wife for his son.  So instead, Esau casts his eye out on the local waters.  And he, the man of the flesh, could not wait for a woman of God’s choosing, so instead, he reached out with the arm of the flesh to that which was neigh unto him for his personal self-gratification.  In so doing, Esau cursed his household and his seed forever.

Genesis 27:1-2 And it came to pass, that when Isaac was old, and his eyes were dim, so that he could not see, (This blindness was caused by the Lord) he called Esau his eldest son, and said unto him, My son: and he said unto him, Behold, here am I. And he said, Behold now, I am old, I know not the day of my death:
In the next chapter we read that over 40 years have passed and now Isaac is old, completely blind and impotent.  Isaac is now just as old as Abraham was when Sarah first conceived.  We read how after age 100, that Abraham was still vigorous and had many children by another wife and by many of his concubines. But here we see Isaac is under the judgment of God as is the church in this day.

1 Corinthians 11:29 For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this cause many are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep.
This eating and drinking unworthily of the Lord’s increase or blessing of the land and of the vine – is the not discerning of the Lord’s body, which we shall declare to be here, to be believers not discerning of Christ’s holy seed, as in Onan and Tamar – and this not discerning brings judgment.  It brought judgment in Isaac when he did not discern the Lord’s holy seed and became jealous over it and its protector.  It brought judgment upon the whole of the church at Corinth and it brought judgment upon the whole of early church and Apostolic Fathers until the glory departed from the early church altogether.  This very same judgment has now fallen upon the church to this hour whether it is Fundamentalist Pentecostal or even Charismatic.  As the seven churches of Asia Minor perished, and the Coptic Church perished, and the Eastern Orthodox Church was consumed by Mohammad.  His seed now rises before your eyes, and shall make war, and consume and stamp under foot and utterly destroy all that is of the klesia in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.  And this shall all come to pass before this generation shall pass away.  There is a cry in the spirit for the church to repent and prepare itself for what is to come.

And these things that I write have been hid and none have seen them, and yet when the Spirit of Truth reveals it, and I include myself in among the number of the unknowing, it is somehow all too familiar to us.  It is as if we have known these things all along, and yet seeing, we saw it not and hearing these things of the Lord, we heard them not.

I sense the fear of the Lord in there words and I sense that heavy judgment and many stripes await those who have made themselves teachers and preachers and have led God’s children into such gross disobedience of commandment 00001.  For they have destroyed the temple of God in that they have destroyed His seed and destroyed His inheritance.

For had the church been obedient, the nations over the past 1800 years would have indeed been made the Disciples of Christ – but instead, the earth is filled with violence, vanity, and blood, as nation after nation has been made the disciples of the serpent and heed his commandments.

This grief of mind unto Isaac of Eau’s adultery was not very deep or lasting.  For in the very next verse Isaac is mentioned, we see that Isaac is old, stricken with age. With full knowledge that Esau is no longer acceptable unto the Lord, Isaac still does not agape Jacob, but instead, Isaac continues to agape Esau despite his having despised his birthright and despite his disobedience in enjoining himself to Canaanite women and corrupting his seed with the seed of the serpent forever.

We need to see here that Isaac, in direct disobedience to the Lord, calls Esau that he might bless him and the seed of the serpent that is to come forth from him.

And Isaac called Esau his eldest son, and said unto him, -- make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die.

As we mentioned above, Isaac has been beguiled; he has been taken by Esau’s flatteries and is now prepared to sell the blessing of Abraham for a bowl of savory meat.  In so doing, he is planning on selling out the righteous seed for all time – so for Abraham’s sake, the Lord must now act, and the vessel, the only vessel his has – Rebekah; the babe in Christ, Rebekah the newest member of the household of faith.  This is akin to the child, Samuel ministering before the Lord, and the Lord calling unto the child, for the fate of the nation rested upon him in that day.  So the fate of all of Israel rested upon Rebekah in this day.

Rebekah having received the commandment of the Lord agaped Jacob for all of those 40 years and she became the guardian of God’s seed, and his heritage.

And Rebekah spake unto Jacob her son, saying, Behold, I heard thy father speak unto Esau thy brother -- Now therefore, my son, obey my voice according to that which I command thee.
Understand here that clearly Rebekah is usurping the authority over Isaac and in direct disobedience to his wishes and commandments.  Rebekah does this knowing she is placing herself in jeopardy to do so -- For Isaac is the anointed of the Lord, and if any curse is to come from his lips, she says she will take it in her own body to see to it that Jacob receives the promise of the Lord unto Abraham from the hand of the corrupt and stricken by God Isaac.

Genesis 27:11-14 And Jacob said to Rebekah his mother, Behold, Esau my brother is a hairy man, and I am a smooth man: My father peradventure will feel me, and I shall seem to him as a deceiver; and I shall bring a curse upon me, and not a blessing. And his mother said unto him, Upon me be thy curse, my son: only obey my voice, and go fetch me them. And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved.
And as Naomi prophesied to Ruth the word of the Lord, a word that was at variance with the letter of the law as commanded by God concerning the next of kin, Ruth walked in obedience; Ruth walked in the Spirit and was not made subject to the letter of Law, but to the Spirit of the Law.  Ruth followed the law of the Spirit.  Ruth obeyed the righteousness of the Law.  Ruth followed the Spirit of righteousness.

So here too, Rebekah prophesies the word of the Lord unto Jacob, which also is at variance with the letter of the law regarding inheritances and the first borne.  Jacob obeyed the word of the Lord from the mouth of a woman preacher, and in so doing, Jacob walked in the Spirit, Jacob walked in the righteousness of the Spirit, and therefore was not made subject to the letter of the law.

In order to conduct this, God caused Isaac to become blind and stricken.  By faith Rebekah became the nameless, selfless servant of Abraham.  Rebekah became the keeper of God’s seed and watched in hope for this day for forty years, so that Jacob, a man of no discernable talents, a man not Agaped of his earthly father, who for 40 years was unrecognized for his faithfulness in his father’s house, who for forty years was not recognized for his seeking of God and spiritual service, and for forty years his humility went completely unnoticed by Isaac. – Time and again in scripture, the Lord chooses the humble, the no talents, who for decades build in silence other people houses.

So this sacred duty now falls to Rebekah, not Isaac that she must act alone as the lone defender of God’s seed and prepare Jacob for his calling.  It was after all, Rebekah that had inquired of the Lord 40 years earlier.  It was to Rebekah, 40 years earlier, that the promise was revealed, that the elder would serve the younger, and it was Rebekah that said regardless of whether I will be cursed of God, I will see to it that what was spoken unto Abraham by the Lord concerning his seed, will be fulfilled.  By faith Rebekah obtained for her son Jacob a better inheritance.

1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

Note here that Paul says I not The Lord or The Holy Ghost commanded me to teach this. This I here of Paul is the same as the I of Peter concerning the circumcision, which Paul rebuked Peter from head to foot for partaking of.

This event is recorded two times in the New Testament, in Acts, and later in the Paul’s Epistles.  Paul himself was so disturbed that Peter, one of the chiefest Apostles, was found in sin, filled with prejudice, and had shrank from the charge the Lord had given unto him – for of all things, “the fear of the brethren” that Paul unloaded all over him publicly without speaking to him in private first, or coming to him with two or three witnesses.  I find no fault in Paul over this because he saw this by revelation of the spirit and the words he spoke were the mind of the Spirit.  So Paul, in this matter, walked in the Spirit and therefore was not subject to the letter of the law, (Even the Letter of NT Law) because he obeyed the Spirit of the law. – This has given the theologians of the flesh, fits, because this defies the patterns that they ever seek to emulate as “true spirituality.”  Obedience comes first from hearing the word that proceedeth – which they hear not, for they know Him not.  And, faith cometh by obedience to that word that proceedeth.

So what use then is scripture?  It is of use in everyway –it is our schoolmaster, and our instructor of sin, righteousness, and the judgment.  It shows us the way to God.  It teaches what is Holy and Unholy, and when we meditate therein day and night, and delight in it – we do occupy until He comes as speaks unto us the word that proceedeth.  Even as he did unto Abraham, and we note here that even as great as the walk and fellowship with God Abraham had, the Lord did not visit him daily, but Abraham walked with God daily. – The Lord departed for days and even years to see what Abraham would say and do with the word He had instructed him with.  So also we see in the lives of the Apostles, for we can see clearly in the book of Acts that the Lord did not visit Peter, James, or even John daily.

But when the Lord does come:

Luke 12:37 Blessed are those servants, whom the Lord when he cometh shall find watching: (Delighting themselves in Him and obeying His commandments) verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them.

Proverbs 8:30 Then I was by him, as one brought up with him: and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him; (This is the watching that God seeks).

1 Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

However powerful Paul’s walk was with the Lord, and regardless of all the revelation he had received, “above and beyond even all the other Apostles combined,” Paul was not infallible, just as Peter was not infallible.  And as Scripture in the Old Testament does not hide the sins of the kings, prophets, and holy men of God – the books in the New Testament not only reveal the Apostles’ strengths, but the bible also reveals their weaknesses and fallibilities.  Elsewhere we have discussed Paul in his own words describing his being filled with pride and that the Lord had to intervene by humbling him for the rest of his days by a messenger from Satan which he calls “an infirmity “ among other things. – And we can see in Scripture that this very thing came upon Isaac.  This is the same action that befell the Church of Corinth to those that did not discern the “Lord’s Body.”

So, we see here that Paul himself, being filled with his own prejudice of women, shrunk away from the charge given unto him by the Lord as did Peter.  But in that day, there was none that could stand before Paul and rebuke him before all the brethren.  Rebuke him over what?  Over those twelve women cited in Scripture who were led by the Spirit and not made subject to the letter of the law (The chiefest among them being Rebekah who by the spirit usurped her husband’s express wishes and authority – and by her selfless act, all of Israel and the church was blessed) For without her selfless act – Paul would have never been named an Apostle and able to write Timothy the words he wrote above.

From the word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God unto Paul we read: “there is neither male nor female in Christ Jesus.”  This requires no further explanation.

In the Book of Acts, whom Paul commissioned Luke to write, we read the following words: “The Evangelist Philip had four daughters all who prophesied” and thus all four women were permitted to speak and teach what they had seen and heard of the Lord in their respective churches. So also is it in this hour, for all women who walk in the Spirit in any church.  These too should be allowed to prophesy, praise, sing, exhort, and teach, whatsoever they have seen and heard of Him -- lest the body be deprived of what they heard.

And not only that, but the Lord also revealed unto Paul, by His Spirit, that: The Lord had broken down the middle wall of partition in the church.  Here, Paul was speaking of the wall in the temple and synagogues that separated the court of the gentiles from the court of Jews.  But Paul’s blindness and hardness of heart allowed, after such partition walls had been done away with in Christ, to be erected once more in the churches he presided.  I want to be clear here, for in the temple and the synagogues, there was not only one wall or partition, there were in fact two.  The first was the court of the gentiles that separated them from the congregation of Israel and the second wall of partition separated the women’s court from the men’s court.

This wall of partition was not in Christ’s ministry.  Paul himself also commissioned Luke to write a gospel that meticulously records all of these things.  In the Gospel of Luke, we read time and again that women were allowed to meet with Christ, touch Christ and make their demands of Christ without their husbands or father’s present.  In other words, they sought him without covering.  Christ himself marveled at the faith of several of these women and found no fault in them.  At the same time, Christ continually upbraided the Apostles for their unbelief and Christ continually found fault in the Apostles.  So we see that many of the women that came to Christ obeyed a higher law and were justified therein.  Of the women that preached the Gospels, not the least of which was the Samaritan woman, which not only brought salvation to her husband and household, but to dozens of households in the city of Samaria.

Paul’s highly prejudicial and self-serving doctrine: “I suffer not a woman to teach -- but to be in silence,” was not so in the first three chapters of the book of Acts.  For example, in the first church in Jerusalem, all met and that includes Jew, Gentile, Male and Female without partition on Solomon’s porch.  Additionally, when they came together on that porch, they all spoke of the newness of life that was in them.  They all shared that which the Lord had revealed to every member.

Ephesians 4:15-16 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

Romans 12:3-4 For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same office: So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.

This membership, one of another, finds its basis in Scripture of Adam and Eve, for even thou the woman was taken from the man of whom Paul declares the woman to be the Glory of Adam.  Between bone marrow and blood, their bodies are the same and one can not distinguished one from the other. (I am not speaking here from a scientific standpoint.) Bone is bone, human blood is human blood, and human marrow is human marrow, whether the donor is male or female in blood or marrow is not an issue.

Likewise of Christ, He testified that He came forth from the bosom of the Father.  Christ is declared by Paul to be the Glory of God, and Christ said, “If you have seen Me you have seen the Father.”  Christ was the ‘weaker vessel” and spoke the words that proceedeth from the mouth of the Father - preached and taught and healed.  Christ did not speak of Himself, but of the Father.  Likewise, a man or woman in Christ is not to speak of themselves, but of the word that proceedeth from the mouth of the Father.  There is therefore no distinction between these vessels in Christ.  And if the truth be known, it was women that first proclaimed the resurrection, not the Apostles – when the Apostles were without faith or hope.  And it was Christ Himself and the Father that sent these women on more than one occasion to preach to Peter and the other faithless Apostles.

As we noted earlier in the book of Acts in the first three chapters there is no evidence of a wall of partition that was erected on Solomon’s porch, nor in the house meetings throughout Jerusalem, in which the church met.

We further see that not allowing women to prophesy and proclaim what they saw and heard was not true in the church that Philip was in, nor was it true in the church that met in Alexandria, Egypt that Philo describes in his writings.

For the most part, Protestant Churches never recognized this wall of partition.  However, I have attended services in very frigid, legalistic Calvinist churches, where the women and men are segregated on opposite sides of the church.

But regardless, most churches having no physical separation of men and women in their congregations or having erected any physical partitions, there has been, and still is, a strong spirit of malice and prejudice towards woman, especially woman teachers and woman preachers.  When Paul spoke what the Lord revealed unto him by the Spirit, “When ye come together everyone hath…,” Paul never said in any of his Epistles to a church that by the command of the Lord, this does not include gentiles or women.

I Corinthians 14:34-35 Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak (The word “Speak” in the Greek is Lalein: To converse, To babble); but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame (aichron) for women to speak (the word is not Logos, but to converse Lalein) in the church.

In the Greek Septuagint the word Aichros is used 6 times in Genesis 41 concerning the seven bad years Pharaoh saw. And the word Aichroos is used one time
Proverbs 15:10 Correction is grievous (a shame) unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die.

This verse appears to be more of a rebuke to Paul than to women.

So, this word that Paul uses aichron is not in the Law of Moses even once.

However, of the Babylonia Talmud, the Online Jewish Encyclopedia says the following:
In the area of education, women were traditionally exempted (This would be as is women were not allowed to read the bible or bible study materials)– and often discouraged – from any study beyond a understanding of the practical aspects of Torah, and the rules necessary in running a Jewish household – both of which they have an obligation to learn. Until the early 20th century, women were often discouraged from learning Talmud and other advanced Jewish texts. Women are exempt (by exempt they mean disallowed) from having to follow most of the set daily prayer services, and most other positive time bound mitzvot” 

“As such, the Halakha (traditional law codes) (This is not in the Torah) specify that women are not eligible to be counted in a minyan (Minyan is defined as a minimum of ten men. The meaning of this in the Talmud is that a woman can not be “counted among their number” and therefore can not participate in prayer and scripture reading, or Talud reading or the discussion of these.) afor purposes of time-specific prayer, as a minyan is a quorum of those who are obligated.”

“-- Orthodox synagogues do not allow a woman to become the president of a congregation, or to give the customary d'var Torah (brief discourse on the weekly Torah portion) during services. Supporters of these positions believe that they are essential to preserving modesty, are based in the Halakha

R. (Rabbi) Berman explains the Ra'avad's position as having the following -- components:
A man may not hear a woman's speaking voice. (The Rabbi’s of the Talmud were so sexually repressed that they are the ones that invented the clothing and coverings that we later see in Roman Catholic Nun’s and the walking tents (Burkas) Muslim women are bound to wear.)
A man may not recite keri'as Shema (This is the recital of certain response reading texts)  while hearing his wife's singing voice or another woman's speaking voice (Paul in commanding that the women be silent and saying in the law it is a shame for women to speak in the assembly is quoting this.)

R. (Rabbi)  Berman cited the extremely stringent view of R.(Rabbi) Yehudah he-Hassid in his Sefer Hassidim that not only may a man not listen to a woman's voice, but a woman may not listen to a man's voice.(Of this Paul instructs for the women to ask their husband(s) at home for the teaching other men are giving) The implication that a woman may also be sexually aroused by a man's voice, much like a man might be aroused by a woman's voice, seems clear even if quite unique in the Halakhic literature (In other words these repressive and perverse traditions are only contained the Halakha writings -- Hebrew: הלכה; also transliterated as Halakhah, Halacha, and Halachah) are the collective corpus of Jewish religious law, (In the gospels we understand this as the laws of scribes, lawyers and the pharisees) (which) include biblical law (the 613 mitzvot) and later talmudic and rabbinic law as well.)

These blind Pharisees Scribes and Lawyers can not see that without the unclean woman Rebekah not only speaking preaching and teaching, but overruling her husband, and riding roughshod over all the so-called laws of Rabbi’s in the Talmud and Halakha – they would net be meeting and able to recite any of their response readings or perverse laws.  For it is only through the unclean woman Rebekah that there are any Jews period and we might add that it is only because of courageous acts of the unclean woman Rebekah that Paul was able to preach and teach in the church.

“One who looks at a small finger of a woman and intends to enjoy it is like one who looks at private parts. Even to hear the voice of [a woman is] Ervah (Heb. nakedness, nudity, shame, pudenda) or to look at her hair is forbidden.” (Mishneh Torah Hilkhos Issurei Bt’ah 21:2) (Here Paul translates the Hebrew word in the Talmud Ervah as the Greek word Aichros as: A shame)

So, using the test of the Boreans in the Book of Acts, and finding that what Paul wrote in these verses are not written in the Law of Moses, or the Prophets, but is written in of all the corrupt sources, the Babylonian Talmud. We judge these words of Paul contained in the 1 Corinthians 14:34-37 and also in I Timothy 2:12 to be not of God but belong to the corrupt teachings of the Scribes, Pharisees and Lawyers – who Christ Himself continually derided as making the Law of Moses of none effect.

Nehemiah 10:28 And the rest of the people, the priests, the Levites, the porters, the singers, the Nethinims, and all they that had separated themselves from the people of the lands unto the law of God, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, every one having knowledge, and having understanding;
We observe here that in the days of Nehemiah the men stood beside their women their sons and their daughters -- without partition, and all receved wisdom and understanding from the same Spirit -- and this is in a figure the "greater glory of latter house." And the test of this wisdom and understanding by the Spirit is these wives and daughters prlocaliming that which they have seen and heard toe to toe with the men and their sons. This is the prophecy of Joel, this is Pentecost, This is walking in the Spirit.

Numbers 11:25-27 And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease. But there remained two of the men in the camp, the name of the one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad: and the spirit rested upon them; and they were of them that were written, but went not out unto the tabernacle: and they prophesied in the camp.

We see here, in a figure in Moses, that the Lord was, by His Spirit, going to bring the wall of partition down between the tabernacle, and the mixed multitude of the encampment of the congregation.  For when the outpouring of the Holy Ghost occurred in their midst under the law, the men were separated by a partition from the woman and the stranger – in that day the Lord gave forth a sign when Eldad and Medad prophesied without the camp among the women and strangers that those that were to partake of the Spirit were not only men, and elders and the chiefest among the congregation, but that the Spirit was to be partaken of by the gentiles and women and children, even the babes among them..

And Joel prophesied that it God’s Spirit would fall upon ALL flesh. That it would fall not only upon His men but upon His handmaidens as well.
n Acts, chapter two, Peter then declared to be exactly what was demonstrated in the midst of Jerusalem that day.  So we need to understand that on that day, men and women in Acts 2:4 stood side by side, shoulder to shoulder on the streets of Jerusalem as the Spirit gave them utterance, (This was God’s choosing, not men’s) speaking in other tongues, preaching and proclaiming the wonders of God to all those around them.

And for this Spirit falling upon and enabling handmaidens to prophesy and preach and teach what they have seen and heard, Peter declares:

Acts 2:39 For the promise (of this pouring out of God’s Spirit) is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the LORD our God shall call.

Therefore, I declare unto you, that whosoever denies those who would walk in the Spirit to minister or to speak in their midst, whether they be male or female, or slave, or free, the same is at enmity with God.  And whoso shall deny Christ to speak through another unto him whether they be male or female, slave or free, is none of His.

Therefore, we conclude by the Spirit, that those who would seek to undo or to inhibit in any way what the Lord hath joined together through the destruction of the wall of partition of the law, are of like spirit of those who were spoken of as being members of the concision, who set about to strip the liberty that we have received of His Spirit and to again bring us under bondage of the flesh, casting out from their midst all those, whether male, female, slave, or free, who would seek to walk in the Spirit and obey the word that proceedeth from the mouth of the father.

And so the question comes; if the Spirit of Lord rested upon Rebekah to the saving of her household, should she then have held her peace in favor of her husband Isaac, and obeyed him, rather than speak forth and perform the word of the Lord?  God forbid!  For such actions would not be submission in obedience as unto the Lord as men would suppose, but according to the Law of Spirit, such actions would be in direct disobedience to the Lord and Master of all things.

1 Corinthians 7:15-16 But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage (of the Law) in such cases: but God hath called us to peace. For what knowest thou, O wife, whether thou shalt save thy husband? or how knowest thou, O man, whether thou shalt save thy wife?
This not knowing, is one who does not yet know the voice of the Lord. This not knowing, is the carnal mind and flesh in us that would spy out the land all around us and seek greener pastures elsewhere for our own pleasure and personal gratification because we deserve better, we are not happy here, and our desire to be served and pleasured is not being met.  But oh sinner, these are not the questions for one to ponder.  Have you met the Lord in the pit in which you were dug?  Have you seen His glory and heard His voice as Joseph did?  Have you indeed been defrauded and lost all as Christ allowed to be done unto Him?  For the issue is not your husband or wife; it is you and your corrupt walk filled with your own will, your own wants, and your own desires, and until you are changed, until conversion and light comes upon your soul, you shall carry the darkness within you no matter what field you go to.. But, if you will seek the Lord with all your heart, and serve your husband or wife whom you can see, as you would Him who you cannot see, then my blessings shall fall upon thee and thy household and upon all thy seed.

When Christ said, “No man can serve two masters,” this especially comes into play in the households of those who are unequally yoked (90% of all believers) where one serves Christ and the other serves the god of this world.  The household can not serve both and thus builds enmity between the man and the woman – it is the wineskin that bursts and all the seed therein is spilled out on the ground and all are marred.

Rebekah was not of this mind. Instead, she, like Philip and Stephen, (who waited tables in the church of Jerusalem in the book of Acts) was filled with the Holy Ghost.  Though she was a woman of prayer, she was a woman of great humility.  Nowhere in scripture does she bring a single charge to her husband, even though he is in obvious deep trouble with God.  Nowhere does she deface him despite his grave disobedience and omissions.  Instead, she serves and Agapes him whom she has seen as unto Him who she has not seen.

1 John 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

I have seen all too many wives over the years that believe they have this incredibly deep relationship with God and in every way possible they let everyone know that their husband is not so, and frequently this is done in front of him.  In church, these same women sit cold and indifferent next to their husbands.  I have observed them rebuff their husbands for even the smallest bit of public affection as being unchaste and unholy.  Yet, when they give testimony, pray, or share the least little bit, they are all aglow and gushing with emotion of their walk with God and what He is saying and doing.

I John 4:20 If a wife says, I Love God and despises her husband she is a liar; for she that agapes not her husband whom she hath seen, how can she claim she agapes God whom she hath not seen?

Salvation comes to households, not to churches.  A church is merely a meeting of saved households.  And if the truth be known, the center of the household is the husband and the wife and the marriage bed.

The cancer that the enemy has set between husbands and wives to the destruction of households has now come to roost in the local church.  Assemblies today are filled with the wreckage of shattered households.  These churches are filled with the divorced, filled with believers living in adultery, filled with couples not speaking to each other, filled with people who use going to church as a weapon to their husband or mate, and others who are on the verge of divorce and separation.  What this is really about, is the devil trying to induce the whole of the church to abort itself in abject defiance of commandment 00001.  And of this we have many things to say but we shall save much of this for another article so as not to weary our hearers.

Even though Isaac was obviously in deep trouble with God, and despite his grave disobedience and troubling omissions, Rebekah in scripture, brings no railing accusation against Isaac.  She does not slap Isaac around with her prayers, her relationship with God and her exploits in God.  She does not withhold herself as a carrot and stick to gain control over him and “bring him around,” it is more in the order of her humility, her diligence, and her unconditional, overflowing love.

Romans 12:20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.

Romans 12:20 Therefore wives if thine difficult and disobedient husband hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head.
This hunger and thirst encompasses a lot more than giving him a cup of cold water and a dry piece of toast.  This is the wife making herself as Christ did, a servant of no reputation.  This is the ek-klesia serving the Lord with all their heart, all their soul, and all their strength.  This is the wife becoming the weakened and compromised husband’s Ezer and Boethos to the saving of the household.  And the core of this household is in the marriage bed, for as we commune with the Lord, so is the husband and wife to commune together and when it is working with God, you sense his presence and anointing and when it is working between a husband and wife you should sense and feel rippling coals of fire.

Hebrews 11:20 By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.
This should read: By faith Rebekah usurped Isaac’s express wishes and caused Isaac to bless Jacob above Esau and thereby placing the blessing of Abraham upon all of Israel’s seed to this day.

John 21:18 Verily, verily, I say unto thee, When thou wast young, thou girdest thyself, and walkedst whither thou wouldest: but when thou shalt be old, thou shalt stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird thee, and carry thee whither thou wouldest not.
Jesus speaking to Peter says: “Simon-Peter, while you are young you gird yourself as you will. You are able to prepare yourself for ministry, and go in and out as you will – but the hour will come when you are old, when you no longer will be able to gird yourself and you will come to depend on others to gird you, and that day, you will no longer be your own, but will be carried in and out by others where they will.”

Genesis 27:13 And his mother said unto him: Upon me be thy curse, my son: only obey my voice, and go fetch me them. And he went, and fetched, and brought them to his mother: and his mother made savoury meat, such as his father loved.
We find this same girding here with Jacob. – Scripture says that Jacob was a plain man – a man of no special talents – And Rebekah is here to see that this man of no talent receives the promise of the Lord.  This is a demonstration of the ministry of helps.  The ministry of helps is not the one who tows around a mop bucket or cleans the church between meetings as men have said.  It is a ministry given by the Spirit – and therefore one must be endowed by the Spirit to do such and its service cannot be performed or even duplicated by the flesh.  Christ did not die on the cross and send the Holy Ghost so that some building might be cleaned 2-3 times a week or the water in the toilet might be blue or green.

Here we clearly see that Rebekah is the one who girds him, when Jacob lay helplessly before the Lord.  She first watched for this day occupying her time with Agape love towards her husband and to Jacob.  When the hour comes, Rebekah gives Jacob the word of the Lord and he obeys as unto the Lord even as he saw his mother do since he rested upon her knee.  It is Rebekah then that prepares the goat, skinning it and butchering it, for Jacob, the man of no discernable talents, cannot gird himself in this.  It is Rebekah that cooks the goat into a savory meal, for Jacob, the man of no discernable talents, cannot gird himself in this either.

When Jacob is afraid, Rebekah also rehearses Jacob in what he is to say and do, for Jacob, the man of no discernable talents, cannot gird himself in this either.

When Jacob fears a curse upon him if he fails, it is Rebekah that girds him in shielding him with her own body to protect him.  When Jacob says he is smooth skinned and Esau is hairy, it is Rebekah that not only hears from the Lord the answer to gird Jacob in goatskin, and when Jacob can not even do this himself, she does not rebuke him or demand he pick himself up by his own boot straps, Rebekah, without word, then girds Jacob with the goatskin.  And, when Jacob is afraid with the meal in hand, it is Rebekah that nudges him into the tent.

I want you to see how much Rebekah became Jacob’s Ezer and Boethos.  I want you to see how much her actions mirror the way Christ and the Holy Ghost speak and minister unto us.  Nowhere in this does she speak for and of herself.  She truly becomes the selfless, nameless servant even as Sarah’s handmaidens had taught and demonstrated before Rebekah when she was first brought to Sarah’s tent.

The name Rebekah is a compound Hebrew word “Rib” and “Qa” In Strong’s Concordance we are told Rebe-kah means; “choice calf” (which should be understood as fruitful calf) To go along with this notion of choice being fruitful we see that 7235 Raba means: “to be abundantly fruitful” and in 7250 we see Raba means’ ‘to sexually lie down with” However the second part of her name “Qa” is 6895 Qabab which means: “To curse, or To be cursed.”

So Rebekah’s name in the Hebrew really means; “She that will bring forth the fruit (or seed) of the curse.”  We see now that Rebekah’s name foretells of her giving birth to the two seed lines, in one of whom all the earth shall be blessed and in the other that all the earth shall be cursed.  For in her womb, as two brothers, are Christ and the Antichrist, the seed of the righteous and the seed of the serpent.

One may ask how are both lines the seed of the curse.  It is through Eve’s sin and the sealing of it by Adam that all of the creation was made subject to the curse.

Romans 5:12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

And after the fall, God prophesied to Adam and Eve of this coming event in Rebekah and thereby, all their seed was to look to this day - from this would spring forth redemption.

Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. (and) it (the seed of the serpent) shall bruise thy head, and thou (the seed of the righteous) shalt bruise his heel.

All of this has been a great mystery and has been hid from the church and all its theologians for over 1800 years.  But thank God that He is opening these things to us once again – that we might see once again the hope of His calling that is unto us.

The name Jacob is also a compound word in the Hebrew 3290 “Ya” and  “Qob’ Which Strong’s say means: One who follows, One who replaces, or One who follows after the heel. This is a very corrupt translation because neither of the two Hebrew words making up Jacobs name have the word follow, replace or the word heel in it.  – This is an interpretation not a translation that is based on the text and not the Hebrew itself.  Further when I was in Bible School, we were taught that Jacob’s name meant trickster, supplanter, or deceiver.  I now am able to judge by what God has revealed by His Spirit that this is false, it is also in interpretation which is passed upon Esau’s or the Fierce King’s or Mohammad’s or the Antichrist’s or Satan’s POV.

Genesis 27:36 And he (Esau) said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? For he hath supplanted me.

And since this blind and corrupt interpretation rang forth, it has been taught in all quarters, like so many of the other teachings and doctrines of men that have beset the church, which came not from the word that proceedeth from the Father, nor from words that the Holy Ghost teacheth, but it proceedeth from the prince of darkness.  For this interpretation not only maligns the name of Jacob and distorts his testimony. (I have heard many over the years question how God could love such a crooked conniving liar like Jacob?  And only the notion of Calvinism could be cited as the answer. ) But this doctrine has done more than malign Jacob – this false interpretation of Jacob’s character has been imposed upon the whole of Judaism. (How can the Jews be God’s chosen people. . .)  Further, this false interpretation distorts the whole of scripture -- and brings accusation against God for loving one who purportedly walked in the spirit of the father of lies.  And by guile and deceit, he took the birthright and by guile and deceit and deception he took the blessing of Abraham.  And by deceit deception and using witchcraft he spoiled Laban’s household also.  It is important to note that this blasphemy is not only spoken of and taught in the church, but this unrighteousness and sin is spoken of in agnostic and atheist and Islamic websites as well.

Now we will see for ourselves if these things be so or not.

The name Jacob is also a compound word in the Hebrew 3290 “Ya” and “Qob’. The first word in the Hebrew is 3257 “Ya” which means Shovel (for altar fires). This is extremely significant.  And the second word is 6895 “qabab’ which means: To curse or to be cursed

As I mentioned elsewhere, the revelation that the Lord speaks to me is progressive, and He speaks as pleases Him, line upon line and here a little and there a little, so it is best to read the oldest articles first and the newest last.

Here now is an excerpt from “Whom Do Men Say Adam is?”

Genesis 2:21-22  And the LORD God caused a deep sleep (Heb. Nabu Greek Ek-Stasis) to fall upon Adam, and he slept: (Heb Yasen) and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.

The Nabu of God is the spirit of prophecy. Ek-Stasis is high prophecy where one is said to be beside themselves.

The following is from my Hebrew Interlinear: But for Adam was not found a helper suited to him. And Jehovah God made to fall on Adam the Nabu Spirit of God.  And he slept (Yasen became still or inactive) and He (God) took from the side of the Adam and closed up the flesh underneath and the Jehovah God formed from that which he had taken from the Adam and brought her unto the Adam. And said the Adam this is now at last bone from my bones and flesh of my flesh and bone of my bone for this shall now be called woman.

 The word for woman in the Hebrew is “Issa.” The root word is Es “Flame” or “Fire” Issa in Hebrew is actually “Altar of Fire.”

The Nabu Spirit of God fell on Adam, and Jehovah God began to speak through Adam’s own lips as God later did with Moses, Samuel, David, and the prophets.  And by this utterance of tongues of men and of angels, Eve grew out from Adam’s side.  And the Lord Jehovah separated Eve from Adam and formed her into the image and likeness of Adam, and when God was finished He showed her to Adam.  And as Adam did with all the other animals before so did he with her.  But scripture notes here that something different happened this time.  And Adam seeing what Jehovah had created for him Adam prophesied with the Nabu Spirit of God yet upon him.  And Adam said: Now this is at last bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh for this shall now be called woman.  Adam did not call her by the Spirit of God “female man” or “wife of man” as men have taught. – Adam prophetically called her Issa in the Hebrew,Altar of Fire.”

We now look once more at Jacob’s name in the Hebrew
The name Jacob in the Hebrew is
3290 “Ya” and “Qob’. The first word in the Hebrew is 3257 “Ya” which means Shovel (for altar fires). And the second part of Jacob’s name in Hebrew is: 6895 “Qob” or “Qabab” which mean: To curse or to be cursed. What Jacob’s name in the Hebrew means is: He who shall remove the curse. And that curse is the curse that fell upon the whole of mankind after the fall.

Genesis 3:16-19 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee. And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life; Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field; In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

What you are reading here is a curse that limits fruitfulness – both to the woman and to the man.  In Jacob, this fruitfulness is restored unto Israel and all his seed and through Christ; this fruitfulness was given also unto the church.  This is an extremely important step in God’s plan of salvation and the redemption of men.  But with the doctrines and traditions of men this has been utterly shrouded and instead, Jacob, and all of Israel, and the word of God and even God himself, have all been maligned and called into question by what takes place here.  And this shows how angry the devil was and still is over this intervention of God, besides the virgin birth and speaking in tongues; this is the single passage of Scripture that is attacked the most.  And as we have already noted this unrelenting withering attack is not just from perverted “Christians,” but from Atheists, Agnostics, Humanists, and most notably, Islam.  To this day, the whole of the seed of the seed of the serpent is in an uproar over this passage of scripture, as is their father, the devil.

Genesis 27:15-17 And Rebekah took goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau, which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob her younger son: And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck: And she gave the savoury meat and the bread, which she had prepared, into the hand of her son Jacob.

We need to note here that as John the Baptist had the Spirit of the Lord upon him from his mother’s womb, so the Spirit of the Lord was upon Jacob from his mother’s womb.  And as the spirit of the serpent is declared to be upon the Antichrist in the Book of Revelation, so was the spirit upon Esau from his mother’s womb.  So in the womb of Rebekah, these two seeds were at enmity and perpetual war.  When Esau came out first and stepped upon Jacob’s head and bruised it, so by the Spirit of God, Jacob was strengthened and reached out with power while yet in the womb and bruised Esau’s heal.

When Esau came in and asked for Jacob’s pottage, it was not as men have corruptly said that Jacob tricked or deceived Esau.  It is by the Spirit of the Lord that Jacob spoke and made his request known, and because it was a righteous request, Esau could not refuse the word of the Lord that proceeded out of the mouth of Jacob.

Here again is the Lord speaking to this supplanting in an older article. Whom Do Men Say Adam Is And I marvel now at these words

As bad as things were the day that Adam and Eve fell from grace, with the man Adam and the Woman upon on the ropes, the devil having successfully supplanted the man not once but twice taking his birthright, and then taking away from him dominion of all of creation the devil was not able at that time to fully implement his plan for the man and the woman yet lived, and he knew all too well that it was through their seed that he was to be undone.

Rest assured that God was not stunned that Adam had fallen and He did not wring His hands knowing not what to do.  Before Adam dropped the pit from the fruit, God said: “I so love this man Adam, I shall redeem him.”  And God set in motion the plan of redemption.

And here again in a later Moses Speaking on the Tribulation and End Times, the Lord further speaks on this supplanting and links the event to Esau

Luke 4:5-6 And the devil, taking Christ up into an high mountain, shewed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the devil said unto Christ, All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it.
This was the birthright of Adam that traded in order to temporarily receive temporary sustenance for his flesh -- that is to say Eve. And like unto Esau, the man Adam though he cried with great tears of repentance, and howled with great anguish such as has never been heard in the earth before or since – there was no place of repentance found for him.  For that day, Adam saw he had been supplanted not once, but twice. (As also Esau was) The man Adam not only had lost his birthright, but the man that had created from the red earth no longer could receive of that greater life or greater witness of the father, and thus was banished from the Garden.

When I wrote these words I saw by the Spirit both times, Jacob despoiling Esau.  But I had no understanding of what I saw, other than that Adam had been despoiled twice.  I drew no significance to it other than Adam had been despoiled twice.  But for reasons unknown to me, the Lord has once again visited me with His grace as it has pleased him, to make known to my unfruitful understanding that in Jacob, Esau was despoiled twice and what had been taken by the serpent from Adam was taken back from the seed of the serpent by Christ in Jacob.  This was a foreshadowing in Israel of what Christ was to accomplish on the Cross and by His Resurrection for the whole of mankind when He led captivity (he who captured all of humanity) captive.

Genesis 27:15-17 And Rebekah took goodly raiment of her eldest son Esau, which were with her in the house, and put them upon Jacob her younger son: And she put the skins of the kids of the goats upon his hands, and upon the smooth of his neck: And she gave the savoury meat and the bread, which she had prepared, into the hand of her son Jacob.

Rebekah was an intelligent woman, and coming into this, she knew full well that dressing Jacob in Esau’s clothes would not fool Isaac.

Her cooking goat instead of venison along with some of her homemade bread could NEVER pass for Esau’s cooking.  Any husband knows his wife’s cooking from someone else’s.

And, putting wiry rough thick goatskin on Jacob’s arms and chest could NEVER pass for hairy human arms.

The things that the Lord had her to do, and had her son Jacob to obey her in, could not fool a blind man.

Jacob would have been quite a site wearing the garments of one who stood head and shoulders above him, goatskin tied to his arms and chest and carrying in a completed different meal than was requested.

Jacob was not a child, but a 40 year old man of a humble spirit, and did not want to do this at all.  He was afraid and probably looked on with horror as to what the Lord, through his mother, laid out what he was to say and do and dress up like. – This was not done to fool Isaac, for the Lord needed none of this to do so.  This was the Lord testing Jacob’s faith – in his obedience, to see if Jacob would obey His voice regardless of how humiliating or crazy it may have seemed.

We see this same thing done over and over in scripture: Israel looking upon a brass serpent on a pole and being healed, Moses striking a rock and water gushing out, Israel marching around Jericho, a man who receives super human strength as long as his hair is not cut, Gideon’s army of three hundred men that lap water like dogs and are armed only with pitchers and lamps, and in the New Testament, we read of the blind man who walks all through Jerusalem with mud on his eyes.

All of these were tests of the Lord to prove whether the hearer of the word that proceedeth would take heed unto the Lord, or go in their own way.  In scripture we read of the deeds of those that would be led by the Spirit and follow the lamb wherever he leads.

We live in a corrupt and sinful generation, where the preachers, teachers, and evangelists all pour over these scriptures seeking patterns wherewith they can bind God and make Him their servant to heal and deliver and do miracles, signs and wonders at their beck and call.  The Lord compasses sea and land in this hour to find one that would seek Him as Abraham did, as Sarah did, as Rebekah did, as Jacob did, as Joseph did, as Moses did, as Joshua did, as Samuel did, and as David did, but he cannot find one with a heart after Him as was in these men and women.

So, because of Jacob’s discerning the word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Father coming from the mouth of a woman –even his mother, the Lord was pleased to give the promise that was first spoken to Abraham, who we might add followed the Lord diligently having himself never seen the promise, into the hands of Jacob that was to see the promise’s first leaf before he passed from the land of the living.

Jacob walked in the Spirit and was not made subject to the letter of the Law, thus pleasing the Lord and received, at the hand of Isaac, a better promise.  The promise that had been first taken from Adam by the father of Esau, even the serpent.

Genesis 27:36 And Esau said, Is not he rightly named Jacob? for he hath supplanted me these two times: he took away my birthright; and, behold, now he hath taken away my blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a blessing for me?

Romans 8:1There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Romans 8:4 That the righteousness of the law (Not the Letter of the Law) might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

Romans 3:21But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Romans 3:28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

Romans 4:13 For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.
In Romans 8:4, the righteousness of faith is call the righteousness of the Law and it is declared to be done by walking in the spirit, not in the flesh.  The letter pertains to the flesh, but the righteousness or spirit of the law supercedes the letter.

Romans 4:14 For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:
The letter of the Law is the faith of the Pharisee and it voids out the righteousness or the spirit of the law.  By the legalism of the letter of the law, no man is saved or justified before God, as it is by obedience to the spirit or the righteousness of the Law.  It is Christ’s obedience to the word that proceedeth that saves and delivers.  This is why no matter how hard men try to derive patterns in scripture to trap God and enslave Him to fulfill their perverse and corrupt desires, the Lord cannot be taken by the guile of men, even when they quote and warp their lusts in scripture, for it is contrary to the spirit or the righteousness of the law.

Romans 4:16 Therefore it is of faith (The righteousness of the Law - it is of the spirit of the law and is obtained only by obedience that can discern it’s voice and call), that it might be by grace; charis (the entering is the gift of God) to the end the promise (the promise to Abraham) might be sure to all the (righteous) seed;
In other words God opens and closes the gates of the sheepfold by the righteousness and spirit of the Lord, and only those that are given the gift to hear and understand can enter in to partake of the promise.  Therefore, the Lord is able to keep the ek-lektos pure and unspotted.  Because salvation and the entering therein is run by God alone, and you have to walk and have a history with God and be tested and proven as Adam, Christ, and Abraham and Jacob, before he shall allow you to enter therein.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.
And sin did not find out Tamar, Rebekah and Jacob, Naomi and Ruth, not David when

Ezekiel 36:27 And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them.

1 John 3:24And he that keepeth (Obeyeth) his commandments (the word that proceedeth – the spirit of the law, the righteousness of the law) dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit (Indwelling Spirit that liveth and speaketh in us) which he hath given us.

1 John 4:13 Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

So the question comes then, if this these things be so, and Rebekah and her obedience is so important, where is it in the New Testament?

Titus 2:3-5 The aged women (Greek; “The Woman elders”) likewise, that they be in behaviour (Greek; “Bright lights” Kat-astemate to arrange in order. “Aster: means to shine brightly as a star, “Asteios” means to be fair comely and beautiful)  as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine,(that they may be) teachers of good things; (what is righteous) That they may teach the young women to be sober (To be sober is not in the Greek), to love their husbands, to love their children, To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, (Greek Oiko-upous overseers of the house) good, obedient (Upo-tasso to submit one self, to render obedience, to place one under subjection. The same word is used in Luke 2:51 And Christ went down with them, (His parents) and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them. Ephesians 5:24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.) to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed (Greek: (is much milder) Spoken evil of).

A better reading of Titus 2:3-5 would be: The woman elders should be bright lights of holiness, not false accusers, or given to much wine, but teachers of good things, that they might teach (and instruct) the younger women, (as Sarah, Rebekah and Naomi) as teachers of righteousness, to Phileo their husbands, to phileo the children, to be discrete, (In their service unto the Lord) to be chaste, to be guardians of their home (Like Rebekah) Filled with goodness, and placing themselves in subjection to their OWN husbands (as Sarah did, As Rebekah did, As Christ also placed himself in subjection to his own parents and as also the Church is to be subject to Christ alone her husband.)

Since we see demonstrably that the only text Titus could be speaking from is in Genesis, concerning where Rebekah by faith girded Jacob. We see clearly now that Titus declares when Rebekah usurped Isaac’s authority and Isaac’s express wishes, she was acting as the guardian of her own household.  Titus declares here that Rebekah was discrete and that her actions were not self-seeking, but chaste, and that she did so because she loved her husband and loved God’s seed.  In other words, Rebekah not only became Jacobs Ezer and Boethos, but she became Isaac’s Ezer and Boethos when he no longer could help and protect himself.

Now I want to draw you to the Apostle’s next words:
Titus 2:6-9 Likewise exhort the young men to be discrete. In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity, Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you. Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again;
This will come as a shock to some, but who is it that is exhorting these young men here?  By context, it is still the elder women who are the guardians of the husband’s household and acting as Rebekah as she exhorted and commanded Jacob.  And again in verse 9, who is it that is exhorting these servants to be obedient to their masters?  It is these elder women, who are the guardians of their husband’s households that are once again exhorting and teaching (male and female) servants to be subject to her husband as she also is.  This also appears to be a reference to Sarah’s nameless, selfless handmaidens whom she brought up in the fear and admonition of the Lord and to love and serve her husband.  So after her death, these in Sarah’s stead taught Rebekah the fear and admonition of the Lord, to love and serve her husband.

I feel to stop here, because to further speak would be to dilute the precious things that the Lord has graciously illumined here.