2009 Mohammed Most Popular Baby Name in Dutch Cities

Two years ago this occurred in the UK, Now in the Netherlands, we are viewing signs and wonders for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. In nation after nation small populations of Muslims have been made more fruitful over native populations that are 10 fold 20 fold and 30 fold larger than the Muslims. In a recent article it is now estimated that in 2050 in several european nations the Muslim populations will exceed the native populations of those nations.

The reporters who have written many of these articles over-simplistic are short sighted as the Muslims do not need 51% of the population to overthrow and rule a nation. First once they reach between 15-18 % of the population they will begin to effectively rule these Democratic nations by the ballot box, as only 40-50% of Europeans vote in any given election. So that percentage wise in an election Muslims at that time will exceed 30% of the total voting electorate as every Muslim votes, and every Muslim votes as a block.

In that day the Parliments of these nations will be stacked with 30% or more Muslims making them the ruling party of each one of these nations and from then on all legislation will be dictated by Muslims in these European Nations.

Even before this occurs right now as it stands these small populations of Muslims are able to swing elections because they vote as a block, and the liberal, the green, the socialist, and the communist parties of Europe WILL align themselves with the Muslims to keep themselves in power over conservatives. And for their voting for liberal, green, socialist, and communist government officials the Muslims are being paid off with legislation.

Shortly it shall come to pass that it will be made illegal in these European Nations to preach the Gospel to Muslims. And in that day the staff of the church will be broken over Europe and the fate of these nations and peoples sealed.

Ask yourself this: Have I seen or heard of even one of these nations and peoples cry out to God concerning their coming overthrow? Have I seen or heard of even one Church or Denominations that has cried out to God concerning their coming overthrow? Have I seen or heard of in any one of these European Nations stepped up efforts by any church or denominations to preach the Gospel and convert their nation's Muslim populations to Christianity?

Thus it is written that these nations and peoples have been blinded, and their heads are full of dross . . .

THE HAGUE, 13/08/09 - Mohamed is by far the most popular name for babies in the Netherlands' four major cities. Additionally, many more boys are called Mohamed than the statistics suggest, Elsevier magazine reported yesterday.

Party for Freedom (PVV) MPs Geert Wilders and Sietse Fritsma requested the cabinet in written questions this week for a Top 7 of the most popular names in the big cities and for the Netherlands as a whole. Elsevier already received this data from the Social Insurance Bank (SVB).

The SVB data shows that in the four major cities - Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague and Utrecht - Mohamed (and the variations thereon like Mohammed and Muhammed) is by far the most frequently given name among boys. In The Hague, the various variants of the name of the Islamic Prophet even take first, second and fifth place in the Top 5.

In Amsterdam, Mohamed and Mohammed come first and fourth, and Mohamed also comes top in Utrecht. In Rotterdam, Jayden is the most popular name, but if the various spellings of the Islamic prophet are combined, his name is also the unchallenged number one there.

SVB generally only publishes national baby-naming statistics. Elsevier comments that the various ways of writing 'Mohamed' are also regarded by SVB as different names - as a result of which this name misleadingly fails to appear in the Top 20 nationally, the magazine notes. If the four most customary spellings of 'Mohamed' are combined, the prophet's name comes 16th nationwide.