Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon
Rising Balloon



A virtual Tour
(Page 2)

We now begin our tour which is already in progress . . . 
(In a few weeks I hope to have more film developed.) 

After unrolling the balloons envelope a powerful gasoline powered fan is then turned on while the bottom of the hot air balloon is held open. 

Fan Inflation Balloon Inflation
And amazingly enough in a matter of minutes these four story tall balloons were fully inflated and ready for the introduction of hot air.
Fan Inflation First burst of fire

Climbing into the basket the pilot then gives the first long burst of flame from the propane burner right down the center of the balloon. 

Another long Burst of Flame Close up

By about the fourth 20 second burst the balloon begins to rise up from its vertical position on the ground.

Balloon righting itself Balloon Righting itself

And then almost miraculously the balloon with little more than heated air in it not only aright's itself  but the basket attached to it as well. 

Balloons righting themselves Sam Racina and Passengers

Once everything is in position the passengers then board, and after recieving a briefing on flight etiquet and ballooning safety they are now ready to take off. 

Liftoff Liftoff

Giving a few short bursts on the propane burner the balloon begins gently rising.  I am told that it feels a lot like  floating on an air matress in a backyard pool. 

Click on the balloon to continue your Virtual Tour

Twin Balloons


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